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1 EXPANDING E-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR VIETNAM Presented by Russell Pipe Director of E-Government Programs Kenan Institute Asia – Bangkok at the VIETNAM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EXPANDING E-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR VIETNAM Presented by Russell Pipe Director of E-Government Programs Kenan Institute Asia – Bangkok at the VIETNAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EXPANDING E-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR VIETNAM Presented by Russell Pipe Director of E-Government Programs Kenan Institute Asia – Bangkok at the VIETNAM E-BUSINESS FORUM 2007 Hosted by Ministry of Trade Organized by IDG World Expo Hanoi, Vietnam, January 17-18, 2007

2 2 MARKET LOCAL AND COMMUNITY PRODUCTS USING E-COMMERCE Objective: Create New Markets for Handicrafts and Other Products Made in Villages. Organize Small Enterprises into National Program to Market Local Products in Special Retail Shops (in cities, airports, etc) and through E- Commerce Portal. Provide Training for Product Design, Quality and Establish Pricing System. Arrange for Secure Payment System through Government and Private Banking Services. Coordinate Shipping of Products to Assure Rapid, Reliable Delivery.

3 3 ESTABLISH A SECURE VIETNAM E-PAYMENTS SYSTEM Overcome Buyers and Sellers Concerns over Security, Reliability and Confidentiality of Present Payments Systems Establish an E-Payment System Patterned after PayPal used by eBAY Benefits: Provides –all-in-one payment solution, Accepts Credit Cards, Bank Transfers, Debit Cards from everyone with E-Mail Addresses In More Than 50 Countries. No Account Set Up, Transactions Fees or Other Costs to Buyers. Merchants Pay Low Monthly and Transaction Fees. ESTABLISH A SECURE VIETNAM E-PAYMENTS SYSTEM Overcome Buyers and Sellers Concerns over Security, Reliability and Confidentiality of Present Payments Systems Establish an E-Payment System Patterned after PayPal used by eBAY Benefits: Provides –all-in-one payment solution, Accepts Credit Cards, Bank Transfers, Debit Cards from everyone with E-Mail Addresses In More Than 50 Countries. No Account Set Up, Transactions Fees or Other Costs to Buyers. Merchants Pay Low Monthly and Transaction Fees.

4 4 SECURE PAYMENTS SYSTEM PROVIDES BENEFITS TO MERCHANTS Protection of Sensitive Information Using State-of-the-Art Encryption. Customers Shop and Pay With Credit Cards Directly to Merchant Website. Proprietary Risk Models Help Detect and Predict Fraudulent Transactions. Fees Applied Only After Merchant Receives Money. Special System Used to Reduce Threat of Identify Theft. SECURE PAYMENTS SYSTEM PROVIDES BENEFITS TO MERCHANTS Protection of Sensitive Information Using State-of-the-Art Encryption. Customers Shop and Pay With Credit Cards Directly to Merchant Website. Proprietary Risk Models Help Detect and Predict Fraudulent Transactions. Fees Applied Only After Merchant Receives Money. Special System Used to Reduce Threat of Identify Theft.

5 5 ADOPTION OF POLICIES PROMOTING ELECTRONIC SUPPLY OF SERVICES AND DIGITAL TRADE Implement Measures Approving Supply of Services Employing Computer Processing. Digital Products Means the Digitized Form or Encoding of Computer Programs, Text, Video, Images, Sound Recording, and Other Products Regardless of Whether they are on a Carrier Medium or Transmitted Electronically Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products Created, Produced, Published, Stored, Transmitted, Contracted for, Commissioned of First Made Available on Commercial Terms Outside Vietnam. Customs Duties or Fees Not Imposed on Import or Export of Digital Products. Paperless Trading Documents Encouraged and Accepted Electronically.

6 6 VIETNAM’S FULL COMPLIANCE WITH WTO COMMITMENTS IN SERVICES AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS REFERENCE PAPER Telecom Reference Paper Signed by Nearly 100 Countries Applying WTO Rules to Basic Telecommunications Services. Main Provisions: Access to and Use of Public Telecommunications Services. Major Supplier No Less Favorable Treatment of Other Suppliers. Safeguard to Prevent Anti-Competitive Cross Subsidization. Interconnection Ensured to Suppliers of Public Telecom Services. Flexibility in Choice of Technology to Supply Services. Regulatory Body Established Independent of Operators.

7 7 VIETNAM ENFORCEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT (IPR) PROMOTES FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN SERVICE SECTORS Digital Products Increasingly Viewed as Representing “High Value International Trade” Requiring Strong Protection Acceptance and Enforcement of WIPO Agreements and WTO Texts IPR Applies to: Domain Names on the Internet Encrypted Program Carrying Satellite Signals Protection of Copyrights of Authors from Reproduction and Other Misuses Electronically Trademarks Including Geographic Indicators

8 8 PROMOTE E-GOVERNMENT APPLICATIONS TO GROW E-BUSINESS Government Introduction of E-Government for Delivery of Public Services will Stimulate Expansion of E-Business Private Sector Major Beneficiary by Decreased Costs of Doing Business with the Government, such as Online Licensing, Payment of Taxes and Many Others E-Procurement Makes Government Buying More Transparent, Reduces Business Transaction Costs and Lower Risks for Corruption Government Transactions Online by All Levels will Promote Greater use of IT Across the Vietnamese Economy

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