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The High Middle Ages: 12 th Century (Romanesque) 13 th Century (Gothic) Social, Economic, Political & Worldview.

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Presentation on theme: "The High Middle Ages: 12 th Century (Romanesque) 13 th Century (Gothic) Social, Economic, Political & Worldview."— Presentation transcript:

1 The High Middle Ages: 12 th Century (Romanesque) 13 th Century (Gothic) Social, Economic, Political & Worldview

2 St. Lazare, Autun, France, c. 1130 Medieval Worldview in 12 th Century The Last Judgment



5 Psalter of Henry of Blois, c. 1150 The Mouth of Hell Book of Hours of Catherine of Cleves, c. 1440

6 Mosaic in Florence c. 1225-1274 Bedford Missal, 1423

7 Jan van Eyck, Last Judgment c. 1420

8 The Great Chain of Being depicts a divinely inspired universal hierarchy in which all forms of life are ranked between heaven and hell.

9 Medieval View of the Universe


11 “ Man was formed of dust, slime and ashes...... conceived of the itch of the flesh...

12 He commits depraved acts by which he offends God, his neighbor and himself...

13 He will become fuel for those fires which are forever hot and burn forever bright; food for the worm which forever nibbles and digests;

14 a mass of rottenness which will forever stink and reek.” - Pope Innocent III, c. 1200

15 RelicsPilgrims

16 Reliquary Cult of Relics




20 Medieval Pilgrimage Routes

21 Rise of Trade & Growth of Towns and Cities

22 Gothic Cathedrals 1200- 1300

23 Great Chain of Being Macrocosm (Supernatural) Mesocosm (Earthly) Microcosm (Individual) God | Angels | People | Animals lion dog | Plants | Inanimate Objects Spirit | Reason | Passion "Clerks" (Clerics) Pope | Archbishops | Bishops | Priests | Laity "Knights" (State) King | Dukes | Earls, etc. | Knights Serfs Family Husband | Wife | Son | Servants

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