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SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 1 Steering Group Exercise Specifications Conference (ESC) 24-27 Sep 2013 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs LTC Krešimir LokasCOL Valentin.

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Presentation on theme: "SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 1 Steering Group Exercise Specifications Conference (ESC) 24-27 Sep 2013 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs LTC Krešimir LokasCOL Valentin."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 1 Steering Group Exercise Specifications Conference (ESC) 24-27 Sep 2013 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs LTC Krešimir LokasCOL Valentin Tzvetanov

2 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 2 Steering Group Introductions

3 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 3 Steering Group Composition -Co-chairs: Croatia and Bulgaria -Participating Nations: Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Greece; Italy; Montenegro; Romania; Serbia; Slovenia; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*;Turkey; Ukraine -SEEBRIG HQ -SEDM Observer Nations: Georgia; Moldova; - Supporting Nation: United States SEDM-CC Secretariat Representative International Organization / Non-Governmental Organization to be determined * Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name

4 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 4 Steering Group Responsibilities -Representatives are fully authorized by capital/HQ to speak on behalf of individual nation/SEEBRIG HQ and make all decisions on matters related to SEESIM 14 -Provide policy guidance to the subordinate Working Groups for SEESIM 14 -Monitor the progress of the Working Groups -Authorize the Host Nation to provide updates/briefings to SEDM-CC and other appropriate forums upon request

5 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 5 Steering Group Specified Tasks -Ensure provision of required resources -Review, advise and approve national scenarios and training objectives -Review and approve the SEESIM 14 Exercise Specification (EXSPEC) -Approve the SEESIM 14 planning and execution timeline and dates -Review and approve the official SEESIM 14 Logo -Review and approve the SEESIM 14 Terms of Reference (TOR)

6 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 6 Steering Group Specified Tasks (cont.) -Provide final resolution of all Working Group issues -Review, modify, and approve the recommendations of Working Groups -Monitor the overall progress of the SEESIM project to ensure successful implementation -Ensure compliance with all SEESIM 14 documents and agreements -Draft and approve Distinguished Visitors’ Day agenda -Identify and coordinate seminars and workshops for the SEESIM training audience

7 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 7 Steering Group ESC Objectives -Produce Minutes of all Conference proceedings -Review Steering Group responsibilities and tasks -Identify and discuss National issues related to SEESIM 14 -Approve final draft of the Exercise Specification (EXSPEC) -Ensure the Exercise Broad Scenario is approved by the SEDM-CC -Discuss Public Information Policy -Review and approve SEESIM 14 Logo

8 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 8 Steering Group ESC Objectives (cont.) -Review Overall SEESIM Objectives -Review and Approve National Training Objectives -Review and Approve Terms of Reference (TOR) -Review and approve Exercise Planning and Execution dates -Identify and approve list of IOs, GOs and NGOs to be invited by the Host Nation for all remaining SEESIM 14 events -Discuss concept for Training Audience Seminar and Workshop proposals

9 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 9 Steering Group ESC Objectives (cont.) -Host Nation present SEESIM Planning Website procedures -Determine Steering Group Objectives for the Initial Planning Conference (IPC) -Discuss outstanding issues identified by the Operational and Technical Working Groups -Develop and approve final conference minutes -Determine the location for SEESIM 14 IPC

10 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 10 Steering Group Remarks by SEDM-CC and PMSC Secretariat representative LTC Jan-Florin Ganea

11 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 11 “A series of coordinated cyber attacks against the governments of South Eastern Europe followed by biological and/or chemical terrorist attacks on several countries with transnational impact. A large natural disaster also occurs. These events result in a breakdown of communications and widespread destruction and loss of life. This prompts a comprehensive civilian, military, and political approach by relevant Government and Nongovernment Organizations in the participating nations in performing essential tasks and exercising the responsibilities necessary to respond to national and regional emergencies. SEESIM 14 Broad Scenario

12 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 12 These tasks promote: Counterterrorism; Counter proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; Transnational and regional cooperation in South-Eastern Europe; Border and energy security; Protection of critical infrastructure; Cyber defence capabilities; Emergency response capacities; Disaster Relief Operations; Coordinated, effective responses to transnational threats; Consequence management; Intelligence and Information sharing, collaboration and interoperability; Global communications and Realistic national training objectives.” SEESIM 14 Broad Scenario (cont.)

13 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 13 SEESIM 14 Training Audience From the SEESIM 14 Terms of Reference “The Exercise will stimulate the SEEBRIG Headquarters and National Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) of participating nations. The EOCs will be staffed by Civilian and Military representatives from relevant Government Organizations (GOs) and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the participating nations.” From the SEESIM 14 Broad Scenario “The widespread destruction and loss of life prompts a comprehensive civilian, military, and political approach by relevant Government and Nongovernment Organizations in the participating nations in performing essential tasks and exercising the responsibilities necessary to respond to national and regional emergencies.”

14 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 14 Academic Seminars & Workshops Seminars, Workshops and Courses for SEESIM 12 Bulgaria -Multinational Collaboration in Civil Military Interoperability (21-22 Nov 2011) - Exercise Planners Training Course (25-26 Apr 2012) -Seminar Development of Mechanisms, Tools and Practices For Crisis and Emergency Responses Using M&S (26-28 Jun 2012) -NATO Strategic Communications Familiarization Course (10-13 Sep 2012) NC3A, Hague -South Eastern Europe Simulation Workshop 2012 (12-14 Jul 2011) -MEL/MIL Course (6-8 Dec 2011) NATO CoE M&S, Italy -NATO Computer Assisted Exercise Operator Certification Course (NATO CAX OCC) (19-27 Jun 2012) -SEESIM 12 DTE Experiment Workshop (8-11 May 2012)

15 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 15 SEESIM 14 Timeline JanFebMarAprMayJun Bilateral 19-21 Croatia JulAugSepOctNovDec ESC 24-27 Croatia JanFebMarAprMayJun MPC 1-4 Croatia JulAugSepOctNovDec Execution 23-26 Croatia FCC 3-5 Croatia Setup/Trg 1-19 Croatia 2013 2014 IPC 21-24 Croatia EPC 25-27 Bulgaria CMC 27-29 Bulgaria EPC = Exercise Planners Course CMC = Crisis Management Course

16 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 16 MONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930 EXCON Main Training Execution DV Day JCATS Training Final Setup and Testing Opening SM & AAR Training AAR Closing SEESIM 14 Execution Schedule (Sep 14)


18 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 18 CROATIA EXCON MAIN CROATIA Zagreb, August 2013 CAF GS, Command Operations Centre VTC, VoIP, Web, Email SEESIM 14 Exercise Design

19 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 19 EOC EXCON Main Exercise Director EXCON Director Operations Control Scenario Manager AAR Manager Information Manager Remote Site EXCON Forward Site Manager AAR Analyst Role Players International Response Cell (Role Players) Other EOCs MEL/MIL Injects JCATS Information Messages & Coordination Messages & Coordination Information RFIs Guidance RFIs TRAINING AUDIENCE Coordination National Response Cell Liaison Officer MEL/MIL Tracker JCATS Operator SEESIM 14 Exercise Design

20 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 20 SEESIM 14 Exercise Design Exercise Director Deputy Exercise Director EXCON Director EXCON Admin Visitor Observers Bureau (VOB) Public Information Center (PIC) Operations Group Operations Officer Information Manager Liaison Officers International Organizations Site Mgrs / Role Players AAR Analysts Scenario Manager After Action Review Mgr (One per Exercise site) (TBD) (One per Exercise site, plus EXCON Main techs) (One per Exercise site, plus EXCON Main techs) (One per Exercise site, all located in Croatia) Systems Technicians Comm Technicians JCATS Tech Controller Database Manager Technical Coordinator VTC Operators VTC Bridge Operator (One per Exercise site) Technical Group JCATS Operators Sr Model Controller Personnel located in Croatia and remote sites (One per Exercise site, all located in Croatia) MEL/MIL Trackers

21 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 21 Steering Group Country name/abbreviation/flag format for: All SEESIM 14 official documents Speech in SEESIM 14 Plenary and Working Group sessions

22 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 22 Steering Group The Written Word All participating, support and observer nations will be referred to in all SEESIM written documents by their full names. No abbreviations or country codes will be used. National flags will be used in SEESIM graphics, charts etc., wherever space is too limited for full country names. The NATO designation “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia * ” will be used in all SEESIM written documents (the first letters of “the” and “former” to be in lower case). The first reference to the country on any page of the document must be accompanied by the footnote, “ * Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name”.

23 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 23 Steering Group Alphabetical Placement In accordance with NATO seating plans following English alphabetical order at Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council- Partnership for Peace (EAPC-PfP) meetings, the Delegation and flag of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia* in SEESIM will be placed between Slovenia and Turkey. * Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name

24 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 24 Miscellaneous United States Warsaw Initiative Funds (WIF) and NATO Brief SEESIM 14 to Southeast Europe Civil Military Emergency Planning (CMEP) Council


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