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Internet, Intranet and extranet. By Ghazia Sohail And Elliot Goulding.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet, Intranet and extranet. By Ghazia Sohail And Elliot Goulding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet, Intranet and extranet. By Ghazia Sohail And Elliot Goulding

2 Internet  Wide area network – huge connection of networks linked together via ‘gateways’.  Need appropriate hardware/software but what is essential is an ISP (internet Service Provider).  Search engines- a user can search relevant data anywhere on the internet, when searched, a hyperlink is provided to the most relevant to your particular search.  other uses of the internet is keeping web logs, downloading, social networking etc.

3 Intranet  This is set up entirely within a company’s network. Data is transmitted through LAN (emails etc.) This would strictly be used by employees and other people within the company.  Information found on this would typically include:-  Direct messages  Personal details  Forthcoming events (bulletin)  Staff availability – holidays and work rota

4 Extranet  This is access for a company that is outside the intranet.  This would typically need a login in order to access this network and the data within it.  This access would normally be through a firewall.  BASICALLY  It’s the same as intranet but access outside the company (e.g. logging into the college website from home)

5 Advantages of use of the internet.  instant contact with people (via email, messages, social networks etc.)  downloading software – e.g. downloading music without getting out and buying an album.  online shopping

6 Disadvantages  Always a risk of getting your data stolen – e.g. identity theft  Inappropriate/explicit content – e.g. pornography, gambling, cyber bullying etc.  Spam – this could heavily irritate the user by getting unwanted emails, adverts etc.  Viruses – this could be a danger to your personal data.

7 Questions  What is the difference between intranet and extranet?  What kind of network is used for the internet?  List 2 features that could be used in the intranet?  Advantages of the internet?  Disadvantage of the internet?

8 Thanks~

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