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Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Topic : vacation Function : talk about places you would like to visit Structures: Would and hope t o for expressing.

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3 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Topic : vacation Function : talk about places you would like to visit Structures: Would and hope t o for expressing desires

4 一、 教材分析 本单元围绕 “Vacations” 展开教学活动,让学生 学习用 “I’d like to / love to…” 和 “I hope to…” 等句 型谈论各自喜欢的旅游胜地,进一步拓展学生的知 识面。 本单元的核心语言项目是 “Talk about the place you would like to go” 。课程设置由易到难,从对 “Vacations” 的简单评价和概况过渡到对 “Vacations” 的具体要求,实现了旧知和新知的衔接。通过谈论 旅游胜地的人文地理,把 “I’d like to…/ I hope to …/I’d love to …” 这一语法点贯穿始终,使感性的 语言材料和语法知识融为一体。此外,教材还对已 有的语言项目进行拓展,通过讨论选择最向往的名 胜,提高学生的认知能力、思维能力、审美能力。

5 二、 教学目标 1 . 语言技能目标 ( 1 )能够运用恰当的形容词和定语从句描述旅游胜 地,如: I like places where the weather is always warm. Hawaii is too touristy. ( 2 ) 能够询问并描述他人或自己向往的地方,如: Where would you like to go on vacation ? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. ( 3 ) 能够分析某个地方的优缺点,如: I don’t want to go anywhere cold. It’s best to…

6 2. 语言知识目标 (1) 掌握本单元描述旅游胜地的形容词,如: tiring, educational, fascinating, thrilling, peaceful, touristy, convenient; (2) 能够用 would like 或 hope to 来询问和描 述他人或自己向往的地方,如: Where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. I hope to go … I’d love to go …

7 3. 情感态度目标 (1) 通过谈论世界各地的旅游名胜,培养 热爱大自然的品质,陶冶情操; (2) 学会如何比较不同的旅游名胜,能够 依据个人的审美观选择合适的旅游景点, 享受大自然带来的乐趣。

8 4. 文化意识目标 通过谈论世界各地名胜,学习英语国 家的社会文化和历史背景,促进对英语的 理解和运用,提高对本国文化的理解和认 识,培养全球意识和跨文化交际能力。

9 5. 学习策略目标 (1) 认知策略:通过观看风光片等形式进一步 认识大自然,养成热爱大自然的好习惯; (2) 交际策略:在交流中了解世界各地名胜的 特色,从中学会欣赏大自然、热爱大自然和 保护大自然,培养交际能力; (3) 资源策略:通过收集不同的图片和信息, 了解大自然,扩展知识面,开阔视野,充实 生活,培养自主学习的能力。

10 三、 重点难点 1 、重点词汇: consider, lively, sight, including, tower, church, underground, wine, translate, light, provide, sail, Pacific, continue, programming, report, dream; 2 、重点句型: Where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. I hope to go … I’d love to go …Why not +v.? It’s best to + V. 3 、话题: Talk about the place you would like to go.

11 2. 教学难点 (1) 正确运用句型来询问他人或描述自己向往的 地方; (2) 熟练运用 “Why not + v.?/ It’s best to + v.” 这 两个句型来提供建议。

12 课时安排 The 1st Period (Section A 1a--Grammar Focus) The 2nd Period ( Section A 3a--4 ) The 3rd Period ( Section B 1—3b ) The 4th Period ( Section 4—self check) The 5th Period ( Reading )


14 The 1st period. Teaching content: Section A 1a—Grammar focus New words: tiring, educational, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, trek through, jungle, Niagara Falls, take it easy.

15 Language structures: Where would you like to visit ? Where would you like to go on vacation ? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. I hope to go to France some day. I’d love to visit Mexico. I like places where the weather is always warm.

16 tiring /tai ə riŋ/

17 fascinating

18 peaceful

19 boring dangerous interesting exciting … the space

20 Thrilling /θriliŋ/

21 educational

22 Trek through the Amazon Jungle dangerous Trek across the desert

23 a jungle dangerousexciting trek through

24 T: Where would you like to go on vacation? S: I would like to go to Shanghai. T: Why? S: Because I like exciting vacations.

25 Where would you like to go on vacation? Why? I’d like to take it easy on a beach. Because I like relaxing vacations. I’d like to go to seaside Hawaii-sea island

26 西湖 T: Where would you like to visit? S: I’d love to visit Hangzhou. T: Why? S: Because I’d like to visit somewhere beautiful. 云南 T: Where would you like to visit? S: I hope to go to Yunnan. T: Why? S: Because I like places where the weather is always warm.

27 西安海南 黄山 Where would you like to visit? Why? Look at the pictures and practice the conversations with your partner.

28 Task 1 Planning your vacation Tibet Florida Beach 九寨沟 Hainan Islabd Singapore Tai ji ling

29 Pairwork A: Where would you like to go/visit in winter vacation? / Where would you like to go on vacation? B: I’d love to relax on a beautiful beach because I really love the sea.. A: What about you? B: Oh,I’d like to go trekking in the jungle in Brazil because I like exciting vacation.

30 Write adjectives to describe the vacations.use adjectives from the box and other adjectives you know. beautiful relaxing tiring dangerous educational peaceful fascinating interesting fun boring thrilling exciting Vacation 1Vacation 2 relaxing

31 1b. Listen and fill in the chart. PersonPlaceWhy Sam Gina Brazil Florida likes exciting vacations has been stressed out

32 What kind of place would you like to visit on vacation with your friends? I like places where the people are very friendly. I hope to visit somewhere warm.

33 A: I hope to visit Hawaii some day. B: I do, too. I like places where the weather is always warm. ( So do I.)

34 Niagara Falls London Paris Beijing Tokyo

35 A: Where would you like to go on vacation? B: I would like to …. A: Why would you like to go there? B: Because I like the place where …. How about you? A: I do, to. I like…where….

36 2a. Listen and number the statements in the order that you hear them. ___ I love places where the people are really friendly. ___ I hope to see Niagara Falls some day. ___ I like places where the weather is always warm. ___ I hope to visit Hawaii one day. 3 4 1 2

37 2b. Listen again. Why do the people decide not to visit these places? Match each place with a reason. PlaceReason not to visit the place __ 1. Hawaii __ 2. Mexico __ 3. Niagara Falls a. We don’t know the language. b. It’s too touristy. c. There’s not much to do there. b a c

38 NamePlaceWhy My classmate …would like to … because he / she likes ….He / She hopes to see … some day because He / she likes places where the weather is ….

39 1.Copy the new words and write out two conversations like the one in Section A 1a. 2. 请搜集有关巴黎的有关资料 (图片,文字,影视,音乐等)。

40 Some useful expressions: 1.go on vacation 2.trek through the jungle 3.go trekking 4.hope to do sth. 5.some day / one day 6.go somewhere relaxing Some useful sentence patterns: 1.Where would you go on vacation? I’d like to go somewhere quiet and beautiful. 2. I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.

41 Where would you like to visit? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. beautiful peaceful 宁静的 fascinating 迷人的 interesting fun tiring 引起疲劳的 dangerous boring thrilling 令人激动的 exciting touristy 游客很多的 I hope to visit somewhere I‘d not like to go somewhere

42 I ‘d like to go to the places where What kind of places would you like to go on vacation ? the people are friedly. the food is delicious the weather is nice it has a long history there is much to do there are many places of interest

43 Where would you like to visit? I’d like to go somewhere I hope to visit somewhere relaxing beautiful peaceful 宁静的 fascinating 迷人的 interesting fun thrilling 令人激动的 exciting touristy 游客很多的 What kind of places would you like to go on vacation ? I ‘d like to go to the places where the people are friedly. the food is delicious the weather is nice it has a long history there is much to do there are many places of interest

44 Where would you like to visit? I’d like to take it easy on a beach. I like exciting / relaxing vacations I I’d like totrek through the Amazon Jungle in Brazil I’d like to visit somewhere beautiful/ warm. I’d love to relax on a beautiful beach I’d like to go trekking in the jungle in Brazil I like places where the people are very friendly. I hope to visit somewhere warm. I like places where the weather is always warm.

45 e.g. I like places where it is warm and full of rain. 1.She is studying in a school ________ _teachers teach in English. 2.She is studying in a school________ her father worked. 3.She is studying in a school ______ has many good teachers. 4.I like places ______ are near the sea where

46 e.g. He still remembers the day when he joined the army. 1. The boy can’t forget the days _____ he was in China. 2. I never forget the time _____ I was in England. 3. This is the time _____I never forget. 4. He never forgets his childhood _____made him happy. that when

47 用所给的词的正确形式填空: 1.I hope ____(visit) Macau some day. 2.Where would you like _____(go) ? 3.The boy would love to go ____ (trek) in the Amazon Jungle in Brazil. 4. We are ____ to hear the ___ news (excite). 5. When I lie on a beach, I feel __ (relax). 6.I would like to go somewhere __ (relax). to visit to go trekking excited exciting relaxed relaxing

48 1.The trip is t_____.(make people tired) 2. Walking in the dark street in the midnight is t______. (scaring) 3. I prefer to t____(travel on foot) in the forest. 4. I think the scenery of Hawaii is f_________ ( attractive). 5. I like visit history museums because it’s e__________. (giving people knowledge) 6. In summer when it’s fine the beach is often p________ ( quiet). 8. Xi’an is a t______ (having lots of tourists) city iring hrilling rek ascinating ducational eaceful ouristy Fill in the blanks.


50 * Teaching content: Section A 3a, 3b,4 * New words: spotlight, consider, lively, sight, including, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, church, wonderful, light, translate, in general, convenient, :

51 Language structures: Why not consider visiting Paris? Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money. Isn’t it supposed to be very hot? Where would you like to go, Kathy? I’d like to visit Kunming.

52 Talk about the places you would like to visit

53 Paris the place where you can feel romantic


55 Paris There are some fantastic sights.

56 Eiffel Tower

57 Notre Dame Cathedral



60 Many things in Paris are very expensive.

61 Do you know them? Can you afford them?

62 champagne 香槟

63 Brandy 白兰地

64 It is a place where you can have fun.

65 3a Answer the questions. 1.Is traveling around Paris by taxi cheap? 2.Is wine very expensive in Paris? 3.What is Paris famous for? No,it isn’t.It costs a lot of money. No,it isn’t. It’s famous for Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.

66 Let’s retell the story of Paris! Paris is the …of France and is …liveliest cities ….It doesn’t have …,but ….For example, it has some… sights, including ….

67 Traveling around Paris by taxi …,but it’s Convenient to …, … is expensive, however …. Most people have learned ….It’s best to travel ….

68 Travel spotlight: Beijing For your next vacation why don’t you consider visiting Beijing? Beijing, the capital of China, is a big citywhere you have much to see and to do….

69 Hong Kong Sydney London New York

70 A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: I’d like to visit Kunming. A: Isn’t it supposed to be very hot? B: Yes, it is. I’m only going to pack light clothes. But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights. Hong Kong / very crowded / interesting / great entertainment Mexico City / relaxing / exciting / lots to do

71 Things you likeThings you don’t like

72 Where is your favorite city? Why?

73 Write about one city you would like to visit for your next summer vacation.

74 Period 3

75 New words: brainstorm, ocean, at a travel agency Language structures: Where would you like to go ? I’d like to go somewhere warm. What else can you tell me? I don’t want …

76 Hong Kong SydneyLondon New York

77 Where would you like to go? Isn’t it supposed to be very… ? I’d like to visit … Yes, it is. But it’s also …, and it has ( lots of ) …

78 Where would you like to go? Why ? I’d like to visit … …

79 What things are important when you go on vacation? Not too hot Near the ocean Go with friends Eat clean water Bring a map Stay at hotel at night

80 2a Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency. Listen to the conversations and number the picture.

81 Section B 2b WantsDoesn’t want Customer 1 to go somewhere warm Customer 2 Customer 3. to go on a nature tour to go somewhere that’s fun for kids to fly to go any- where cold to go to a big city

82 Survey (group work) A: Where would you like to go? B: I’d like to go somewhere fun for kids A: what else can you tell me ? B: I don’t want to take train.

83 Report:...would like to go somewhere fun for kids and he doesn’t want to take trains.....

84 S.T.Zhang

85 Read the e-mail message. Then read the statements about the e-mail message. Write “T”, “F” or “DK”. 1.The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation._____ 2.The person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation. ____ 3.The person is a man. ____ 4.The person has children. ____ 5.The person likes to swim. _____ 6.The person wants to go to another country. ____ F F DK T F

86 Answer the questions 1. Where do S.T. Zhang and the family want to take a trip? 2. What kind of place do they want to go to? 3. What exercise do they especially love doing? 4. What does S. T. Zhang say about the hotel they want to live in? 5. What does S. T. Zhang want the travel agency to do? 6. How long would they like to be away?

87 My unique travel agency Where When How How many people Other requirements

88 My good advice: Dear S.T. Zhang, Thanks for your letter, why not consider visiting..._______________________ _________________________________ Welcome to our agency! Yours, D.F.Black

89 1.Desigh an ideal travel spotlight. 2.Finish Self check on page 57.


91 New words: provide, provide with, firm, spot, Confucius, sail, finding, continue Language structures: I hope you can provide me with some information We don’t mind how far we have to go. We’d like to stay at a place with a big pool or somewhere near the ocean. I’d like to stay at a place with a big pool or somewhere near the ocean. I’d like to go to Qufu.Why Qufu ? Confucius was born there. It’s very educational. The 4th Period


93 The Great Wall in Beijing

94 The Stone Forest in Yunnan

95 Qufu in Shandong

96 I’d like to go to Qufu. Pair work Why? Confucius was born there. It’s very educational.

97 relaxing educational beautiful cold crowded expensive hot...

98 School trip Where would you like to go ? Why? Do you agree?

99 An ideal place for a school trip You _______ (student’s name) _______ (student’s name) _______ (student’s name) Qufu in shandong educational The Great Wall in Beijing The stone Forest in Yunnan Agree on the best place to go:_________

100 hope pack save provide cook 1.Could you ___________ me with information about student exchange programs? 2. My mother is going to ________ Beijing Duck tonight. Would you like to come for dinner? 3.I’m _________ my money so I can buy a new bicycle. 4. Shanghai is cold this time of year. You need to ______warm clothes if you go there. 5. We’re going to Africa on vacation. We ______ to see some elephants. provide saving cook hope pack

101 the Golden Gate Bridge the Eiffel Tower in Paris Big Ben in London the Sydney Opera House

102 I’d like to go to a beautiful place. I think it would be Paris / Sydney. If I went there....


104 1. Rewrite the e-mail which you wrote in class. 2. Go to the library or surf the internet to find out the travel information about Qufu in Shandong, The Great Wall in Beijing, and The Stone Forest in Yunnan.

105 I’d love to sail I’d love to sail across the Pacific. Unit 7 Reading

106 The 5th period Topic : The hopes and the dreams. New words : sail, Pacific, finding, continue, programming, translator, be willing to, quite a few, dream of, conclusion, similar, hold on to, sportspeople. Language Structure : They were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. Quite a few dream of becoming famous. It seems some Ss would like to start work as soon as possible.

107 Task 2 Review the words. s ______________ to travel on water by ship P_____________ one of the biggest oceans f____________ something learnt as the result _____ ____ _____ as quickly/early as one can c_____________ go on happening/ doing p______________ planning the system for a computer t____________ a person who translate from one language to another s____________ a person who plays or enjoys sports; c___________ the end ; decision; agreement a____________ ways of thinking, feeling or behaving ________ _______ cause to become into reality sail Pacific finding as soon as possible continue programming translator Sportspeople; sportsmen and sportswomen conclusion attitude come true

108 Section 1 Section 1 Before You Read Before You Read Do you think hopes and dreams are the same? A HOPEA DREAM

109 hope: That is something we wish to happen in the future, and is attainable if certain things happen, or are done. dream: That is something more out of the ordinary, and often seems more unattainable.

110 Section 2 While You Read We all dream about things that we would like to do, and things we hope to achieve in the future. But are everybody’s dreams the same? Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part. What are the hopes of teenagers? We received several different answers to the question: what would you like to do after finishing your education? It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their

111 Section 2 While You Read parents. Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school, and to go to university. Although money is important, many teenagers said they want to do jobs they enjoy. According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming. What are the dreams of teenagers? Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. Some are more realistic than others. For example, many students said they would like to be volunteers at the 2008 Olympics, maybe working as translators or tour guides. And quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day.

112 Section 2 While You Read According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also common, but many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. Quite a few dream of becoming famous, perhaps famous sportspeople or singers. Some said they’d love to go on exciting trips; One student said she’d love to sail across the Pacific Ocean. And then there are dreams that are impossible; three students said they’d like to be able to fly! Conclusion It was clear from the survey that teenagers

113 Section 2 While You Read have similar hopes. It seems that most students hope to have a good education and find a good job. On the other hand, students dream of very different things: good things, and even crazy things. It is very important to dream, so hold on to your dreams; one day they may just come true.


115 Hopes and dreams What are the hopes of teenagers? Hopes Reasons To work after school as soon as possible To help provide a better life for parents To go on studying in the university To get jobs they enjoy better Task 3 Survey result: the popular choice is computer programming.

116 What are the dreams of teenagers? Realistic dreams less realistic dreams To volunteer as translators or tour guide at the 2008 Olympics 1.To become famous, such as famous singers or sportspeople 2.To go on exciting trips,such as traveling to the moon and sailing across the Pacific The most impossible dream I want to have wings and fly freely. What ‘s the result of survey?

117 1.Why do some students want to start work as soon as possible? 2. What is important to students about the work they do? 3. What example is given of an impossible dream? To help look after their families. They want to enjoy the work they do. To be able to fly.

118 4. Is there anyone in the world who does not hope or dream? 5. Might the dreams of Chinese teenagers be different from others? 6. Can dreams come true?

119 1.Do you have hopes and dreams? What are they ? Why do you have them? 2.How can you achieve your dreams? 3.Can dreams come true?

120 Hold on to your dreams. One day they may just come true.

121 1. Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part. 下面是有关希望与梦想的一次调查中的一些发现,有成 千上万个学生参加了这次调查。 句中 in which 是一个非限定性定语从句修饰 survey. 引导非限定性定语从句的关系代词只能用 which , 而本句 首有介词 in , 是因为从句中谓语是一个短语动词,书面 语中通常将其短语中的介词置于从句句首。

122 2. It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents. 看起来有些同学想尽可能快地开始工作,以便能够为 他们的父母提供好的生活。 it seems (that)…; 似乎,看来,仿佛觉得。通常用 于表示根据某些见到的迹象推断出结论。 eg. It seems that nobody knew what had happened. 似乎没有人知道发生了什么。 so that 引导一个目的状语从句, 意思是 “ 以便 ” , “ 为了 ” , 相当于 “in order that…” 结构。 eg. Bring it nearer so that I can see it better.

123 3. According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also common, but many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. 根据这个调查, 不太现实的梦想也很普遍, 但是许多 学生报告说他们乐意努力工作实现他们的梦想。 to be willing– 结构意思是 “ 愿意(做 … ) ” 一般在 后面跟动词不定式。 eg. She’s willing to help me in any way she can.

124 Section 4 If you have time! 1.It was the most ( 令人兴奋的 ) journey I have ever had. 2. This is a ( 令人激动的 ) film, I enjoy it very much. 3. There are many ( 外来的 ) cars on display in Shanghai. 4. She began to ( 考虑 ) what use could be made of it. 5. The government ( 提供 ) that school much money. 6. You shouldn’t read people’s ( 私人的 ) letters. exciting thrilling exotic consider offered private

125 Section 5 Home work ! Write down a dream you have. Share your thoughts with a friend who might help you. I’d love to have my own company one day. I want to write a book about myself one day.

126 Thank you ! Goodbye !

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