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1 CS 2710, ISSP 2160 Chapter 12 Knowledge Representation.

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1 1 CS 2710, ISSP 2160 Chapter 12 Knowledge Representation

2 2 KR Last 3 chapters: syntax, semantics, and proof theory of propositional and first-order logic Chapter 12: what content to put into an agent’s KB How to represent knowledge of the world

3 3 Natural Kinds Some categories have strict definitions (triangles, squares, etc) Natural kinds don’t Define a cup (distinguishing it from bowls, mugs, glasses, etc) Bachelor: is the Pope a bachelor? But logical treatment can be useful (can extend with typicality, uncertainty, fuzziness)

4 4 Upper Ontologies An ontology is similar to a dictionary but with greater detail and structure Ontology: concepts, relations, axioms that formalize a field of interest Upper ontology: only concepts that are meta, generic, abstract; cover a broad range of domain areas IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Working Group

5 5 Anything AbstractObjects GeneralizedEvents Sets Numbers RepresentationalObjects Interval Places PhysicalObjects Processes Categories Sentences Measurements Moments things stuff times weights animals agents solid liquid gas Lower concepts are specializations of their parents

6 6 Categories and Objects I want to marry a Swedish woman –Category of Swedish woman? –A particular woman who is Swedish? Choices for representing categories: predicates or reified objects basketball(b) vs member(b,basketballs) Let’s go with the reified version…

7 7 Facts about categories and objects in FOL An object is a member of a category A category is a subclass of another category All members of a category have some properties (necessary properties) Members of a category can be recognized by some properties (sufficient properties) A category as a whole has some properties

8 Before continuing: inspiration for creative reification! From Through the Looking Glass 8

9 9 Relations between categories Two or more categories are disjoint if they have no members in common: –Disjoint(s)  (  c 1,c 2 c 1  s  c 2  s  c 1  c 2  Intersection(c 1,c 2 ) ={}) Example: Disjoint({animals, vegetables}) A set of s categories constitutes an exhaustive decomposition of a category c if all members of the set c are covered by categories in s: –ExDecomp(s,c)  (  i i  c   c 2 c 2  s  i  c 2 ) Example: ExDecomp ({Americans, Canadians,Mexicans},NorthAmericans).

10 10 Relations between categories A partition is a disjoint exhaustive decomposition: Partition(s,c)  Disjoint(s)  E.D.(s,c) Example: Partition({Males,Females},Persons) Is ({Americans,Canadians, Mexicans},NorthAmericans) a partition? Categories can be defined by providing necessary and sufficient conditions for membership  x Bachelor(x)  Male(x)  Adult(x)  Unmarried(x)

11 11 Composite Objects partof(england,europe) All X,Y,Z ((partof(X,Y) ^ partof(Y,Z))  partof(X,Z)) Heavy(bunchOf({apple1,apple2,apple3}))

12 12 Physical composition Often characterized by structural relations among parts. E.g. Biped(a) 

13 WrapUp We covered Chapter 12 through 12.2.1 13

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