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Chapter 2 Modeling in the frequency domain

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1 Chapter 2 Modeling in the frequency domain
Youngjoon, Han

2 2.1 Introduction

3 Definition and examples
Laplace Transform Definition and examples Unit Step Function u(t)

4 Laplace transform thorems-Properties

5 Laplace transform Pairs

6 Test During analyzing a circuit, input as a sinusoidal function must be Laplace transformed. It is to say that f(t) = e-atcoswtu(t). What is F(s)? F(s)=2/s2 , what is f(t)?

7 Partial Fraction

8 Partial Fraction

9 Partial fraction; repeated factor

10 Partial fraction; repeated factor

11 Roots of the Denominator of F(s) are Complex or Imaginary

12 The Transfer Function C(s)=G(s)R(s) Output=Transfer Function * Input

13 Example 2.4 dc(t)/dt+2c(t)=r(t) What is transfer function or gain? sC(s)+2C(s)=R(s) for zero initial condition (s+2)C(s)=R(s) G(s)=C(s)/R(s)=1/(s+2) Example 2.5 If r(t)=1, R(s)=1/s C(s)=1/[s(s+2)]=A/s+B/(s+2)

14 Solution to the example 2.5
1/[s(s+2)]=A/s+B/(s+2) A=1/2, B=-1/2 C(t)=½-½e-2t

15 Electric Network Transfer Function

16 The Analogy of Physical variable
Type Rate Effort Electrical I (current) Voltage V Mech. (Trans) V (velocity) Force f Mech. (Rotational) w(ang. Vel.) Torque T Fluid q (flow rate) Pressure p Thermal Q (heat flow rate) Temp T

17 Analogy Quantity= (rate) dt Type Rate Quantity Electrical I (current)
Charge Q Mech. (Trans) V (velocity) Displ x Mech. (Rotational) w(ang. Vel.) Angular disp q Fluid q (flow rate) Mass m Thermal Q (heat flow rate) Heat energy Q Quantity= (rate) dt

18 Transfer Function for RLC Circuit (1)

19 Transfer Function for RLC Circuit(1)

20 Transfer Function for RLC Circuit (1)

21 Transfer Function for RLC Circuit (2)
(Ls+R+1/Cs)I(s)=V(s) Vc(s)=(1/Cs)I(s)=V(s)/[LCs2+RCS+1] G(s)=Vc(S)/V(s)=(1/LC)/[s2+(R/L)S+1/LC]

22 Complex Circuits Using Mesh Analysis
Replace passive element values with their impedances Laplace transform Assume current in each mesh Kirchhoff’s voltage law around each mesh Solve the simultaneous equations Transfer function

23 Mesh Analysis method Mesh 1 Mesh 2 Impedance Laplace form
Assume currents

24 Mesh Analysis method Write equations around the meshes
Sum of impedance around mesh 1 Sum of applied voltages around the mesh Sum of impedance common to two meshes Sum of impedance around mesh 2

25 Mesh Analysis method Determinant

26 Mesh Analysis method

27 Complex Circuits Nodal Analysis
Number of nodes equal to the simultaneous equations Use Kirchhoff current law Sum currents flowing from each node Conductance=1/resistance Admittance Y(s) Y(s)=1/impedance=1/Z(s) Y(s)=I(s)/V(s)

28 Nodal Analysis Method i1 + i2 +i3=0 i3 + i4 =0 i3 i1 i2 i4
Kirchhoff current law at these two nodes i2 i4 i1 + i2 +i3=0 i3 + i4 =0

29 Nodal Analysis Method Kirchhoff current law conductance

30 Nodal Analysis Method

31 Nodal Analysis Method Real part of admittance is conductance, imaginary part is susceptance; 1/R =G has only real part

32 Operational Amplifier
High input impedancedoesn’t load, Zi= ∞ (ideal) The Currents into both terminals are zero The voltage across the input terminals is zero Low output impedance, Z0=0 (ideal) High constant gain amplification A= ∞

33 Operational Amplifier and Inverting OP-Amp

34 Non-inverting OP-Amp Noninverting Op-amp

35 Mechanical System Variables for translation movement

36 Mass, spring, and damper system

37 Free-body diagram of mass, spring, and damper system

38 Transfer Function of mass, spring, and damper system

39 Impedance for mechanical components
 [ Sum of impedance] X(s) = [ Sum of applied forces]

40 Two-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system

41 Two-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system

42 Two-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system

43 Two-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system

44 Three-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system

45 Three-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system

46 Skill-Assessment Exercise 2.8

47 Mechanical System variables for rotational movement

48 Transfer function – two equation of motion

49 Transfer function – two equation of motion

50 Transfer function – two equation of motion

51 Transfer function – two equation of motion

52 Three-degrees-of-freedom rotational system


54 Skill-Assessment Exercise 2.9

55 Transfer Function For Gear System
F, V must be compatible Energy=T1 Ө1= T2 Ө2 T2/T1=Ө1/ Ө 2= r2/r1= N2/N1

56 Transfer functions for angular displacement and torque

57 Rotational system driven by gears
Mechanical Impedance of destination axis = ([#of destination teeth]/ [# of source teeth])2 * Mechanical Impedance of source axis (Js2+Ds+K) (N1/N2)q1=(N2/N1)T1 [J (N1/N2)2 s2+D (N1/N2)2 s+K (N1/N2)2 ] q1=T1 T2=(N2/N1)T1  q2=(N1/N2)q1

58 Example 2.21

59 Gear train

60 Transfer function –Gear with loss
Target gear Source gear

61 Armature controlled DC servomotor
Amature F=BlI

62 Armature controlled DC servomotor
Stationary permanent magnets Voltage e=Blv; v is velocity Armature, rotor

63 Electromechanical System
Voltage is proportional to velocity Electromotive force (emf) vb(t) vb(t)=Kbdqm(t)/dt Kb; back emf constant dqm(t)/dt; wm(t) angular velocity Vb(s)=Kbsqm(s) Around the armature loop RaIa(s)+ LasIa(s)+ Vb(s)= Ea(s)

64 Typical equivalent mechanical loading on a motor
Tm(s)= (Jms2+ Dms) qm(s)

65 Electromechanical System
The torque is proportional to the armature current Tm(s)=KtIa(s)  Ia(s)=Tm(s)/Kt Applying Ia(s)=Tm(s)/Kt to RaIa(s)+ LasIa(s)+ Kbsqm(s)= Ea(s) (Ra+Las) Tm(s)/Kt+ Kbsqm(s)= Ea(s) Applying Tm(s)= (Jms2+ Dms) qm(s) (Ra+Las) (Jms2+ Dms) qm(s) /Kt+ Kbsqm(s) =Ea(s)

66 Electromechanical System
For small La, (La<<R) [(Ra /Kt)(Jms+Dm) +Kb]sqm(s) = Ea(s) G(s)= qm(s)/Ea(s)=K/[s(s+a)] = {Kt /(Ra Jm)}/[s{s+(Dm+ KtKb /Ra )/ Jm}]

67 DC motor driving a rotational mechanical load
Jm=Ja+ JL(N1/N2)2 Dm=Da+ DL(N1/N2)2

68 Electromechanical System
From the previous equation, put La=0 (Ra+Las) Tm(s)/Kt+ Kbsqm(s)= Ea(s) RaTm(t)/Kt+ Kbwm(t)= ea(s) Tm(t)=-(Kt Kb /Ra) wm+ (Kt/Ra)ea(t) Tm(t) Torque-speed curve wm

69 Torque-speed curves with an armature voltage, ea, as a parameter
(Kt/Ra)ea(s) Kt/Ra=Tstall/ea Kb=ea(s)/wno-load ea(s)/ Kb Tm(t)=-(Kt Kb /Ra) wm+ (Kt/Ra)ea(s)

70 DC motor and load

71 DC motor and load From the graph Gear ratio

72 Nonlinearities A linear System possesses two properties:
superposition and homogeneity

73 Nonlinearities

74 Linearization about a point A
f(x) – f(x0) ≈ ma(x-x0)  δf(x) ≈ maδx Equilibrium point A

75 Example 2.26 Linearization for f(x)=5cosx at x= p/2
Using Taylor series expansion Linearization for f(x)=5cosx at x= p/2 f(x) – f(p/2 ) = df(x)/dx|x=p/2 (x - p/2 )  f(x)=-5(x-p/2)

76 Example 2.27 X”+2X+cos X=0 at X=p/4 Solution; X= dx+ p/4 cos(dx+ p/4)=cos(p/4)-sin(p/4) dx+ … dx” +2 dx+[cos(p/4)-sin(p/4) dx]=0 dx” +2 dx’-20.5/2 dx= -20.5/2

77 Example 2.28(Nonlinear electrical network)
Ldi/dt+10 ln(ir/2)-20=v(t) ir=2e0.1vr vr=10 ln(ir/2)

78 Example 2.28(Nonlinear electrical network)
Taylor series i0=14.78, L=1

79 Antenna Azimuth Position Control System- Schematic

80 Case Studies – Antenna Control: Transfer Function
Subsystems of the antenna azimuth position control System

81 Case Studies – Antenna Control: Transfer Function
Input Potentiometer; Output Potentiometer Preamplifier Power Amplifier

82 Case Studies – Antenna Control: Transfer Function
Motor and Load

83 Case Studies – Antenna Control: Transfer Function

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