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WHI.6 Who is so thoughtless and lazy that he does not want to know in what way and with what kind of government the Romans in less than 53 years conquered.

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Presentation on theme: "WHI.6 Who is so thoughtless and lazy that he does not want to know in what way and with what kind of government the Romans in less than 53 years conquered."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHI.6 Who is so thoughtless and lazy that he does not want to know in what way and with what kind of government the Romans in less than 53 years conquered nearly the entire inhabited world and brought it under their rule– an achievement previously unheard of? Polybius




5  Centrally located in the Mediterranean Basin  Distant from eastern Mediterranean powers

6  Italian Peninsula  Soil and climate great for growing food

7 Natural Barriers  Alps: protection to the north  Mediterranean Sea: protection to the south, sea- borne commerce

8  Mythology  Aeneid ▪ Poem by Virgil  Romulus & Remus  Based on Greek polytheism

9 /watch?v=jToagTve4hs

10  Original inhabitants (Latium) built city  City build on seven hills for protection  Etruscans eventually gain control  Build Forum  Establish social classes/social system

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