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Presenters:Godwin Djietror & Chris Cannoy Affiliation:Marshall University.

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1 Presenters:Godwin Djietror & Chris Cannoy Affiliation:Marshall University


3  Latitude 38° 22'N, longitude 82° 33'W  About an hour east of Charleston, state capital Source

4  Founded in 1871 by Collis B. Huntington, a railroad entrepreneur.  bought Holderby Landing  instrumental in developing it into a railroad terminus on the Ohio River  By 1911, expanded to engulf the City of Guyandotte.





9 Several studies address the issue of unsafe buildings:  Vey (2007); Pallagst (2008) – housing problems in the industrial Midwest  (Shetty, 2009) – strategies for dealing with unsafe buildings  Littlewood and Munro (1996) - poorly-targeted investment or disinvestment in residential structures

10  Hills and Worthing (2006) – motivation for carrying out building maintenance  Fonts and Fan (2006) – race and budget allocation for housing expenditure

11  Education  Median household income  Proportion of female-headed households  Proportion of low-income home owners

12  Unemployment  Monthly owner costs as % of household income  Housing tenure  Race

13 This study addresses two research questions: i. What is the spatial pattern of distribution of unsafe building situates in the City of Huntington during the period 2000-2010? ii. What are the socio-economic correlates of the occurrence of unsafe buildings in the City?

14  Location data from City’s Unsafe Buildings Commission (UBC).  Socio-economic data from 2000 United States census.  Units of analysis: City of Huntington census tracts.

15  Nearest Neighbor Analysis tool (in ESRI ArcMAP 10.1) used to determine spatial pattern of distribution:  clustering  randomness  dispersion  Correlation analysis (in SPSS 21) to determine ascertain association of potential correlates with outcome variable

16 Z-scores indicate clustering or dispersal. P-value indicates significance. Given the z-score of -20.68, there is a less than 1% likelihood that this clustered pattern could be the result of random chance. Observed Mean Distance:77.840215 Meters Expected Mean Distance:142.879853 Meters

17 Educ.Unempl.IncomeTenureAgeOwner CostsRaceF. HH Head Unsafe/Demolished Buildings -.116.110-.287-.056-.129.518 * -.622 **.427 Education 1 -.291.695 **.318.221-.300-.056-.355 Unemployment 1 -.609 ** -.430 -.545 *.639 ** -.299-.085 Median HH income 1.847 **.650 * -.493 *.324-.501 * Tenure 1.703 * * -.238.228-.281 Median age 1 -.572 **.074-.055 Owner cost 1 -.348.133 Proportion white 1 -.401 Female HH Head 1 Zero-order Correlation

18 Educ.Unempl.IncomeTenureAgeOwner CostsRaceF. HH Head Unsafe/Demolished Buildings -.116.110-.287-.056-.129.518 * -.622 **.427 Education 1 -.291.695 **.318.221-.300-.056-.355 Unemployment 1 -.609 ** -.430 -.545 *.639 ** -.299-.085 Median HH income 1.847 **.650 * -.493 *.324-.501 * Tenure 1.703 * * -.238.228-.281 Median age 1 -.572 **.074-.055 Owner cost 1 -.348.133 Proportion white 1 -.401 Female HH Head 1 Zero-order Correlation

19 Educ.Unempl.IncomeTenureAgeOwner CostsRaceF. HH Head Unsafe/Demolished Buildings -.116.110-.287-.056-.129.518 * -.622 **.427 Education 1 -.291.695 **.318.221-.300-.056-.355 Unemployment 1 -.609 ** -.430 -.545 *.639 ** -.299-.085 Median HH income 1.847 **.650 * -.493 *.324-.501 * Tenure 1.703 * * -.238.228-.281 Median age 1 -.572 **.074-.055 Owner cost 1 -.348.133 Proportion white 1 -.401 Female HH Head 1 Zero-order Correlation

20  Clustering – factors driving occurrence predominate in certain areas of the City  Maintenance costs and race are key SE correlates  Female-headed households appear to play a role

21  Detailed (individual level) study of the significant correlates in areas where clusters occur  Potential collaboration with Women Studies to explore the potential role of female headed households

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