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Period 2- The Classical Era 600 B.C.E. – 500 C.E..

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Presentation on theme: "Period 2- The Classical Era 600 B.C.E. – 500 C.E.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 2- The Classical Era 600 B.C.E. – 500 C.E.

2 The Classical Period 600 B.C.E. – 500 CE Themes that identify the Period 1.The centralization of bureaucracies. 2.The geographic expansion of empires. 3.The development of inter-regional trade networks. (The Silk Roads) 4.The creation of social, political & economic integration systems within empires.

3 The Classical Period 600 B.C.E. – 500 CE Continuities from the Pre-Classical Period 1.Agriculture as a basis of the economy. 2.Patriarchal social structure

4 PART 1 – Questions for Analysis 1. How was Greece organized politically in the Pre-Hellenistic Era? How did this change in the Hellenistic Era with the rise of the Macedonians? 2. Describe the economic world of Classical Greece. What did the PanHellenic festivals indicate about the economic organization of Classical Greece? PART 2 – Making Connections Explain the relationship between each of the following pairs. How does one lead to or foster the other? Be specific in your response. a. Cult of Osiris & Zoroastrianism b. the Odyssey & the Ramayana

5 Ch.10 – Classical Greece

6 A. Political 2. Made up of many city-states (polis) a. various political structures existed b. monarchies, aristocracies, military dictatorships, and democracy 1.No centralized state or empire in Pre-Hellenistic Greece.

7 A. Political continued 3. Persian Wars a. the result of extending Greek influence b. brings about the creation of the Delian League 1. political & economic competition resulted in the Peloponnesian War between Sparta and Athens.

8 1. The Hellenistic Era - Alexander of Macedon rises to power. - Conquers Persia and reaches India in 4 th century B.C.E. - The Persian administrative model is adopted. A. Political continued

9 B. Economic 1. Agricultural basis of economy 2. Region benefits from maritime trade a. Greek culture is spread through colonization of the Mediterranean Sea b. Pan-Hellenic Festivals were a result of trade links.

10 C. Religious & Social 1. Patriarchal Society 2. Rational Thought & Philosophy versus myth a. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food. Hippocrates He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature. Socrates It is not living that matters, but living rightly. Socrates The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates Appreciate thy teacher for he is the greatest sage. DiGiuliapos Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others. Plato Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. Plato It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. Aristotle Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. Aritstotle The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching. Aritstotle

11 C. Religious & Social 2. Rational Thought & Philosophy continued b. Stoicism 3. Greek Religion a. polytheistic, Cult of Dionysus, religions of salvation Dionysus

12 PART 1 – Questions for Analysis 1. How was Greece organized politically in the Pre-Hellenistic Era? How did this change in the Hellenistic Era with the rise of the Macedonians? 2. Describe the economic world of Classical Greece. What did the PanHellenic festivals indicate about the economic organization of Classical Greece? PART 2 – Making Connections Explain the relationship between each of the following pairs. How does one lead to or foster the other? Be specific in your response. a. Cult of Osiris & Zoroastrianism b. the Odyssey & the Ramayana

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