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4. Using Blackboard to Individualize learning Dr. Curtis J. Bonk Indiana University

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2 4. Using Blackboard to Individualize learning Dr. Curtis J. Bonk Indiana University

3 Enter Blackboard

4 Enter into Cbonk Summer Institute Test Site in Blackboard

5 Explore Blackboard

6 Go to Course Documents

7 Take Survey

8 Take Quiz

9 Go to Tools and Edit Personal Information

10 Edit Personal Information

11 Go to Tools and Edit Homepage

12 Edit Homepage

13 Go to Discussion Board and Reply to “Active Learning” Thread

14 Discussion Board: Role Play

15 Logout and Enter Role Play Activity as Someone Else (see list of 28 roles and more than 50 names) Sample username and passwords –Connie Chong is cchong and cchong –Bill Gates is bgates and bgates –Al Gore is agore and agore –Anna Freud is afreud and afreud

16 Enter Discussion Board: Role Play and Reply to Online Cheating Thread)

17 Discussion Board: Role Play

18 Create One Discussion Topic or Thread and Respond to the Posting of One or More Peers

19 Enter Communication and go into in Virtual Classroom

20 Enter into Role Play in Virtual Classroom

21 Engage in Role Play in Virtual Classroom (a meeting of the minds)

22 Enter a URL in the Virtual Classroom to Browse

23 Enter into Group Pages from Communications

24 Enter into Group Pages from Communications and Respond to the Thread that is Posted

25 So, what to do now?

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