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Click to begin Click to begin Mr. Lindenmuth AP CHAPTER 22 Review.

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2 Click to begin Click to begin Mr. Lindenmuth AP CHAPTER 22 Review


4 UnificationMisc. 10 Points 10 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points PoliticsReform 10 Point People

5 Reform FOR 10 Points Back to Game What affected British politics into the 20 th century? It caused political divisions that disrupted normal domestic issues from being resolved. Irish Question (Home Rule)

6 This institution demonstrated a profound cultural gap that separated Russia from the rest of Europe. It was abolished in 1861? Reform FOR 20 Points Back to Game Serfdom

7 What critical mistake did the Ottoman Empire make that led to its eventual collapse? Reform FOR 30 Points Siding with the central powers during WWI Back to Game

8 Who instituted the most extensive restructuring of Russian society and administration since Peter the Great? Reform FOR 40 Points Back to Game Alexander II

9 Term (meaning reorganization) used to describe the era of the Ottoman Empire lasting from 1839 to 1876. The reforms during this era liberalized the economy, ended the practice of tax farming, and sought to eliminate corruption. Reform FOR 50 Points Back to Game Tanzimat

10 What was the most important political development in Europe between 1848 & 1914? Unification FOR 10 Points Back to Game German Unification

11 What were the two strongest states in the German Confederation? Unification FOR 20 Points Back to Game Austria & Prussia

12 He was the most important nationalist leader in Europe. He also brought a new fervor to the hopes of Italian nationalism and unification in the 1830’s and 1840’s. His approach to unification was romantic republicanism. Unification FOR 30 Points Back to Game Giuseppe Mazzini

13 What was the most independent state on the Italian peninsula during the early to mid 1800’s? Unification FOR 40 Points Back to Game Kingdom of Sardinia or Piedmont-Sardinia or Piedmont

14 The German Empire was proclaimed in January 1871. Where did this proclamation take place? Be specific. Unification FOR 50 Points Back to Game Hall of Mirrors Palace of Versailles

15 What ism is Bismarck identified with? Politics FOR 10 Points Back to Game Conservatism

16 What caused political, religious, and racial divisions during the Third Republic in France? Politics FOR 20 Points Back to Game Dreyfus Affair

17 In 1860 the Italian peninsula was transformed into a nation-state under a ____________ monarchy. Politics FOR 30 Points Back to Game constitutional

18 What novelist attacked the conservative institutions in France during the Dreyfus Affair? He wrote an article entitled “J’ accuse” (I accuse) in which he contended that the army had denied due process to Dreyfus and had suppressed or forged evidence. Politics FOR 40 Points Back to Game Emile Zola

19 What did the Ottoman sultan do that angered Russia prior to the Crimean War? Politics for 50 Points Back to Game Care of Holy Place in Palestine assigned to Roman Catholics

20 Who was captured at the Battle of Sedan (1871) during the end of the Franco-Prussian War? He was allowed to go to England where he died in 1873. People FOR 10 Points Back to Game Napoleon III

21 People FOR 20 Points Back to Game Charles Stewart Parnell Who was the leader of the Irish movement calling for home rule?

22 Who was proclaimed king of Italy in March, 1861? He would have a big task in trying to overcome the differing political, social, and economic structures of north and south Italy. People FOR 30 Points Back to Game Victor Emmanuel II

23 Francis Joseph agreed to the __________ (Compromise of 1867) transforming the Hapsburg Empire into a dual monarchy (Austria-Hungary)? People 40 Points Back to Game Ausgleich

24 The revolutionary movement in Russia known as _________ was based off the ideas of Alexander Herzen and other radicals. He was a critic of tsar Alexander II’s reforms. He also published a newspaper called The Bell. People FOR 50 Points Back to Game populism

25 What three countries did Bismarck have to defeat in order to create a German Empire? Back to Game Misc. FOR 10 Points Denmark, Austria, & France

26 What Italian nationalist conquered most of southern Italy? Back to Game Misc. FOR 20 Points Giuseppe Garibaldi

27 What liberal British prime minister supported Irish Home Rule? Back to Game Misc. FOR 30 Points William Gladstone

28 Back to Game Misc. FOR 40 Points What radical group in Russia was dedicated to the overthrow of the autocracy of Alexander II? Basically, they wanted to assassinate the tsar himself. The People’s Will

29 The German-speaking Austrians and the Hungarian Magyars dominated the dual monarchy created by the Compromise of 1867. What nationality became very vocal and wanted a position similar to the Hungarians? Basically, they wanted a triple monarchy. Back to Game Misc. FOR 50 Points Czechs of Bohemia

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