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1 What makes a Chair a Chair? Joydeep Bhadra Simon Fraser University Helmut Grabner, Jeurgen Gall, Luc Van Gool.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What makes a Chair a Chair? Joydeep Bhadra Simon Fraser University Helmut Grabner, Jeurgen Gall, Luc Van Gool."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What makes a Chair a Chair? Joydeep Bhadra Simon Fraser University Helmut Grabner, Jeurgen Gall, Luc Van Gool

2 2 Outline Introduction & Motivation What & How Conclusion 123

3 3 Part 1 Introduction & Motivation Large intra-class variation for chairs Lot of works has been done for recognizing 3d objects

4 4 Part 1 (Continued) The Chair Challenge (H Bulthoff) Visual appearance is not enough Chairs Non Chairs

5 5 Part 1 Continued Affordance A function is required to describe the object Why do we care?

6 6 Part 2 What Method to learn an affordance detector Common approaches Functionality detection

7 7 Part 2 Continued Hallucinate actors Halucinate interaction detection Some models require interaction during observation

8 8 Part 2 Continued Characteristics Training on selected dataGeneralizes well on similar object Can detect anomalies Affordance is handled as a cue complimentary & parallel to visual appearance

9 9 Part 2 Continued How Actions can be described by key poses 3d distance of the object from the scene. Model Affordance ModelAffordance Detection Mesh intersection: intersection of each triangle between actor & object. Conditional probability over all transformations of key poses of the actor into the scene (object).

10 10 Part 3 Results

11 11 Part 3 Limitations & Future scope LimitationsFuture Scope Exp. results only shown for sitting poses. Might fail where functionality cant be expressed by human poses. Relies on geometric properties. Physical stability or material property can improve model.

12 12 Thank you for your attention

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