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Рождество в англоязычных странах Преподаватели ин.яз. : Преподаватели ин.яз. : Серёдкина С.Н. Серёдкина С.Н. Гришман Н. В. Гришман Н. В.

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Presentation on theme: "Рождество в англоязычных странах Преподаватели ин.яз. : Преподаватели ин.яз. : Серёдкина С.Н. Серёдкина С.Н. Гришман Н. В. Гришман Н. В."— Presentation transcript:

1 Рождество в англоязычных странах Преподаватели ин.яз. : Преподаватели ин.яз. : Серёдкина С.Н. Серёдкина С.Н. Гришман Н. В. Гришман Н. В.


3 Christmas in Great Britain

4 Christmas in USA

5 Christmas in Australia



8 Конкурс 1 «Christmas poems»

9 Конкурс 2 «What do you know about Christmas?»

10 Конкурс 3 «Викторина»

11 1. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe? a) on the 7th of January b) on the 25th of December c) on the 31st of December

12 2. Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas? a) Jesus Christ b) Santa Claus c) Queen Victoria

13 3. What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree? a) Norway b) Italy c) Germany

14 4. Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London? a) in front of Buckingham Palace b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Parliament Square

15 5. What do people call Father Frost in the west? a) Santa Claus b) Frost- Red Nose c) Grandfather Frost

16 6. What does Santa Claus look like? a) is dressed in white b) fat and merry c) thin and unhappy

17 7. How does Santa Claus enter the houses to give children Christmas presents? a) knock at the door b) through the window c) climb down the chimney

18 8. Where does Santa Claus put Christmas presents? a) under the Christmas tree b) in long socks called “Christmas stockings” c) in colourful boxes

19 9. What is the traditional Christmas food? a) roast chicken b) vegetables c) roast turkey and Christmas pudding

20 10. How do British people decorate their houses at Christmas? a) with tinsel and candles b) with angels c) with such plants as holly, mistletoe and ivy

21 11. How does Santa Claus travel? a) by horses b) on a sleigh pulled by reindeer c) on foot

22 12. What do British people put on the top of the fur tree? a) an angel b) a star c) a figure of Santa Claus

23 13. What do British people traditionally do at the start of Christmas meal? a) sing carols b) pull a cracker c) give presents to each other

24 14. How does Santa Claus spend most of the year? a) in his workshop making toys b) in his ice palace reading children’s letters c) in his sleigh visiting a lot of shops

25 Конкурс 4 “ Christmas words” Present, decorations, orange, pudding, turkey, table, bag, star, sleigh, stocking, Present, decorations, orange, pudding, turkey, table, bag, star, sleigh, stocking, Christmastree, sweet, toy, wish, card, cake, pen, book, Santa, ruler, reindeer, workbook, elf, angel, flower.

26 Конкурс 6 "Draw a line" SnowmanSnowballSnowfallSnowflakessnowstorm Santa Claus ChristmasIcicleReindeer Christmas tree Sleigh Снежок Cанки РождествоСнеговикСнежинки Санта Клаус ЁлкаОленьСнегопадСосулька Снежная буря

27 Ответы "Draw a line SnowmanSnowballSnowfallSnowflakessnowstorm Santa Claus ChristmasIcicleReindeer Christmas tree SleighСнеговикСнежокСнегопадСнежинка Снежная буря Санта Клаус РождествоСосулькаОленьЁлкаСанки

28 Конкурс 7 " Put the missing letters" Sno __ man Sn __ wball Snowf __ ll Chr __ stmas tree S __nta Cla__s Ch __istmas Ic __ cle R __ indeer Snowfl __ kes sl __ igh

29 Ответы " Put the missing letters" SnowmanSnowballSnowfall Christmas tree Santa Claus Christmas Icicle Reindeer Snowflakes sleigh

30 Конкурс 8 «A song»

31 1. We dream about them all night before Christmas? 1. We dream about them all night before Christmas?

32 2. Russian Santa Clause. 2. Russian Santa Clause.

33 3. What is white and made out of snow? 3. What is white and made out of snow?

34 4. Is it better to write a letter to Santa on the table or on the desk? 4. Is it better to write a letter to Santa on the table or on the desk?

35 5. What is the end of Christmas ? 5. What is the end of Christmas ?

36 «A song about small fir» A small fir seedling growing Somewhere in the wood, It was evergreen and beautiful, Its cheer was always good. A lullaby was being sung A lullaby was being sung By whirling snowstorm, By whirling snowstorm, The frost did never hurt the fir The frost did never hurt the fir For it was covered warm. For it was covered warm. A frightened hare running by Past little green fir tree, A wicked fierce big grey wolf Was hunting it to eat. One day an old peasant man One day an old peasant man Appeared in the wood. Appeared in the wood. He cut the best New Year tree, He cut the best New Year tree, He said: „This one is good!“ He said: „This one is good!“ And now it’s in the party hall With garlands, candles lit, With lots of sparkling stars and balls. Let’s dance around it!


38 6. We usually put them on, but once a year we hang them for the presents? 6. We usually put them on, but once a year we hang them for the presents?

39 7. Traditional Christmas dish. 7. Traditional Christmas dish.

40 8. We decorate…with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells 8. We decorate…with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells

41 9. It is running night and day, but it never runs away? 9. It is running night and day, but it never runs away?

42 Конкурс 9 "Find 10 Christmas words and write down them". Ответы: BELLS, ANGEL, CANDLE, CHRISTMAS, HOLIDAY, JESUS, PARADE, PRESENTS, RUDOLPH, SLEIGH

43 В России его зовут Дед Мороз

44 В Англии, США и Австралии – Санта Клаус. А как в других странах называют Деда Мороза?

45 Пьер Ноэль (Пер Ноэль)

46 Йоулупукки

47 Ниссе

48 Дед Микулаш и Дед Ежишек

49 Германия - Вайнахтсман Германия - Вайнахтсман Италия — Баббо Натале и фея Бефана Италия — Баббо Натале и фея Бефана Китай — Шань Дань Лаожен Китай — Шань Дань Лаожен в Японии — Сегацу-Одзи-сан в Японии — Сегацу-Одзи-сан Узбекистан — Кербобо. Узбекистан — Кербобо. Таджикистан — Оджуз Таджикистан — Оджуз в Азербайджане — Шахта Баба в Азербайджане — Шахта Баба в Башкирии и в Татарстане — Кыш Бабай в Башкирии и в Татарстане — Кыш Бабай


51 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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