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Summary of Session 9: Data Analysis Environment and Visualization Brun & Bunn Friday March 28 th 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of Session 9: Data Analysis Environment and Visualization Brun & Bunn Friday March 28 th 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of Session 9: Data Analysis Environment and Visualization Brun & Bunn Friday March 28 th 2003

2 Schedule Monday 14:00-14:20 Hans Essel Go4 v2 Analysis Framework 14:20-14:40 Mark Fischler A Minimization Package in the Object-Oriented Style 14:40-15:00 Rosario De Rosa A GRID solution for Gravitational Waves Signal Analysis from Coalescing Binaries: preliminary algorithms and tests 15:00-15:20 Krzysztof Wrona A ROOT-based Client-Server Event Display for ZEUS 15:20-15:50 Vincenzo Innocente, Stephan Wynhoff CMS Data Analysis + CMS Reconstruction Software ***This talk is 30 minutes long*** 15:50-16:10 David Kirkby The RooFit Toolkit for Data Modeling 16:10-16:30 Break 16:30-17:00 Ianna Osborne IGUANA Architecture, Framework and Toolkit for interactive graphics 30' 17:00-17:20 Daniel Pomarede The Persint visualization program for the ATLAS experiment 17:20-17:40 Simon Patton FAYE, A Java Implement of the Frame/Stream/Stop Analysis Model 17:40-18:00 Riccardo Giannitrapani The FRED Event Display: an Extensible HepRep Client for GLAST 18:00-18:20 Valeri Fine OO model of the STAR offline production "Event Display" and its implementation based on Qt-ROOT Tuesday 14:00-14:20 Bruce Knuteson Quaero: Making HEP collider data publicly available 14:20-14:40 Turri, Massimiliano AIDA: Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis 14:40-15:00 Fons Rademakers Analyse your Data in Parallel using PROOF 15:00-15:20 Tony Johnson JAS3 - A general purpose data analysis framework for HENP and beyond. 15:20-15:40 David Adams DIAL: Distributed Interactive Analysis of Large datasets 15:40-16:00 Jeremiah Mans BlueOx: A Java Framework for Distributed Data Analysis 16:00-16:30 Break 16:30-16:50 Veikko Karimaki Sensor Alignment by tracks 16:50-17:10 Are Strandie Reconstruction of electron tracks with the Gaussian-sum filter 17:10-17:30 Dmitry Emeliyanov Pattern recognition algorithm for HEP applications based on the multiple hypothesis approach 17:30-17:50 Matthew Herndon Review of Tracking Techniques at the CDF Run 2 Detector 17:50-18:10 Marian Ivanov TPC tracking and particle identification in high-density environment 18:10-18:40 Stephan Wynhoff, Pascal Vanlaer Vertex Finding + Robust Vertex Fitting + Vertex Reconstruction ***This talk is 30 minutes long*** Thursday 13:40-14:00 Maria Grazia Pia A toolkit for statistical data comparison 14:00-14:20 Marian Ivanov Data compression using correlations and stochastic processes in the ALICE Time Projection Chamber 14:20-14:40 A Formica Design, implementation and deployment of the Saclay muon reconstruction algorithms in the Athena software framework of the ATLAS experiment 14:40-15:00 Claude Pruneau Integrated Tracker for the STAR experiment 15:00-15:20 Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski HBT Analyser - Particle Correlation Analysis Toolkit 15:20-15:40 Robert Kutschke The BTeV Software Tutorial Suite 15:40-16:00 Matti Peez/Judith Katzy H100: An object oriented physics analysis framework for H1 16:00-16:30 Break 16:30-16:50 Martin Erdmann Physics Analysis Expert (PAX): first applications 16:50-17:10 Riccardo Giannitrapani The Use of HepRep in GLAST 17:10-17:30 Andreas Pfeiffer Anaphe - OO Data Analysis with C++ and Python 17:30-17:50 Maria Grazia Pia Round Table on Software for statistical methods in HEP

3 Monday

4 Event Display for Zeus

5 Go4 v2 Analysis Framework (from GSI, based on ROOT)

6 OO Minimization (FNAL plans)

7 FAYE: Frame/Stream/Stop Analysis Model (Berkeley)

8 CMS Data Analysis

9 RooFit (Data modelling from UCSB & UCI)

10 IGUANA (from CMS)

11 Persint (f90 – for ATLAS)

12 FRED (event display for GLAST)

13 Tuesday

14 Qaero



17 Java Analysis Studio

18 DIAL (Rice)

19 Blue Ox (Princeton)

20 Sensor Alignment by Tracks (CMS, Helsinki)

21 Gaussian Sum Filter (CMS)

22 Tracking at Run2

23 Tracking at ALICE

24 Vertex Fitting - CMS

25 Thursday

26 BTeV Software

27 H1 – OO Analysis

28 Physics Analysis Expert (Karlsruhe)

29 HepRep for GLAST

30 Anaphe (CERN)

31 The End

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