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© MediPaper 2016 ASCO 2016 Atezolizumab Data MediPaper Study / AbstractPhIndicationLineNArms1 o EPORRmPFS (Mo) mOS (Mo) OS rate LBA4500Results coming after.

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Presentation on theme: "© MediPaper 2016 ASCO 2016 Atezolizumab Data MediPaper Study / AbstractPhIndicationLineNArms1 o EPORRmPFS (Mo) mOS (Mo) OS rate LBA4500Results coming after."— Presentation transcript:

1 © MediPaper 2016 ASCO 2016 Atezolizumab Data MediPaper Study / AbstractPhIndicationLineNArms1 o EPORRmPFS (Mo) mOS (Mo) OS rate LBA4500Results coming after Sunday June 5, 11:00 AM CTZ POPLARPOPLAR 9028IINSCLC2 nd / 3 rd 144 143 24 TC3 / IC3 23 TC3 / IC3 50 TC2/3 / IC 2/3 55 TC2/3 / IC 2/3 93 TC1/2/3 / IC1/2/3 102 TC1/2/3 / IC1/2/3 51 TC0/ IC0 41 TC0/ IC0 49 Squamous 48 Squamous 95 Non-Squamous 95 Non-Squamous Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 mg IV q3w Doc q3w atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w OS12.6 9.7 NR 11.1 15.1 7.4 15.1 9.2 9.7 9.7 10.1 8.6 14.8 10.9 POPLARPOPLAR 9032IINSCLC2 nd / 3 rd 144 imRECIST 144 RECIST 57 Atezo after PD 30 Other after PD Atezo 1200 mg IV q3w Atezo 1200 mg IV q3w Atezo 1200 q3w —> PD —> Atezo dose ND Atezo 1200 q3w —> PD —> Other Tx OS17% 15% 14% 4.2 2.7 11.1 8.3 IMvigor210IImUC ≧ 2 nd 100 IC2/3 imRECIST 207 IC1/2/3 imRECIST 310 IC0/1/2/3 imRECIST 100 IC2/3 RECIST 207 IC1/2/3 RECIST 310 IC0/1/2/3 RECIST Plat CTx —> PD —> R —> Atezo 1200 q3w 29% 23% 19% 26% 18% 15% 11.9 9. 0 7.9 50 (1- Yr) 40 (1- Yr) 37 (1- Yr) Abstract 35021bCRC ≧ 1 st 23 (22 KRASmu)Cobi + Atezo 800 q2wMTD (NR)17% Abstract 10091bmTNBC1 st 2 nd ≧ 3 rd ≧ 1 st (All) 9 8 7 24 Atezo 800 q2w + Pac Safety & tolerability (NR) 67%, 89% 35%, 75% 29%, 43% 42%, 71% (Conf., TBC) Treatments: Atezo 800 = Atezolizumab 800 mg IV; Atezo 1200 = Atezolizumab 1200 mg IV; Cobi = cobimetinib 20 - 60 mg daily 3wk on, 1 wk off; Doc = docetaxel 75 mg/m 2 ; IV; Pac = Nab-paclitaxel 125 mg/m 2 on d1,8,15 of 28 day cycles;Tx = Treatment. Abbreviations: 1 o EP = Primary Endpoint; BRAFmu = BRAF mutation; C2 = Cohort 2; Conf. = Confirmed; CRC = Colorectal Cancer; IC3/2/1/0 = high/medium/low/very low PDL1 expression on tumor-infiltrating immune cells; mOS = median Overall Survival; Mo = Months; mPFS = median Progression Free Survival; mTNBC = metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer; mUC = metastatic urothelial cancer; NR = Not Reported; NSCLC = non-small cell lung cancer; ORR = Overall Response Rate; OS; Overall Survival; PFS: Progression Free Survival; Ph = Phase; qXwk = every X weeks; R = Registration; TBC = To be confirmed; TC3/2/1/0 = high/medium/low/very low PD-L1 expression on tumor cells; Wk = Weeks; Yr = Year.

2 © MediPaper 2016 ASCO 2016 Atezolizumab Data Courtesy of MediPaper Medical Writers - Study / AbstractPhIndicationLineNArms1 o EPORRmPFS (Mo) mOS (Mo) OS rate LBA4500Results coming after Sunday June 5, 11:00 AM CTZ POPLARPOPLAR 9028IINSCLC2 nd / 3 rd 144 143 24 TC3 / IC3 23 TC3 / IC3 50 TC2/3 / IC 2/3 55 TC2/3 / IC 2/3 93 TC1/2/3 / IC1/2/3 102 TC1/2/3 / IC1/2/3 51 TC0/ IC0 41 TC0/ IC0 49 Squamous 48 Squamous 95 Non-Squamous 95 Non-Squamous Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 mg IV q3w Doc q3w atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w Atezo 1200 q3w Doc q3w OS12.6 9.7 NR 11.1 15.1 7.4 15.1 9.2 9.7 9.7 10.1 8.6 14.8 10.9 POPLARPOPLAR 9032IINSCLC2 nd / 3 rd 144 imRECIST 144 RECIST 57 Atezo after PD 30 Other after PD Atezo 1200 mg IV q3w Atezo 1200 mg IV q3w Atezo 1200 q3w —> PD —> Atezo dose ND Atezo 1200 q3w —> PD —> Other Tx OS17% 15% 14% 4.2 2.7 11.1 8.3 IMvigor210IImUC ≧ 2 nd 100 IC2/3 imRECIST 207 IC1/2/3 imRECIST 310 IC0/1/2/3 imRECIST 100 IC2/3 RECIST 207 IC1/2/3 RECIST 310 IC0/1/2/3 RECIST Plat CTx —> PD —> R —> Atezo 1200 q3w 29% 23% 19% 26% 18% 15% 11.9 9. 0 7.9 50 (1- Yr) 40 (1- Yr) 37 (1- Yr) Abstract 35021bCRC ≧ 1 st 23 (22 KRASmu)Cobi + Atezo 800 q2wMTD (NR)17% Abstract 10091bmTNBC1 st 2 nd ≧ 3 rd ≧ 1 st (All) 9 8 7 24 Atezo 800 q2w + Pac Safety & tolerability (NR) 67%, 89% 35%, 75% 29%, 43% 42%, 71% (Conf., TBC) Treatments: Atezo 800 = Atezolizumab 800 mg IV; Atezo 1200 = Atezolizumab 1200 mg IV; Cobi = cobimetinib 20 - 60 mg daily 3wk on, 1 wk off; Doc = docetaxel 75 mg/m 2 ; IV; Pac = Nab-paclitaxel 125 mg/m 2 on d1,8,15 of 28 day cycles;Tx = Treatment. Abbreviations: 1 o EP = Primary Endpoint; BRAFmu = BRAF mutation; C2 = Cohort 2; Conf. = Confirmed; CRC = Colorectal Cancer; IC3/2/1/0 = high/medium/low/very low PDL1 expression on tumor-infiltrating immune cells; mOS = median Overall Survival; Mo = Months; mPFS = median Progression Free Survival; mTNBC = metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer; mUC = metastatic urothelial cancer; NR = Not Reported; NSCLC = non-small cell lung cancer; ORR = Overall Response Rate; OS; Overall Survival; PFS: Progression Free Survival; Ph = Phase; qXwk = every X weeks; R = Registration; TBC = To be confirmed; TC3/2/1/0 = high/medium/low/very low PD-L1 expression on tumor cells; Wk = Weeks; Yr = Year.

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