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Calescite Scribite in lingua Latina et in Anglice: 1.ego ad Italiam redīre volō. 2.nōs solem vidēre nōn possumus. 3.Bregāns manēre in Britannia nōn vult.

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Presentation on theme: "Calescite Scribite in lingua Latina et in Anglice: 1.ego ad Italiam redīre volō. 2.nōs solem vidēre nōn possumus. 3.Bregāns manēre in Britannia nōn vult."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calescite Scribite in lingua Latina et in Anglice: 1.ego ad Italiam redīre volō. 2.nōs solem vidēre nōn possumus. 3.Bregāns manēre in Britannia nōn vult.

2 Monday

3 Calescite Conjugate “dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī” (I sleep, to sleep, I slept) in the Present Tense. SingularPlural 1 st 2 nd 3 rd

4 Conjugate “dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī” (I sleep, to sleep, I slept) in the Present Tense. SingularPlural 1 st dormiō I sleepdormīmus We sleep 2 nd dormīs You sleepdormītis You (pl.)/Ya’ll sleep 3 rd dormīt He/she/it sleeps dormiunt They sleep

5 Ubi in mundo sumus???

6 Model Sentences – pg. 28 Part I : Narrator, Varica, Philus Part II : Narrator, Varica, Loquax, (Anti-L) Part III : Narrator, Varica, Bregans * Seven minutes (translate & practice)

7 “Rufilla” pg. 30 Class is SPLIT in half Pars Prima – RUFILLA Pars Secunda – SALVIUS *Due cr ās!!!! *We will revise then present with partners from opposite parts

8 Tuesday

9 Calescite Take out “Rufilla” translation. ….Prepare to present the scene!…. (Parāte monstrāre scaenam!)

10 “Rūfilla” pg. 30; vocab on pg. 31 Work with other Rufillae or Salvii to correct and revise the translation – 15 minutes When I give the signal, pair up (Salvius & Rufilla) and practice – 7 minutes

11 Domitilla cubiculum parat Part I pg. 32 We will translate together Write it on a piece of paper as we go along

12 Wednesday

13 Domitilla cubiculum parat Part I pg. 32 We will finish together

14 Domitilla cubiculum parat Part II pg. 33 Fabula Formarum Virgarum!!!

15 Thursday

16 Grammar Notes Adjectives – Beautiful, wonderful, awesome, fabulous adjectives!!!! Stage 14 Grammar PPT

17 Celeriter! Summary of “Domitilla cubiculum parat” Saga

18 Due MONDAY Answer questions about “in tablīnō” on page 37. – This does NOT require that you write the translation for the whole story – Focus on the lines that the questions refer to

19 Friday

20 Calescite Conjugate “dēcidō, dēcidere, dēcidī” (I fall down, to fall down, I fell down) in the Present Tense. SingularPlural 1 st 2 nd 3 rd

21 Conjugate “dēcidō, dēcidere, dēcidī” (I fall down, to fall down, I fell down) in the Present Tense. SingularPlural 1 st dēcidō I fall down dēcidimus We fall down 2 nd dēcidis You fall down dēciditis You (pl.)/Ya’ll fall down 3 rd dēcidit He/she/it falls down dēcidunt They fall down

22 Due MONDAY Answer questions about “in tablīnō” on page 37. – This does NOT require that you write the translation for the whole story – Focus on the lines that the questions refer to

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