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 1. Define Imperialism  2. Matthew Perry is credited with opening the ports of what country?  3. Name the Queen of Hawaii who was overthrown by the.

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Presentation on theme: " 1. Define Imperialism  2. Matthew Perry is credited with opening the ports of what country?  3. Name the Queen of Hawaii who was overthrown by the."— Presentation transcript:

1  1. Define Imperialism  2. Matthew Perry is credited with opening the ports of what country?  3. Name the Queen of Hawaii who was overthrown by the US in 1893.  4. Name 1 cause of the Spanish-American War.  5. Match the 3 Presidents associated with the following Diplomacies: “Big Stick,” “Dollar,” “Moral.”  6. What was the major effect of the Panama Canal?

2  1. Who is Matthew Perry and what were his contributions to American expansion?  2. List 2 effects of the Spanish-American War  3.Woodrow Wilson is most associated with what named diplomacy policy?  4. What was the Roosevelt Corollary?  5. List 1 major effect of the Panama Canal.

3  1. Define imperialism and analyze the growth of American involvement in global affairs entering into the 20 th century  2. Assess the relationship between Native American tribes and the US government following the Civil War  3. Explain the impact of the acquisitions of Alaska and Hawaii on America  4. Analyze the major presidential policies regarding diplomacy during Progressivism



6  Imperialism: A more powerful country taking over a weaker one for use of its resources  Benefits of imperializing?


8  When European countries were building their empires in the 1600- 1800s why was the US not involved?  What are some strategies the US could use to gain global allies?

9  Read pg. 246  What message does the Monroe Doctrine send to European countries?  What year was this doctrine issued?  Read pg. 607-609  What message the Roosevelt Corollary send to European countries?  What year was this doctrine issued? How do these Presidential policies compare?

10  1820 – Monroe Doctrine  “The American continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers”  1906 - Roosevelt Corollary  US claims to be “international police” in the Western Hemisphere


12  Japanese Leadership = Shogun  Tokugawa shoguns gained power in 1600s- reinstalled feudalism and closed Japan to foreigners  Over 200 years Japan lived in isolation  As a result: Financial hardships Lack of loyalty to Japanese leadership

13  July 1853- US Commodore Matthew Perry navigates his fleet of US ships into Japanese port  Perry demands that Japan open its ports to trade and exchange  Treaty of Kanagawa Japan opens 2 ports to American ships but not for trade US will eventually be granted trading rights

14  Japan opens up to further European trading  Shogun overthrow for new Emperor  Growth in industry  Adoption of Western methods of business  Gov’t builds factories, sells them to wealthy citizens: Kawasaki  Expansion of Japanese Empire: Rivalry with Russia

15  The selling of what territory to the US?  Sold for $7.2 Million ($116 million in today’s $$)

16  What was America’s role in ending the Russo- Japanese War?  What issues existed in the relationship between Japan and the US following the war?

17  Annex = To add or attach to a bigger thing  US influence in Hawaii since early 1800s with religious missions  US acquired greater influence in Hawaii with the trading of sugar

18  1890s - Sugar tariff increases -> US trade with Hawaii decreases -> Hawaiian sugar growers losing money  Push by Hawaiian merchants to have US annex Hawaii but Hawaiian leadership refuses  Queen Liliuokalani

19  Sugar merchants stage uprising to overthrow Queen  US marines aid the overthrow and Queen is forced to leave thrown  Hawaii annexed to US by late 1890s


21 Policy NamePresidentDuties of US “Big Stick Diplomacy” “Dollar Diplomacy” “Moral Diplomacy”

22 Policy NamePresidentDuties of US “Big Stick Diplomacy” Teddy Roosevelt Success in Latin America depended on strong military influence US has responsibility to civilize weaker nations “Dollar Diplomacy” William H. Taft Substitute dollars for bullets Increase Am. Business involvement in Latin American businesses “Moral Diplomacy” Woodrow Wilson Never seek any territory by force, instead promoting human rights

23  Latin American countries had been imperialized by European countries for many years  Revolutionary ideas had spread into Latin America by the late 1700s

24  These countries were influenced by the ideas of the American and French Revolutions Enlightenment Ideas Simon Bolivar inspired by “liberty, equality, and brotherhood”

25  Causes  Nationalism!!  King of Spain overthrown in 1808  Latin American countries see weakness from the imperializing European nations

26  Effects  Haiti fights France for independence  Mexico, led by Fr. Miguel Hidalgo, follows with revolt against Spain  By the early 1820s all Spanish ruled colonies in Central America have declared independence  18 separate republics are set up

27  The newly independent LA nations find it difficult to unify  Revolts, civil wars, dictatorships  Few roads to connect the countries  Regionalism develops  Resists central gov’t  Frequent revolts and change in leadership

28  Some support Catholic Church  Strict restrictions on certain freedoms  Censored Press  Others supported laissez-faire economics  Freedom of religion and press  Weaken the Catholic Church

29  New republics issue free trade policies  U.S. and Britain replace Spain as top trading partners  LA remained economically dependent on certain raw materials  More developed nations controlled the prices and terms of trade deals

30  US and Cuba v Spain 1898  US gains Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam  Cuba gains independence  US allowed to put naval bases in Cuba

31  Late 1800s, US desires to build a canal across Central America  Columbia refuses to sell land in Panama to the US  1903, US backs revolt by Panama citizens against Columbia  Panama gains independence and allows US to build canal



34  Briefly explain the circumstances of Mexican unrest starting in 1911.  What was the US stance towards the Mexican government?  Who is Pancho Villa? Explain the circumstances surrounding Villa’s relationship with the US government.  How does the US government’s hunt for Villa violate Moral Diplomacy? How did the hunt end?

35  What message does both the Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary send to Europe?  Who is the American commodore credited with opening trade with Japan?  Which country did Japan establish a rivalry with causing that country to sell Alaska to the US?  What major export from Hawaii caused merchants to overthrow the queen of Hawaii?  How do Big Stick, Dollar, and Moral diplomacy compare?

36  Read Chap 15-2, page 496-504  Define: reservation, Battle of Little Big Horn, Chief Joseph, assimilate, Dawes Act  How did the pressures of expanding to the west impact Native Americans?




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