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Extension: Do you think there could be a bias in the research that is published? Discuss with somebody else what you think influences which research is.

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Presentation on theme: "Extension: Do you think there could be a bias in the research that is published? Discuss with somebody else what you think influences which research is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extension: Do you think there could be a bias in the research that is published? Discuss with somebody else what you think influences which research is published in a journal.


3 * Learning objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able to: * Describe the purpose, process and limitations of the peer review process. * Review work, taking into account the process involved. * Begin thinking about the potential implications of psychological research for the economy.

4 Discuss the following: * How easy/difficult do you think it is to get your work published? * What might be checked in the report before it can be published? * Why does research need to be published? Extension: Who would be the best people to check how valid the research is? Read through the information on peer review in you booklet.

5 * You will be given one of two reports. Skim through it, but read the method section in detail. * Pick up some key elements that you think would be identified as strengths in the peer review process. Extension: Do you think all research papers should include the same information?

6 * In groups, write up a report of a study to investigate a topic of your choice. * In particular focus on the ‘procedure’ in the methods section. * Your report will be ‘peer reviewed’ by another group – so be as creative as you want! Extension: Write the discussion section and refer to the validity of your fictional study.

7 * Be the reviewer!! * Review the study you have in terms of: * The appropriateness of the method and design. * The validity and reliability of the method used * Amount of bias in sampling strategy * Ethics * Importance/significance of the research * How novel the research is Decision time: Do you choose to accept/recommend changes or reject the work? Why?

8 Psychological research is not carried out just for others to read. The idea is that we use the research to make changes and improvements in society. Extension: What further impact may these results have, if it was found they were also true for other behaviours e.g. Smoking? Imagine that research found the following: that by changing people’s attitudes towards food, this can in turn change their attention to eating healthily and in turn, their behaviour. What potential impact could these findings have on the economy? You will need to come back to your booklet to complete this as you study each topic area.

9 * Learning objectives I am now able to: * Describe the purpose, process and limitations of the peer review process. * Review work, taking into account the process involved. * Begin thinking about the potential implications of psychological research for the economy.

10 * Deadline already set * Continue working on Assessment two. Preparation for next lesson: Think about how researchers may analyse numerical data.

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