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Unit 3 Section 1 Part 3.  Opportunity for democrats to take the white house  Many Americans blamed depression on Hoover  Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

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1 Unit 3 Section 1 Part 3

2  Opportunity for democrats to take the white house  Many Americans blamed depression on Hoover  Franklin Delano Roosevelt would win  1. Roosevelt’s Rise  FDR distant relative of Teddy Roosevelt  Assistant Sec. of Navy under Wilson  Ran for VP and lost twice  Stricken w/ Polio, couldn’t use his legs  Gov. of NY in 1929  Launched a relief program in NY that helped 1 in 10 NY families  Looked good compared to Hoover

3  2. The 1932 Campaign  FDR promised relief for poor and public works projects  Also talked about lowering the tariff  Mainly FDR attacked Hoover and Republicans for their lack of action  FDR also criticized Hoover for spending too much money  Hoover said that if FDR was elected, things would get worse

4  3. A Landslide Victory  Hoover’s warnings failed to sway voters  Roosevelt received 57% of popular vote  Won all but 6 states  Dem. Gained 90 seats in the House  Dem. Gained 13 seats in Senate  Dem. Controlled both houses of Congress

5  Roosevelt had an appealing personality  FDR had overcome polio, though he was in a wheel chair  Many admired him for his strength  As president he used his Fireside Chats to calm citizens  Radio broadcasts meant to inform and assure people, given by FDR  Many citizens felt close to FDR  1. Roosevelt’s Philosophy  FDR was a Progressive  Believed it was the gov’ts job to take action and give aid to people  Had faith in gov’t to solve economic problems

6  2. Eleanor Roosevelt  FDR married Eleanor Roosevelt while still in High School  Eleanor played a large role in FDR’s success  She traveled for FDR and collected and shared information  She threw herself into several major social issues  Drastically changed the role of First Lady  Wrote her own newspaper column called “My Day”  Received 1000s of letters a day  She was also a target of FDR’s enemies *

7  1. The Banking Crisis  Americans had lost faith in their banks  Large-scale withdrawals destroyed banks  FDR temporarily closed all banks (Bank Holiday)  FDR called for emergency session of Congress  Passed the Emergency Banking Act  Gave gov’t power to examine banks and fix problems  FDR then, reopened banks and slowly people began putting money back in

8  Next, Congress enacted the Glass-Steagall Banking Act  Created Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation (FDIC)  Insured depositors money up to $100,000  W/in a month, over $1 Billion flowed bank into banks

9  2. The Hundred Days  Roosevelt’s 1 st 100 days in office  FDR pushed his New Deal  Goals of the New Deal  Relief  Recovery  Reform  Civilian Conservation Corps  Addressed problem of unemployment of young men  Gave jobs based on conservation projects  Workers lived in army-style camps  Planted trees, improved parks

10  Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)  Gave farmers a subsidy, or gov’t payment to grow less crops  Smaller supply, would increase demand and prices  National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)  Businesses in same industry had to cooperate and set reasonable prices  Included $3.3 Billion in public works through the Public Works Admin (PWA)  Federal Securities Act  Gov’t forced companies to share financial info about themselves  Securities and Exchange Commission  Served as a watchdog over stock market

11  Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)  Developed the resources of Tenn. River Valley  Build dams and provided cheap electricity for the area

12  3. Beyond the Hundred Days  Jobs were provided  Many criticisms  Civil Works Administration (CWA)  Provided jobs by building highways, sewer lines, and airports  Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)  Limited sale of Indian Lands  Gave aid to native groups to develop resources  Granted some limited self-rule to tribes

13  Critics of the New Deal began to arise  Some argued that FDR wasn’t doing enough  Some argued that he was doing too much  1. Leading Critics of the New Deal  Huey Long  Sen. Of Louisiana  FDR’s policies too friendly to banks and businesses  Share our Wealth Program  Gov’t should give $5000 to every family to buy a home  Plus income of $2500  Add large taxes to wealthy  Amassed millions of followers

14  Father Charles Coughlin  Catholic Priest  The “Radio Priest”  Sharply critical of FDR  FDR too friendly to businesses and banks  Also attacked Jews in FDR’s admin  Eventually forced to stop his program  Dr. Francis Townshend  Not doing enough for older Americans  Wanted pensions provided for people 60 and up  American Liberty League  Thought the New Deal had gone too far  Spent thousands to stop New Deal

15  2. Opposition from Courts  Courts also challenged FDR’s policies  Thought the president was becoming too powerful  Supreme Court began declaring his programs unconstitutional (NIRA and AAA)

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