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Fill out the map without using an Atlas. New England Middle Southern.

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Presentation on theme: "Fill out the map without using an Atlas. New England Middle Southern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fill out the map without using an Atlas

2 New England Middle Southern

3 What caused early exploration?  Religious Conflict  The Protestant Reformation  Expanding Trade  Competition for trade with India, Africa, and China  Improvement in Technology  Led to creative and innovation

4  The biological encounter of the Eastern and Western Hemisphere  Including: Disease, grains, crops, animals.  Estimated population of Europe in 1492: about 60 million Estimated population of the Americas in 1492: 40- 100 million  Estimated population of Europe in 1800: 150 million Estimated population of the Americas in 1800: 25 million (the vast majority of whom were of European or African descent)

5 Identify the states that made up the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.

6  New England: natural resources included fish, whales, trees and furs. The natural resources were more important than crops because of poor, rocky soil and the short growing season.

7  New England had the Puritans  They broken with the Church of England around 1630 Puritan Migration began  Formed the Massachusetts Bay Colony

8 Puritans who had broke with the Church of England. November 1620 landed in Plymouth Bay Massachusetts  Why was this a problem?  Wanted to go to Virginia  Read Mayflower Compact

9  John Winthrop: Speech on the passage that spelled out utopian goals.  Shame Church of England into real reform  Rich and Poor served one another


11  Pastor who did not agree with Puritans  Banished and went to Narragansett Bay purchased land from Indians and created what we know today as Rhode Island.

12  Was banished by Puritans for arguing against predestination  Moved of Rhode Island

13  A. Public Education  B. Predestination  C. Separation of Church and State  D. Religious Freedom

14  The Middle Colonies were part agriculture, part industrial.  Wheat and other grains grew on farms in PA & NY.  Factories in Maryland produced iron, & factories in Pennsylvania produced paper and textiles.  Trade with England was plentiful in these colonies as well.

15  Most ethnically diverse  No single religion  Puritans, Quakers, Anglicans, Catholics, and Jews.  Proprietary Charters: Which means?  Ownership to individuals by order of the king.  Lord Baltimore wanted haven for Catholics in Maryland

16 Act of Toleration: Lord Baltimore  The f______ colonial statute granting r_______ freedom to all Christians.  Also called for the d______ of anyone who denied the divinity of Jesus.

17 William Penn  Promised Religious Tolerance in PA  All taxpayers and landholders had right to vote  In 1703 gave the lower three counties the right to form their own assembly. What was their name?

18  The climate of the Southern Colonies was the warmest climate of the three colonial regions.  Positive: Not worried much about surviving cold winters.  Negative: the warm, moist climate carried diseases that killed the colonists.  The Southern Colonies were almost entirely agricultural. The main feature was the plantation, a large plot of land that contained a great many acres of farmland.

19  British colonized the area in the hopes of getting raw materials  Such as  British hoped for Trade Markets  English Plantation Owners, Indentured Servants, Transported Criminals, and Slaves.

20  First successful E_____ colony  Begun under the Virginia Company of London  The company guaranteed settlers same rights as those of Englishmen.  1619 Organized 1 st R_______ government: The House of Burgesses.  Economic success was due to tobacco  Corporate Charter?  Joint Stock Company

21 Restoration Colonies  1630’s the English had established six colonies Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.  After the Stuart Restoration in England following the English Civil War  The Carolinas were founded

22 Georgia  The l_____ English colony  Was to protect South Carolina  A place for debtors from E______

23 New York  Settled by the Dutch  In 1664 Duke of York dispatched a force that easily took control of the colony

24 Severe Labor Shortages in the New World  How was this problem addressed?  Indentured Servants: work for someone for a specified period in exchange for passage, food, shelter  Slavery: the first Africans arrived in 1619 aboard a Dutch slave ship

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