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Study Project TRANS-CSP Trans-Mediterranean Interconnection for Concentrating Solar Power (WP02 Scenario) Project for the Research & Development Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Project TRANS-CSP Trans-Mediterranean Interconnection for Concentrating Solar Power (WP02 Scenario) Project for the Research & Development Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Project TRANS-CSP Trans-Mediterranean Interconnection for Concentrating Solar Power (WP02 Scenario) Project for the Research & Development Programme of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) NREA

2 WP02 Scenario Scope: Develop a sustainable scenario for power generation in Europe taking into consideration the transfer of solar electricity from MENA Result: A well balanced mix of renewables with fossil fuel backup can provide low cost, secure and compatible electricity for Europe. Solar electricity imports can significantly reduce the electricity cost.

3 Driving Force for Electricity Demand: Growth of Economy

4 Driving Force for Electricity Demand: Population

5 Driving Force for Electricity Demand: Electricity Intensity 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 Electricity/Capita [kWh/cap] GDP/Capita [1000 US$ 1996 PPP] Year Fitting Empirical Data of 25 (150) Countries y = a x b

6 Development of the Per Capita Electricity Demand

7 Gross Electricity Demand in the Analysed Countries

8 Plenty Renewable Energy Resources in EUMENA Biomass (1) Wind Energy (30) Geothermal Energy (1) Hydropower (30) Solar Energy (250) In brackets: (Typical Yield in GWh el /km²/y) Every 10 km² in MENA yield 15 million barrels of fuel oil per year in form of solar energy

9 Economic Renewable Electricity Potentials vs. Demand in EUMENA > 630 000 Sustainable Mix ?

10 Parameters for Electricity Cost Calculation in the Scenario

11 Specific Investment of Power Technologies (Example Spain) Nuclear power: increasing cost of waste disposal and security

12 CO 2 Capture and Sequestration (CCS) included in fossil fueled generation costs after 2020 CSP in solar only operation Electricity Cost of Power Technologies (Example Spain)

13 TRANS-CSP: Electricity Generation in Europe 5 resources, mostly imported and limited 10 resources, mostly domestic and unlimited 

14 TRANS-CSP: Import Dependency vs. Current Trend

15 TRANS-CSP: Installed Capacity in Europe At any time, peak power demand is covered with an extra 25 % reserve of firm power capacity

16 TRANS-CSP delivers Power on Demand: Peaking vs. Fluctuating Capacity

17 A Well Balanced Mix provides Firm Power on Demand Hourly time series modelling of power supply in the TRANS-CSP scenario

18 A Well Balanced Mix provides Firm Power on Demand required peaking capacity




22 Renewable Energy Resource Indicators FLh Annual Full Load Hours T HDR Temperature of Hot Dry Rocks in 5000 m Depth DNI Direct Normal Irradiance GTI Global Irradiance on Surface tilted by Latitude

23 Renewable Electricity Potentials in TWh/y

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