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Let’s Grow and Make Disciples in 2015 Matthew 28:18-20.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Grow and Make Disciples in 2015 Matthew 28:18-20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Grow and Make Disciples in 2015 Matthew 28:18-20

2 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples Before Jesus ascended to Heaven after His resurrection, He gave His disciples… and all the church through the ages this command/ commission with His Power… Matt 28:18 - 20

3 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

4 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples (believers, followers, doers who make more disciples) of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."


6 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples Three truths from the Words of Jesus …and the vision of William Booth. 1. First, you and I who wereonce drowning needed someone to come to us and reach out to us. 2. You and I who are now saved need to be the “reaching-out ones” in the power of the Holy Spirit to those who are drowning.

7 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples 3. There are known obstacles that we need to overcome to be “fruitful” i.e. successfully reach out. - Life’s pleasures - Not equipped - Spiritual dullness due to comforts - Preoccupations with other of life’s distractions - No faith or effort

8 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples Matthew 18:18-20 speaks give us the idea to be like a Lifeguard who saves lives…A Lifeguard is taught the Basics: “Reach” “Throw” “Row” “Go”

9 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples We need to be equipped with tools: 1) Scripture Method – Roman Road

10 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples We need to be equipped with the tools: 1) Scripture Method – Roman Road - Romans 3:23 - Romans 6:23 - Romans 5:8 - Romans 10:9,10

11 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples We need to be equipped with the tools: 2) The Bridge (by the Navigators)

12 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples We need to be equipped with the tools: 3) The 4 Spiritual Laws (By Campus Crusade for Christ) or other Tract such as Pastor Anita’s.

13 Focus for 2015 Grow and Make Disciples We need to be equipped with the tools: 3) The 4 Spiritual Laws (By Campus Crusade for Christ) * God loves you and has a plan. *Man is sinful and separated from God. * Jesus’ death/resurrection is the way * Each person must receive Jesus.

14 Will youin 2015 1. Will you commit to grow this year and lead someone/ or more than last year to Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit leads you? 2.Will you study the scriptures and ways to lead someone to Christ? 3.Will you pray to lead someone to Christ and thus be a disciple ?

15 + If you will, your life will be richly rewarded by a new found joy like you have not felt before. + Someone will be rejoicing in Heaven because you took the time and effort to lead them to Christ. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 Peter 5:4 and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away!

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