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Learn, Achieve, Believe Together First Grade Curriculum Night 2015-2016 Ms. Maria Simon.

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Presentation on theme: "Learn, Achieve, Believe Together First Grade Curriculum Night 2015-2016 Ms. Maria Simon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn, Achieve, Believe Together First Grade Curriculum Night 2015-2016 Ms. Maria Simon

2 Please take a few minutes to… Add your name and email address to our Room Parent contact sheet. Take a look at all the great work we’ve been doing! Find a comfortable spot to sit and enjoy our curriculum presentation.

3 What a team!!!!!!!!

4 Housekeeping Communication~email is easiest Edline for Birch Meadow school wide information and notices. Our weebly website, for all classroom communication. Please check it often! Sign up for---Parent~Teacher Conferences can be found under “notices” on our Weebly. ae2ea02-parentteacher ae2ea02-parentteacher We need enrichment coordinators for grade one. Email Harriet Lyons, our chair, if you’re interested

5 A Typical Day in First Grade Morning Meeting Math Snack/Recess TIM~Guided Reading Lunch Fundations~Phonics Recess Writer’s Workshop~Writing Special (P.E./Art/Music/Library) Science/Social Studies

6 Phonics Fundations Research-based Systematic, explicit, sequential Multi-sensory Common spelling patterns Irregularly spelled “trick” words Phonological/Phonemic Awareness At home practice pages on Edline, linked to our Weebly, under “notices”

7 Guided Reading C A F E Comprehension Accuracy Fluency Expanding Vocabulary Daily 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing

8 Math Math In Focus: Singapore Math Strong visual approach Balances conceptual understanding with computation Balances hands-on opportunities with sharing of strategies Aligns with Common Core

9 Writing Writer’s Workshop M ini lessons Use of temporary~invented spelling Children write about topics of their choice Based on the belief that “one becomes a more fluent and confident writer, the more frequently one writes!”

10 Our Classroom Website

11 Social Thinking Social Thinking vocabulary, by Michelle Garcia Winner, will be used in our classroom. Increases students’ ability to think flexibly and shift their behavior to the expectation and situation. Acknowledges that we are all different in the way we learn, behave, and feel. Teaches about expected and unexpected behaviors, as well as what others might think when they see those behaviors.

12 Mindfulness Helps children develop mindful attention to self and others, as well as the ability to embrace differences. Fosters social and emotional awareness, enhances psychological well being, thus promoting academic success. Helps children understand how to respond to the world reflectively instead of reflexively. Research is beginning to show the benefits of meditation on student growth, in terms of increased attentiveness, concentration, and problem solving skills.

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