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How is Enterprise Assessed? A Process of Evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "How is Enterprise Assessed? A Process of Evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 How is Enterprise Assessed? A Process of Evolution

2 Academy Context 1 of 9 Harris Academies Location – Crystal Palace (inner city school) Became an Academy with B&E as its specialism in 2008. Prior to that Harris City Technology College. Number on roll - 1300 8 Form Entry – but only 180 students per Year group Middle Class intake, although very ethnically diverse. 400 students in a hard Federation of 3 schools, soon to become 6. Free School Meals 15% 98% A* - C 88% inc English and Maths 2010 OFSTED Inspection – First School under New OFSTED Criteria to receive outstanding in every category.

3 The Conception! Guidance – Enterprise Across the Curriculum Knowledge Skills



6 Implementation Guidance codes used in medium term planning. Audit carried out to establish where, what and when different elements of the enterprise agenda are delivered. Mapped across the school and gaps identified, using traffic light system Red, Amber and Green Areas identified as needing immediate attention contracted out to specific subjects, Amber areas looked at being further embedded by Thematic Days and stand alone activities. For example financial literacy.

7 SOW Cross Curricular Opportunities WRL / EnterpriseVAK ENT S1 – Students work towards completing a desired outcome, whilst working towards a brief. ENT S2 – Students produce a written production diary to document the design process. ENT S5 – Students carry out independent research tasks as part of their homework. ENT K5 – Students design a functional product working towards a set brief. Visual – Use of on screen prompts and homework booklets. Demonstrations of CAD and CAM equipment. Audio – Listening and carrying out instructions given throughout the unit. Developing designs using verbal feedback form teacher and peers. Kinesthetic – Practical outcomes are achieved via application of laser cutter. Cross Curricular Opportunities WRL / EnterpriseVAK ENT S2 – Communication - Students are able to communicate effectively, any presentation in any context ENT S6 – Team work - Students work collaboratively with their peers Students work in pairs to produce a conversation showing all that they have learnt in this half term. They then present this to the rest of the class. Lessons make use of kinaesthetic, auditory and visual cues catering for a variety of learning styles

8 WRL / EnterpriseVAK WRL2: Learning about work By studying factory conditions in 1800s – learn about basic economic concepts and protests of workers in mills/factories. ENT S1: Thinking Skills Mystery on factory runaways. ENT S4: Presentation. Debate on working conditions. ENT K3: Rights and Responsibilities at Work. Working conditions in 1800s. Visual: Why did countryside look different? Kinesthetic: Role play on factory conditions. SOW

9 Skills Audit Subject Area: ENT S 1 Problem Solving Students demonstrate a problem solving attitude towards difficult challenges ENT S 2 Communicatio n Students are able to communicate effectively ENT S 3 Leadership Students able to demonstrate leadership skills and qualities ENT S 4 Presentation Students able to put together and deliver a presentation ENT S 5 Research Students can independently undertake research ENT S 6 Team Work Students work collaboratively with their peers YR7 Audit



12 Assessment of delivery Learning Walks Mapping Monitoring of Learning (observations – blind and Enterprise specific)

13 Learning Walks

14 Lesson Observation Form

15 Pupil Assessment, Tracking and Evidence Building Skills Cards – stand alone and in planners Enterprise Passport Enterprise Awards Scheme Self Referral system – planners Teacher Referral, via e-portal and Vivo awards

16 Tracey Scarsbrook – Norbury Mannor

17 Enterprise Passport Cathy Girvan Rooks Heath

18 Enterprise Awards Scheme

19 PXS Removed stand alone home works outside of the core. Each subject has two 6 week personal extended enterprise tasks instead In addition once a year all students in Year 7-10 produce a single independent project in any medium they wish around a theme, so far these have been creativity and Enterprise.

20 What is a PXS? What is a Personal eXtended Study (PXS)? It’s a piece of work that is produced entirely by a student or a group of students over a term It’s based on a particular theme A PXS can focus on any aspect of the theme The final form of the PXS is totally up to the student. It can be a webpage, a written project, artwork, a computer generated model, a computer game, a powerpoint, a collection of poetry, a video, anything! It is all a students own work completed by them at home whenever they do not have any homework, also there will be time to do some of the PXS in one designated tutor period each week.



23 Example of the some work?

24 Is Assessing Enterprise De-enterprising? It must be multi faceted and not be levelled. Tracking what skills students develop through a portfolio of work that evidences what they have done is where we are going? Is this assessment? Probably not but does it develop a portfolio of evidence that supports the knowledge and skills the students posses probably

25 Mr James Howarth Vice Principal

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