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All About Waste Dallas, TX ♦ May 18, 2016 Carrie Yonley, P.E.

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Presentation on theme: "All About Waste Dallas, TX ♦ May 18, 2016 Carrie Yonley, P.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Waste Dallas, TX ♦ May 18, 2016 Carrie Yonley, P.E.

2 Waste, Alternative Fuel and Beneficial Use ˃ New era of alternative fuel driving air rule compliance regime ˃ CISWI (Commercial & Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator Rule) compliance date nearing ˃ Updates on Recent Rules:  NHSM (Non-hazardous Secondary Material) Rule Additions  RCRA Rule Changes  CCR (Coal Combustion Residuals) and Beneficial Use 2

3 Fuels Determine Air Rules Traditional fuels and documented non-waste alternative fuels Non-hazardous waste alternative waste fuels Hazardous waste-derived fuels PC MACT Traditional fuels Non-hazardous waste alternative waste fuels CISWI Traditional fuels HWC MACT RCRA NHSM Rule Drives Difference RCRA Hazardous Waste Rule Drives Difference

4 Compliance Time Nearing for CISWI Kilns February 2018

5 CISWI Compliance Outline ˃ Compliance with standards at all times  Including startup, shutdown and malfunction ˃ Continuously monitor operating parameters  Detailed kiln specific operating limits & CEMS  Initial and periodic CMS performance evaluations ˃ Annual performance stack tests ˃ Annual APCD inspections ˃ Plans and Procedures ˃ Fuel switching procedures 5

6 Reconsideration Rule Signed 5-5-16 PM Standard Amended Reconsideration rule also includes clarifications, e.g.: Amends kiln system definition same as PC MACT, including in-line raw mills, in-line coal mills and alkali bypasses 6

7 CISWI Implementation Timeline Rule Published State Plan Due “Latest” Compliance Date 2/7/18* Stack Emissions Testing Site-specific Monitoring Plan Final Control Plan Waste Management Plan Submit 20132014 2015-2017 2018 CEMS Performance Evaluations Operator Training Program Perform Complete Initial & Ongoing APCD Inspections Design/Implement Procedures Install/ Upgrade CEMS/CMS Additional APCDs DAS Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction Operations & Maintenance Stack Test Plan Establish Operating Limits Monitoring Waste Handling Records & Reporting 7 * Compliance date based on State or Federal Plan

8 Site-Specific Training Documentation ˃ Regulatory overview ˃ Waste management plan ˃ List of wastes burned during performance test ˃ Procedures:  Receiving, handling, and charging waste  Kiln startup, shutdown, and malfunction  Maintaining proper combustion air supply levels  Operating kiln and APCDs within CISWI standards  Monitoring kiln compliance operating limits  Reporting and recordkeeping 8

9 CISWI Stack Emissions Testing ˃ Initial performance test by 6 months after compliance date – kiln and separate stacks ˃ Normal operating conditions/representative waste ˃ Annual performance test (11 – 13 months)  Retest if process or waste changes  Retest to re-establish operating limits  Reduced to every 3 years if emissions <75% of standard 9

10 Alternative Fuel Regulatory Update For PC MACT Kilns

11 Alternative Fuel Update ˃ Most recent “Comfort letter” by EPA 11-15 ˃ New Categorical Listing Rule (2-16)  Construction/Demolition wood processed from C&D debris per best management practices  Creosote treated railroad ties processed and burned in “biomass and oil” burner ˃ EPA working on guidance and additional topics  Listing for additional types of treated wood  Listing for used off-spec oil  Clarifying refuse-derived fuel vs. engineered fuel See EPA NHSM website for “guidance”

12 RCRA Hazardous Waste Generator Rule Revisions

13 Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule ˃ RCRA rule revisions proposed 9/25/2015 ˃ Final rule expected by 2016 year end ˃ Numerous changes: most of RCRA Subtitle C  Reorganization of 40 CFR 262 generator rules  Over 60 substantive changes/30+ corrections/clarifications ˃ All hazardous waste generators, industry sectors, facility types and locations affected 13

14 RCRA Changed Provisions ˃ Waste Determinations  Hazardous and non-hazardous waste  Document when material first becomes waste ˃ Emergency Planning and Preparedness  Waiver to 50’ Rule for Ignitable/Reactive Waste ˃ Labeling, notifications and recordkeeping ˃ New/clarified satellite accumulation ˃ New closure requirements for large quantity generators (LQGs) 14

15 RCRA Corrosivity Characteristic Proposal: Petition Denied ˃ Petition Content (81 FR 21295, 4/11/2016)  Lower alkaline pH threshold from 12.5 to 11.5  Apply both pH thresholds to non-aqueous wastes ˃ EPA Decision: Tentative Denial in Entirety ˃ Next steps: Comments due 6/10/2016 ˃ Final denial likely; but new possible EPA considerations:  What is “aqueous”  New characteristic: “irritant” 15

16 Coal Combustion Residual Rules and Beneficial Use

17 CCR Rule – April 17, 2015 ˃ Final rule based on Subtitle D  Detailed operational requirements for surface impoundments and landfills; self-implementing  Utilities and environmental groups challenging rule; possibly court decision by end 2016 ˃ Beneficial use versus disposal defined  Prevents “sham recycling”  Encapsulated use: E.g., cement, concrete, wallboard  Unencapsulated use: E.g., structural fill, road- based, soil amendment

18 Beneficial Use of CCR Exempt Bevill Amendment Retained ˃ Beneficial use must meet 4 criterion for encapsulated and unencapsulated uses:  Provides functional benefit  Replaces virgin material/conserves natural resources  Meets relevant product specs, or standards  Storage controls/documentation (>12,400 tons) for unencapsulated (placement on land) ˃ EPA demonstrated 4 criterion for fly ash in concrete and wallboard ˃ More EPA guidance pending on methodology

19 Alternative Fuel, Beneficial Use and Waste in Cement Production Stay Tuned For Continued Regulatory Updates!

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