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Inclusive WASH Introduction Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive WASH Introduction Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive WASH Introduction Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

2 What to expect from this webinar… We will Have a go at this new mode of learning and discussion Discuss WASH and its importance Discuss inclusive WASH and where to start Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

3 Today’s session Webinar introduction - test some of the features What is WASH and why is it important Discussion time Why inclusive WASH and getting started Discussion time Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

4 Poll questions Have you participated in a webinar before? Have you thought of someone you will interview? Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

5 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene W = Domestic water supply – especially water used for drinking and “washing” ( hands, food utensils, bodies, clothes) What is WASH? The big 3 – water, sanitation, and hygiene

6 S= Sanitation – can refer to a range of issues, but generally and this context the main element is safe disposal or reuse of excreta (especially human excreta). Solid waste and storm water are some other elements Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

7 What is WASH? The big 3 – water, sanitation, and hygiene H=Hygiene – hand washing (with soap) especially after defecation and before eating, using a toilet, storing water in the home. Could also include bathing, nail cutting and cleaning, clothes washing Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

8 Why is WASH important? Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Scientific impacts Approximately 2.4 million people (mainly children under 5 ) die each year from water related diseases – especially diarrhoea Diarrhoea is the second biggest killer of children under 5 in the world Diarrhoea is mainly caused by ingesting an infective dose of human faces ( infected with pathogens such as shigella, rotavirus, cholera) Most diarrhoea can be prevented by the safe disposal of human excreta, hand washing at critical times and drinking safe water

9 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Why is WASH important?

10 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Social /Economic Impacts Time saved collecting water – typically 1-2hours per household per day. What do people do with this time? rest, economic activities Less money spent on medicines, less time off sick More schooling, especially for girls if schools have toilets Greater gender equity

11 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Human Rights Access to water and sanitation are basic human rights Currently nearly 900 million people lack access to safe water and 2.6billion lack access to improved sanitation – MDG 7

12 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Why is inclusive WASH important? Access to water and sanitation are basic human rights Access for all is better for all.

13 Inclusion is ensuring that all are able to participate fully Inclusion is not just about improving access to services, but also supporting people to engage in wider processes to ensure that their rights and needs are recognised. Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

14 Equity is the principle of fairness Equity involves recognising that people are different and need different support and resources to ensure their rights are realised. To ensure fairness, measures must often be taken to compensate for specific discrimination and disadvantages Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

15 Identity and marginalisation Politicseconomics Social development cultural context Challenges climate change, urbanisation, population growth Sex Age Disability Ethnicity Religion Caste Chronic illness Occupation Sexual orientation Excluded from WASH

16 Who should change, individuals or services? Community/ services Community/ services Service is fixed – users must change to fit in. In this example, the service provides for one type of standard user. Users who are ‘different’, need to get ‘fixed’ – become a ‘standard’ round shape before they can benefit from the service. Source: Hazel Jones (2011) WEDC/WaterAid

17 Community/ services Service has changed - for users of all shapes and sizes. the service has recognised that its users come in all shapes and sizes, and have different needs. It has changed the way it works and now provides a more flexible service to try and accommodate as many as possible. Source: Hazel Jones (2011) WEDC/WaterAid

18 Where to start? Nothing about us without us! Identify barriers Start having a go at solutions Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

19 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Nothing about us without us! Questions to ask What are the issues and barriers you face? How do you overcome these barriers? How do you cope? Have things improved and if so how? What remains to be done?

20 Activities focus on inclusion – disabled people are part of society Source: Coe, S. and Wapling, L. (2010) Travelling together: How to include disabled people on the main road to development, World Vision UK. Social model: Inclusive approach

21 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Identifying the barriers Individual barriers Environmental barriers Social/attitudinal barriers Institutional barriers

22 Source: Hazel Jones (2011) WEDC/WaterAid

23 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene Tool

24 Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

25 Why do you think inclusive WASH is important? What are some factors leading to marginalisation? What are some of the barriers you can immediately identify? Who can you interview? Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

26 Thank you Peter Dwan & Rosie Wheen November 2011 Inclusive WASH - Introduction Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene

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