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Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Norton Practice IV and DV.

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Presentation on theme: "Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Norton Practice IV and DV."— Presentation transcript:


2 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Norton Practice IV and DV

3 Statistics in Class Assignment HW/ Coming up: Start preparing for the unit 1 test on Friday! Study guide (with all parts besides the psychologist chart) will be collected at the beginning of class on test day) Statistics in Class Assignment due Thursday at the beginning of class. Goal(s): ★ Be able to define and calculate the following: mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation. ★ Be able to graph statistical data. No gum chewing/eating in class! Passing work out

4 Due Thursday at the beginning of class! Work on it individually or with a partner (however, everyone needs to have their own copy) using the Appendix B reading notes and textbook. Wait to complete the standard deviation calculation (unless you know how to calculate it, ) If you finish today, hold on to it until Thursday!

5 Step 1. Work out the mean -add all numbers, then divide by how many numbers there are Step 2. Then for each number: subtract the mean AND square the result In other words, using the numbers provided up top… (9 - 7) 2 = (2) 2 = 4 (2 - 7) 2 = (-5) 2 = 25 (5 - 7) 2 = (-2) 2 = 4... etc... Step 3. Work out the mean of those squared differences. - To work out the mean, add up all the values then divide by how many. - First add up all the values from the previous step. We already calculated (x 1 -7) 2 =4 etc. in the previous step, so just sum them up: = 4+25+4+9+25+0+1+16+4+16+0+9+25+4+9+9+4+1+4+9 = 178 But that isn't the mean yet, we need to divide by how many numbers there are (except for you subtract 1 number from that, which is simply done by dividing… 178/20-1 = 8.9 So, in reality you’re doing this: 178/19=8.9 Step 4. Take the square root of that: Example (concluded): σ = √(8.9) = 2.983

6 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! How will you make sure you do well on this first test? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

7 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing

8 HW/ Coming up: Review- tomorrow after school- 2:30pm-3:30pm Fill out the Practice FRQ rubric’s empty column. Statistics in Class Assignment due tomorrow, too. Test on Friday! Study guide along with all parts of it completed due at the beginning of class on Friday- very specific guidelines as to how test days will go Goal(s): ★ Be able to figure out how to study effectively for the test on Friday. What test days will look like Research Methods Graphic Organizer Go over FRQs

9 It is your responsibility to check these before you come up to ask me why you have a 0 for an assignment when you think you have turned it in. If there is an assignment in there that is yours and you forgot to write your name on there, write your name on it and place it in the missing work bin. I will grade it when I grade the rest of the assignments in that bin.

10 No speaking AT ALL once you enter the classroom. Your tests will already be out on your desks. You will be asked to, per the bell work, AS SOON AS YOU WALK IN TO THE CLASS: 1.Place your notecards in the crate, using the rubber bands to secure them together, if you didn’t already 2.Leave your study guides in a pile next to the crate (don’t turn in the psychologist chart- collected at the end of the school year for points) 3.Leave your bell works in a pile next to the crate 4.Take out a separate piece of paper and write your name and date on it 5.Pick up a pencil from the board and write your name on the board if you need to borrow a pencil If you speak to anyone about anything the day of the test AFTER YOU HAVE ENTERED THE CLASSROOM, even though the bell had not rung, even if it’s to “borrow” a pencil, you will receive a 0. No questions asked, no explanations. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. If you look at your phone at all, AFTER YOU HAVE ENTERED THE CLASSROOM, even if it is to just check the time, you will receive a 0. Please sign this informational agreement right now and then pass it up.

11 As we’ve discussed, an AP course will generally be more difficult than other courses (honors or general social studies classes) you have taken thus far in high school. It is supposed to be like that - thus the “advanced placement” moniker. Use metacognition to understand what you know and what you do not know is the best way to study.DO NOT REREAD YOUR TEXT OR SIMPLY PAGE THROUGH YOUR NOTES. This is not effective and is a pointless study technique. Write your own test questions. Have your parents quiz you on correct term definitions. Explain how a term relates to your own life. Write a six-word summary for each term. Make mnemonic devices (or memory tricks) - remember the dumber the better - to help you recall the information. Check out this doc on our class website: Resources to Get an A on the First AP Psychology Test.docx Studying effectively is not a quick OR an easy task. Don’t expect it to take an hour the night before a test, and don’t expect an A if you use that strategy. Space out your study for a half-hour each night in the days prior to the exam. Print the note cards off at the beginning of the unit and make notes as the unit progresses. Study with friends if they’re like-minded and serious about getting down to business. Finally, ask me if you need clarification or help with any topic. I’m here to help (it is kinda my job) and I’m happy to work with you through any difficulties you may be experiencing. Good luck and study hard!

12 1.Circle anything that you don’t know really well. 2.Then, either on the front of the sheet or on the back, explain any terms/concepts that you circled. 1.Feel free to use your textbook and/or your phone for this.

13 A lot of you explained the approach soooooo well! But, no application (a very specific, detailed example)= NO POINT!!! Ex.- Little Albert in John Watson’s experiment learned to fear the white rat by being subjected to an extremely loud noise when attempting to touch the rat. Weeks after the birth of a new child, the testosterone levels in the father’s body drop more than 30%. Biological psychologists believe that schizophrenia is affected by levels of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter. Examples- If _, then _. Operationally define each variable- that’s what makes it specific and earns you a point Don’t say environment causes you to act differently Say, For example, if someone receives a lot of attention from parents as a child, then they are likely to want a lot of attention from relationships as an adult Write in full sentences. Separate each point- should not be one big paragraph. Keep the order of the question! Again- No example- no point. Make sure you handwrite these.

14 Your homework- write down using the key why you did not get the point for any of the 7 points that you missed. Use the abbreviations that I have if they apply.

15 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Did having a list of terms from the unit help in figuring out what you need to study more effectively? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

16 Complete it- the questions will always be on the bell work sheets. Pass up: Practice FRQs with their rubrics! #17

17 1.Statistics Notes 2.Correlation Notes 3.The Onion Assignment 4.(Go over your Statistics in Class Assignment) HW/ Coming up: Review- today after school- 2:30pm-3:30pm Test tomorrow! Study guide along with all parts of it completed due at the beginning of class tomorrow- very specific guidelines as to how test days will go! Goal(s): Be able to understand standard deviation and the normal distribution. Be able to define and evaluate statistical data presented. Be able to tell the difference between different correlations.

18 No speaking AT ALL once you enter the classroom. Your tests will already be out on your desks. You will be asked to, per the bell work, AS SOON AS YOU WALK IN TO THE CLASS: 1.Place your notecards in the crate, using the rubber bands to secure them together, if you didn’t already 2.Leave your study guides in a pile next to the crate (don’t turn in the psychologist chart- collected at the end of the school year for points) 3.Leave your bell works in a pile next to the crate 4.Take out a separate piece of paper and write your name and date on it 5.Pick up a pencil from the board and write your name on the board if you need to borrow a pencil If you speak to anyone about anything the day of the test AFTER YOU HAVE ENTERED THE CLASSROOM, even though the bell had not rung, even if it’s to “borrow” a pencil, you will receive a 0. No questions asked, no explanations. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. If you look at your phone at all, AFTER YOU HAVE ENTERED THE CLASSROOM, even if it is to just check the time, you will receive a 0. Please sign this informational agreement right now and then pass it up.

19 Standard Deviation Normal Distribution: A distribution of scores that produces a bell-shaped symmetrical curve. In this “normal curve” - the mean, median, and mode fall exactly at the same point. The span of ONE SD on either side of the mean covers approximately 68.2% of the scores in a normal distribution. ➔ Average IQ = 100 ➔ Most people (68.2%) fall into 85-115 range ➔ IQ extremes are above 130 and below 70

20 Normal Curve You need to write this in your notes, copy it down, & memorize it. Period. There is no other way to do it. 1 SD from the mean = 68.27% 2 SD from the mean = 95.43% 3 SD from the mean = 99.73% 4 SD from the mean = 99.994%

21 YouTube: Schallhorn on Standard Deviation

22 How do you calculate Standard Deviation? Good News - you will NEVER have to on a test. However, I want you to understand what it represents, so here you go! ★ Can estimate SD by looking at the “spread” of #s ★ Figure out the range and then divide it by 4 Which of the following sets of data have the GREATEST SD? 1, 5, 7, 30 5, 10, 12, 18 30, 32, 34, 35

23 Measures of Variation Range: The difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution. Standard Deviation: Average difference between each score and the mean. LARGE SD: More spread out scores are from the mean. SMALL SD: More scores bunch together around the mean.

24 Where does the x and the y go? X is the independent variable (bottom/horizontal line) Y is the dependent variable (vertical line)



27 Be sure to label each axis! Ex. Words, pictures



30 ★ The measure of the relationship between two items or variables. POSITIVE CORRELATION - 2 variables that increase together or decrease together. Example: The number of gallons of gas pumped is positively correlated to the amount spent on gas. GALLONS OF GAS $ ON GAS NEGATIVE CORRELATION - Variables move in opposite directions Example: Miles traveled is negatively correlated to the amount of gas left in your tank. MILES TRAVELED GAS IN TANK

31 Correlational coefficient: -Statistical measure that shows the degree of relationship between 2 variables (the extent to which two factors relate to one another) ★ Number will always fall between -1.0 and +1.0. ★ The higher the # the stronger the relationship. ★ The closer the number is to ZERO the weaker the relationship. ★ + or - ONLY indicates the direction of the relationship. ★ The # itself indicates the strength of the relationship.


33 How to Read a Correlation Coefficient




37 ● -.80 or +.80? ● -1.00 or 0.00? ● +.70 or +.50?


39 By yourself or with your bell work partner, write a satirical article that talks about two correlations. You will do this on a separate piece of paper, with your name(s) on it. Due at the beginning of class on Monday! Wait to turn in until then.



42 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Why are inferential statistics important? Explain your answer. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

43 Put any raffle tickets in to the raffle bin if you want to. Today’s prize- handful of candy! Be sure to stay completely quiet- absolutely no talking to anyone- once you have entered the classroom. Do NOT look at the test questions on your desk until the bell rings. Once the bell rings, you are able to start writing your FRQ response. TURN IN to the front of the room: Anything that your bell work instructs you to turn in! #18

44 Unit 1 Test -FRQ first (20 minutes) -MC second (after the FRQ prompt and answer has been dropped off on the side counter, pick up the MC and scantron) -Raffle HW/ Coming up: The Onion Assignment due Monday! Goal(s): To assess what you have learned from class and the textbook readings this unit.

45 1 st period- You have until 7:40 am to finish the FRQ question. 7 th period- You have until 1:04 pm to finish the FRQ question. 8 th period- You have until 1:58 pm to finish the FRQ question. Once you are done with the FRQ, place the prompt for it, as well as your answer with your name on it on the side counter. Then, pick up the scantron and the MC (multiple choice) part of the test. Only write your NAME and the DATE on the scantron. Once you are done with that, place them on the side counter.

46 Let’s draw!

47 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Nothing. Have a great weekend! Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

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