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1.The third person present singular ending of a verb The qualitie of mercie of is not straind, It droppeth as the gentle raine from heauen Upon.

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Presentation on theme: "1.The third person present singular ending of a verb The qualitie of mercie of is not straind, It droppeth as the gentle raine from heauen Upon."— Presentation transcript:







7 1.The third person present singular ending of a verb The qualitie of mercie of is not straind, It droppeth as the gentle raine from heauen Upon the place beneath : it is twice bless’d; It blesseth him that giues and him that takes The quality of mercy of is not strained, It drops as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath : it is twice blessed It blesses him that gives and him that takes Shakespeare used both –s, -thPresent-day [THE MERCHANT OF VENICE] Act 4, Scene 1

8 1.The third person present singular ending of a verb The qualitie of mercie of is not straind, It droppeth as the gentle raine from heauen Upon the place beneath : it is twice bless’d; It blesseth him that giues and him that takes The quality of mercy of is not strained, It drops as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath : it is twice blessed It blesses him that gives and him that takes Shakespeare used both –s, -thPresent-day [THE MERCHANT OF VENICE] Act 4, Scene 1

9 The qualitie of mercie of is not straind, It droppeth as the gentle raine from heauen Upon the place beneath : it is twice bless’d; It blesseth him that giues and him that takes 1.The third person present singular ending of a verb Shakespeare used both –s, -thPresent-day [THE MERCHANT OF VENICE] Act 4, Scene 1 The quality of mercy of is not strained, It drops as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath : it is twice blessed It blesses him that gives and him that takes

10 The qualitie of mercie of is not straind, It droppeth as the gentle raine from heauen Upon the place beneath : it is twice bless’d; It blesseth him that giues and him that takes 1.The third person present singular ending of a verb The quality of mercy of is not strained, It drops as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath : it is twice blessed It blesses him that gives and him that takes Shakespeare used both –s, -thPresent-day [THE MERCHANT OF VENICE] Act 4, Scene 1

11 2.Do-Support in negative or interrogative I think not of them Goes the King hence to-day? I do not think of them Does the King go hence today? Elizabethan timesPresent-day

12 I do not think of them Does the King go hence today? I think not of them Goes the King hence to-day? 2.Do-Support in negative or interrogative Present-dayElizabethan times

13 2.Do-Support in negative or interrogative I think not of them Goes the King hence to-day? I do not think of them Does the King go hence today? Elizabethan timesPresent-day

14 I think not of them Goes the King hence to-day? I do not think of them Does the King go hence today? 2.Do-Support in negative or interrogative Elizabethan timesPresent-day

15 2.Do-Support in negative or interrogative I think not of them Goes the King hence to-day? I do not think of them Does the King go hence today? Elizabethan timesPresent-day How goes it?

16 2.Do-Support in negative or interrogative I think not of them Goes the King hence to-day? I do not think of them Does the King go hence today? Elizabethan timesPresent-day How goes it? How are you?

17 3.Which & Who The mistress which I serve The mistress who I serve Elizabethan timesPresent-day [THE TEMPEST] Act 3, Scene 1

18 3.Which & Who The mistress which I serve The mistress who I serve Elizabethan timesPresent-day [THE TEMPEST] Act 3, Scene 1

19 3.Which & Who The mistress which I serve The mistress who I serve Elizabethan timesPresent-day [THE TEMPEST] Act 3, Scene 1

20 4.Thou & Thee & You I [name] take thee [name] to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth. Book of Common Prayer,1662

21 4.Thou & Thee & You ‘Don’t thou thou me, thou thou them as thous thee’ ‘ 저를 thou 하지 마세요. 당신에게 thou 라고 부르는 사람에게 thou 라고 부르세요 ’

22 4.Thou & Thee & You Clarence: Where art thou, keeper? Give me a cup of wine. Clarence: 너 어디에 있니 ? 내게 와인 한잔 주거라. Second Murderer: You shall have enough wine, my lord, anon. Second Murderer: 주인님께서는 곧 충분한 와인을 가지게 되실 겁니다. [RICHARD Ⅲ] Act 1, Scene 4

23 4.Thou & Thee & You Thou Where art thou, keeper? Thee I give thee my troth One person Thou + Thee You (subject + Object)

24 4.Thou & Thee & You Thou Where art thou, keeper? Thee I give thee my troth One person Thou + Thee

25 You (subject + Object) 4.Thou & Thee & You Thou Where art thou, keeper? Thee I give thee my troth One person Thou + Thee

26 You 4.Thou & Thee & You Thou Where art thou, keeper? Thee I give thee my troth One person Thou + Thee + singular + plural

27 셰익스피어 시대 ( 1590~1613 활동 ) 엘리자베스 통치 시기 국문학 (english literature) 융성 Elizabethan (1584-1642 ) 문예부흥운동 그리스와 로마 고전 부활 Renaissance ( 영국 16c) 고전의 언어를 차용한 새로 운 영어단어 등장 ( 차용어 )

28 차용어 [loanword] 체계가 다른 언어체계의 어휘에서 빌려온 단어 고전 소양 = 라틴어 르네상스 = 그리스 문학 16c 영국 - 라틴어, 그 리스 차용 어 多 - 방언, 옛 언어에서 차용 Shakespeare 시대 차용어

29 단어의 팽창 (1530-1660) Shakespeare 28,000 개의 서로 다른 영어단어 사용 (1590~1613) Elizabethan : English literature 융성 (1590 전후 ) 르네상스 : 문예부흥운동 (16c) 1590-1610 매년 6000 개의 새 로운 단어 추가

30 위대한 영어 ! 차용어를 통해 새로운 국가언어 와 문학 창조 발전된 영어로 고전문학과 경쟁 Greek < English Richard Mulcaster (p56) I loue Rome, but london better, I favor italie, but Englan d more, I honor the Latin, but I worship the English. 나는 로마를 사랑하지만, 런던을 더 사랑하고 나는 이탈리아를 좋아하지만 영국을 더 좋아하고, 나는 라틴어를 존경하지만 영어는 숭배한다.

31 SHAKESPEARE 시대의 발음 1. 현재의 영어 발음은 엘리자베스 시대에 표준화 되기 시작 ∴ Geoffrey Chaucer(1343~1400) 보다는 현대영어에 가까움 2. 현대의 아일랜드나 미국식 영어의 발음에 가까움 ① 중간과 끝의 r 을 권설음으로 발음 ② 영국의 표준 모음발음 [ ɑ :] 가 아닌 [ ӕ ] 사용 현대 영국 발음 (RP)Shakespeare 발음 Further[f3:ð][f ə rð ə r] word[w3:d][w ə rd] 현대 영국 발음 (RP)Shakespeare 발음 Dance [d ɑ :ns][d ӕ ns] After [ ɑ :ft ə (r)][ ӕ ft ə r] bath [b ɑ :θ][B ӕ θ]

32 3. Difference of Diphthongs ( 이중모음 )  현대 영국영어, 미국문학과도 다름 현대 영국 발음 (RP)Shakespeare 발음 Day [de ɪ ] [de:] Told [t ə ʊ ld] [to:ld] Time [ta ɪ m] [t ə Im] our [a ʊ ə ][ ə ʊ ə r]

33 SOME POPULAR SHAKESPEARE QUOTATIONS The time is out of joint (Hamlet) Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse! (Richard ⅲ ) At one fell swoop (Macbeth) It was Greek to me (Julius Caesar) The course of true love never did run smooth ( A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

34 참조


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