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Grade 2 How do artists use Balance in their artwork?

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 2 How do artists use Balance in their artwork?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 2 How do artists use Balance in their artwork?

2 Physical Balance physical balance Actual physical balance Does the object or person, balance or does it fall over? You use this in Physical Education with Mrs. Schuth!

3 Visual Balance Perceived visual balance- Perceived visual balance- Does it look visually balanced?

4 Visual Balance If a design does not look balanced, it is disturbing and not visually balanced. If a design does not look balanced, it is disturbing and not visually balanced.

5 Three types of visual balance: Symmetrical balance Symmetrical balance Asymmetrical balance Asymmetrical balance Radial balance Radial balance

6 Symmetrical Balance One side is a mirror image of the other side One side is a mirror image of the other side Symmetrical Symmetrical balance balance displays displays strength and strength and stability stability

7 Symmetrical Balance

8 Asymmetrical Balance Achieved by placing unequal visual weight on each side to create balance.

9 Asymmetrical Balance


11 Radial Balance All elements of a design showing radial balance radiate out from the center of the design. All elements of a design showing radial balance radiate out from the center of the design.

12 Radial Balance


14 Today we will learn to make Radial Balance Snowflakes How to Make Paper Snowfl#22D828

15 Snowflake Banners Using your radial balance snowflakes make an Asymmetrical balance design that creates a visually balanced and interesting artwork. Using your radial balance snowflakes make an Asymmetrical balance design that creates a visually balanced and interesting artwork. Select your choice of background paper Select your choice of background paper Use glue sticks to glue down the snowflakes Use glue sticks to glue down the snowflakes

16 Think about your choices! What happens to your design if you try to fit too many snowflakes? What happens to your design if you try to fit too many snowflakes?

17 Think about your choices! Do all of the snowflakes need to be completely on the banner? Do all of the snowflakes need to be completely on the banner?

18 Think about your choices! Will trying several different layouts before gluing help you come up with a better layout for your artwork? Will trying several different layouts before gluing help you come up with a better layout for your artwork?

19 Snowflake Banners Use glue sticks to glue down the snowflakes- apply glue to center and edges of snowflakes Use glue sticks to glue down the snowflakes- apply glue to center and edges of snowflakes When you apply glue stick to the back of the snowflake put the snowflake on the table not over your papers so the extra glue does not go all over your artwork in places you do not want glue. When you apply glue stick to the back of the snowflake put the snowflake on the table not over your papers so the extra glue does not go all over your artwork in places you do not want glue. Wash the tables at the end of class and place artwork in drying rack Wash the tables at the end of class and place artwork in drying rack

20 Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Have fun creating your snowflake banner

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