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John F. “Jack” Kennedy. I.Background A. Wealthy Boston family. B. World War II hero. (pics)(pics) C. Senator from Massachusetts. II. Elected President.

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Presentation on theme: "John F. “Jack” Kennedy. I.Background A. Wealthy Boston family. B. World War II hero. (pics)(pics) C. Senator from Massachusetts. II. Elected President."— Presentation transcript:

1 John F. “Jack” Kennedy

2 I.Background A. Wealthy Boston family. B. World War II hero. (pics)(pics) C. Senator from Massachusetts. II. Elected President in 1960 A. Youngest president ever elected. B. First Catholic president. C. First televised presidential debate.debate III. “Camelot” A. Young, beautiful family. picspics B. Graceful, elegant. C. Young, bright advisors.

3 IV. Kennedy and the Cold War A. Cuba 1. Became Communist in 1959. 2. Bay of Pigs. 3. Cuban Missile Crisis. B. The Berlin WallThe Berlin Wall C. The Space Race V. Kennedy’s Domestic Policies – the “New Frontier” A. The Peace Corp B. Poverty C. Civil Rights

4 VI. Kennedy’s Death A. Shot in Dallas TX, November 22, 1963. B. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested. C. Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot Oswald the next day.Jack Ruby D. The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald had acted alone. VII. Johnson and the Great SocietyJohnson and the Great Society What problems was Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society designed to address? Identify some of the programs created by the Great Society.

5 VIII. The Warren Court A. Congressional Representation – guaranteed that congressional districts would be equal in population. B. Rights of the Accused 1. “Exclusionary Rule” evidence obtained illegally can’t be used in state courts. 2. Right to an attorney during questioning. 3. Must be read your rights before questioning.









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