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METU IMS. “90% of annual anchovy catch comes from the northern Aegean Sea. Egg and larve abundances are highest along its northern rim” (Stergiou, 1992).

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Presentation on theme: "METU IMS. “90% of annual anchovy catch comes from the northern Aegean Sea. Egg and larve abundances are highest along its northern rim” (Stergiou, 1992)."— Presentation transcript:


2 “90% of annual anchovy catch comes from the northern Aegean Sea. Egg and larve abundances are highest along its northern rim” (Stergiou, 1992). A synthesis paper “Major outputs of the recent multidisciplinary Biogeochemical researches undertaken in the Aegean Sea” Lykousis et al. (2002), JMS, 33-34, p.313-334 Motivation: Spatial and temporal variabilities of the ecosystem are still poorly known. The SeaWIFS Chl data provide a great deal of information, which contributes to our knowledge of the Aegean Sea ecosystem.

3 Bricaud & Antoine (2000) Rem. Sens. Env.

4 January January January January 1998199819981998 2000 1999199919991999 2001

5 FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary 1998199819981998 1999199919991999 2000200020002000 2001200120012001

6 MarchMarchMarchMarch 2000200020002000 1998199819981998 1999199919991999 2001200120012001

7 AprilAprilAprilApril 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

8 MayMayMayMay 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

9 JuneJuneJuneJune 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

10 JulyJulyJulyJuly 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

11 AugustAugustAugustAugust 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

12 SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

13 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

14 NovemberNovemberNovemberNovember 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

15 DecemberDecemberDecemberDecember 2000200020002000 2001200120012001 1998199819981998 1999199919991999

16 Jan98Feb98 Mar98 Apr98 May98 Jun88 Jul98 Aug98 Sep98 Oct98 Nov98Dec98Jan99Feb99Mar99

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18 Oct98Nov98 Dec98 Jan99 Feb99 Mar99

19 Oct99 Nov99 Dec99 Jan00 Feb00 Mar00

20 Oct00 Nov00 Dec00 Jan01 Feb01 Mar01

21 Water, Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen and Total Organic Carbon Budgets of the Black Sea and the Turkish Straits System Temel Oguz and Suleyman Tugrul Prepared for: JGOFS-Continental Margins Task Team

22 Emiliania Huxleyi Blooms In the Black and Marmara Seas June 16, 2000




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