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Was the book of Luke written for you?. by Vilemar Magalhães

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Presentation on theme: "Was the book of Luke written for you?. by Vilemar Magalhães"— Presentation transcript:

1 Was the book of Luke written for you?

2 by Vilemar Magalhães

3 Ancient Writers Authors not always introduced themselves. People would copy, recite and give their writtenproduction titles, so that each their work could berecognized among others.

4 Each Gospel had a symbol in the middle age. Luke was given an ox as a symbol because Zachariah offered sacrifices in the Temple with these animals. Symbol: Ox

5 Luke is cited in other books Col 4.14 – “Our dear doctor Luke sends you his greetings, and so does Demas.” 2 Tim 4.11 – “Only Luke has stayed with me. Mark can be very helpful to me, so please find him and bring him with you.”

6 Authorship The only Gentile writer of the Bible, who preached about salvation for Jews and non Jews. He was an accurate historian. Luke is also the author of the book of Act. Luke and Acts represent 25% of the New Testament.

7 Authorship Used a refined Koine Greek and detailed reports. He was not one of the twelve apostles. Reports about Jesus from the Gospel of Mark, Paul and others. Based on oral and written accounts.

8 Authorship In the second century the authorships for Luke and Act were given to the doctor Luke, beloved travelling companion of Paul, by Irenaeus Adversus Haereses, Tertullian Adversus Marcionem and Clement of Alexandria Stromateis.

9 Read Luke with others Luke wanted more than just tell a story, he wanted to invite his readers to conquer a new life and show a new attitude.

10 Chronology of the Gospels Dates:  Mark 55-65 d.C.  Mathew 58-68 d.C.  Luke 60-85 d.C.  John 85 d.C.

11 Where was this book written?

12 A Historian Physician Book written in Greek. Salvation by grace. It not mentioned the Temple demolition. Life of Christ told in details. The longest Gospel in the New Testament.

13 A book written to Theophilus Theo – God Philus – Lover of Some say that Theophilus was a Roman citizen interested to get to know the Christian Religion. Others prefer to say that Theophilus was anyone who loved God. Both Luke and Acts were written to Teophilus, therefore they are probably written by the same author.

14 Cenarios in the Gospel of Luke a)Bethlehem e) Rome b)Bethanyf) Judah c)Jerusalemg) Galilee d)Cesarea

15 Key people Jesus Zachariah Elizabeth John the Baptist Mary Disciples Herold – the greatest Pilate Mary Magdalene Simon Peter

16 Main theme: SALVATION FOR ALLl Prayer Miracles The Holy Ghost Parables Angels Women Opressed and poor

17 Equilibrium JewGentile MenWomen AdultsChildren RichPoor HealthySick The only son of the Nain is raized from the dead The only daughter of Jairus is ressurected from the dead. Zachariah has a song Mary has a song too Joseph and Mary Simeon and Anna Zachariah Elizabeth

18 Prologue (1:1-4) 1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first wereeyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigatedeverything from the beginning, I too decided to write anorderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you havebeen taught.

19 Birth of Jesus and the preparation of his ministry (1.5-4:13) The ministry of John the Baptist The baptism, genealogy and temptation of Jesus

20 The message and the ministry of Jesus in Galilee (4.14-9.50) Jesus in Nazareth and Capernaum The call of Peter, James, and John Problems with Pharisees, leprous jew, forgiving of sins, fast, the Sabbath, calling of the 12 disciples, parables, miracles, the transfiguration

21 Jesus goes to Jerusalem (19:28 – 21:38) The Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem Jesus' cleansing of the temple Jesus' teaching in the temple The destruction of the temple The second coming of the Son of Man.

22 Last days, crucification and ressurection of Jesus (19.28 – 24.53) Jesus in the Gethsemane Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial and his trials. The crucifixion of Jesus, death, burial, resurrection

23 The Ascension of Jesus 24:50-53 50 When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. 51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 52 Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53 And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.

24 References BUTLER, Paul T. – The Gospel of Luke – 1986 – College Press Publishing Company. CONSTABLE, Thomas L. – Notes on Luke – 2014 Sony Light ERDMAN, Charles R. - The Gospel of Luke, An Exposition - October 11, 2008 - The Westminster Press STEDMAN, Ray C. - The Gospel of Luke: The Perfect Man - November 6, 1966 – Discovery Publishing DOUGHTY, Galen L. - A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke – February 2013 - Southside Christian Church DRISCOLL, Mark - Luke’s Gospel: Investigating the Man Who Is God - 2009. Good News Publisher JENNINGS, Rowan - An Attempt To Listen To God On Survey of The Gospel of Luke – 2011. ASHLEY, Edith - Women in Luke’s Gospel - School of Studies in Religion University of Sydney - March 2000 PEREZ, Arturo - The Gospel According to Luke Synthesis of the New Testament – 2007 ANDERSON, Duane L. - Survey of Luke A study of the book of Luke for Small Group or Personal Bible Study January 2013 - AIBI Resources

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