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Media Dev 2 Wire framing and app digital development By Junaid (u1310202) & Rafi (u1406613)

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Presentation on theme: "Media Dev 2 Wire framing and app digital development By Junaid (u1310202) & Rafi (u1406613)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Dev 2 Wire framing and app digital development By Junaid (u1310202) & Rafi (u1406613)

2 Business requirements  Create an app or a website for the client street market  App should inform the user what items are sold at that market  Have information about the history of that market  Help people know where they can park their cars  Map of the market to aid navigation by visitors.

3 Overview of development process Idea generation –Research –Brainstorms –Sketching –Flow charts Wireframes Prototyping Branding

4 App or website We have decided that in order for our idea to work better, the client needs an app rather than a website. This is so that users can use a mobile device to get the most out of the market experience.  Easy access  Location GPS/compass Portable Camera (scan QR codes) Interact with the environment (Augmented realty = fun)

5 Brainstorm


7 Research competitors Websites: -West Norwood Feast -Video general information -Picture of market -Upcoming events -Borough Market -Traders -What is on -Recipes -Map App: -Toronto food + drink market -Modern Ui -Informs about their stalls -For young adults and upwards

8 App development


10 App development further Purpose: App aimed to engage the youth with their local market & culture in a fun & interactive way Target audience: 6 -12yrs Theme and Aesthetic : -Pirate themed -Bright colours -Cartoonish design style

11 App functionality Objective: Get a Prize by gathering points How to get points: 1) unlock stalls on map by scanning their QR codes 2) Buy items and scan QR code vouchers given 3)Unlock badges by completing challenges Unlocking prize location: unlock all stalls on map

12 Features -Map (GPS) -Compass -QR code scanner -Points -Badges -Prizes -Parking location -Search -Stall description -Market history

13 Moodboard

14 Logo development



17 Flow chart

18 Flow chart developed

19 Wireframes 1 (Lucid Chart)

20 Be-spoke and hub  Central index from which users will navigate out.  Navigate between spokes but must return to the hub

21 Wireframe 2 Balsamiq

22 Hierarchy  Standard site structure  Index page  Series of sub pages The Hierarchy structure was chosen because it gave a logical structure to a complex information architecture

23 Prototype 0d0fe5187837f3/preview 0d0fe5187837f3/preview

24 How was it made Balsamiq: -used iPhone template -used shapes and icons to form objects and navigation -icon sizes were changed for purpose -text used to form content POP: -uploaded images -linked a page to a clickable space -added transitions

25 User testing methods Usability Testing - Focus group : age 6-12 : 10 people questions: -Style? -interactiveness? -Premise? -problems? -liked? With Rapid prototyping Observation of tasks -scan QR Codes -find stall -check stall information -unlock a badge

26 Frameworks Web - faster development -less functionality -easier to use e.g app furnace, app inventor Native - Full access to phone API -Longer development time -most customisable e.g IOS coacoa framework in XCODE(IDE) Hybrid - access to phone API -Reasonable development time -best of both worlds

27 Ionic framework -Hybrid -can be used with a native rapper such as Cordova or Phonegap -Uses HTML, CSS, JS, Angular js Benefits: -Performance (hardware accelerated graphics) -Easy implementation of popular functions -Tabs, pull to refresh, side menus, slide box -MIT licensed (Free commercial use) -Dev Speed

28 Future proofing app Augmented reality -Map can use it to aid navigation -interact with the environment - more immersive experience with VR

29 overview Market app or website Treasure Market: an interactive and fun way that children can enjoy the market experience. Use a Hybrid framework (Ionic) to develop it

30 References -Balsamiq, R. (no date) Effective and fun wireframing software. -Â Balsamiq. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2015). -Chart, L. (no date) Lucidchart wireframe software. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2015). -Feast, W. N. (2011) West Norwood feast. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2015). -Inc, A. (no date) ITunes - everything you need to be entertained. Available at: (Accessed: 4 November 2015) -Market, B. (no date) Borough market. Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2015). -Pinterest (2015) Available at: market/?invite_code=5d2c44cf83c854456212f36847c55936 (Accessed: 4 November 2015)

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