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Infertility Boyarsky C., MD, PhD. Infertility Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse.

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Presentation on theme: "Infertility Boyarsky C., MD, PhD. Infertility Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infertility Boyarsky C., MD, PhD

2 Infertility Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse.

3 Infertility and Subfertility Infertility – in a case than a pregnancy is impossible (for example, after two salpingoectomies or stable azoospermia) Subfertility – the probability of pregnancy is significantly reduced, but it is possible (endometriosis, PCOS etc.)

4 Infertility Primary infertility – Couples with primary infertility have never been able to conceive secondary infertility is difficulty conceiving after already having conceived

5 Age of women Infertility is impaired in 10-15% of married couples In 20 years only 6% firstly married women can have infertility In 30 years 10-15% firstly married women can have infertility In 40 years up to 50% firstly married women can have infertility

6 Infertility Male causes Female causes

7 Infertility Male infertility Ovulatory dysfunction Tubal disease Endometriosis Immunological infertility Idiopathic infertility

8 Male infertility The main method of male infertility investigation is semen analysis, twice during one month Normal values by WHO

9 Normal values by WHO, 1999 and 2010 19992010 Volume, ml>1,5 Concentration, mln./ml 2015 Motility, A+B 50%40% Morphology14%4%

10 Semen analysis Aspermia - complete lack of semen Azoospermia - absence of sperm cells in semen Oligospermia or ** Oligozoospermia - decreased number of spermatozoa in semen Asthenozoospermia - reduced sperm motility Teratospermia - increase in sperm with abnormal morphology Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia – complex abnormalities

11 Aspermia One of the causes of aspermia is retrograde ejaculation Diabetes mellitus type 1 Multiple sclerosis Spinal cord injury

12 Azoospermia Obstructive Unobstructive

13 Obstructive azoospermia Unborn causes, CTFR mutations, a gene of cystic fibrosis After vasectomy for male contraception purpose After serious inflammatory disease of male ejaculatory tract

14 Unobstructive azoospermia Mutation in long arm of Y-chromosome AZF gene – locus a,b,c Mutation in locus c can be associated with sperms during testicular biopsy Klinefelter's syndrome – 47, XXY Sertoli cell only syndrome

15 Testicular biopsy During biopsy vital sperm can be received

16 Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia – complex abnormalities AIH – artificial insemination by husband sperm IVF-ET – in vitro fertilization and embyo transfer ICSI – intracytoplasmatic sperm injection

17 Ovulation is the process in a female's menstrual cycle by which a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum an oocyte.


19 An anovulatory cycle is a menstrual cycle during which the ovaries fail to release an oocyte. WHO classification of anovulation. WHO I type – low gonadotrophin level (Kallmann syndrome – hypogonadism + inosmia) WHO II type – normal gonadotrophin level (PCOS) WHO III type – high gonadotrophin level (POF – POI)

20 WHO I type Kallmann syndrome – hypogonadism, anosmia (an inability to perceive odors), low GNRH secretion, Low FSH and LH Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight

21 WHO II type, PCOS (2003 a consensus workshop sponsored by ESHRE/ASRM in Rotterdam) Anovulation (Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea — irregular, few, or absent menstrual periods). Hyperandrogenism - is a medical condition characterized by excessive production and/or secretion of androgens. Hirsutism — excessive mild symptoms of hyperandrogenism. Biochemical hyperandrogenism – high level of testosterone. Ultrasound signs – multifollicular ovaries (more than 12 follicles by one view)

22 WHO III type – high gonadotrophin level (POF – POI) Age less than 40 years FSH level > 40 IU/L Amenorrhoea more than 6 months

23 Endometriosis is a gynecological medical condition in women in which endometrial-like cells appear and flourish in areas outside the uterine cavity



26 Tubal disease



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