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By Renata Závodná. Advent in the Christian year the four weeks before Christmas.

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1 By Renata Závodná


3 Advent in the Christian year the four weeks before Christmas

4 FatherChristma s ˌ Father ˈ Christmas ( also ˈ Santa Claus ) an old man with a red coat and a long white beard who, children believe, brings presents at Christmas

5 Other countries feature different gift-bearers for the Christmas or Advent season La Befana in Italy The Three Kings in Spain, Puerto Rico, and Mexico Christkindl or the Christ Child in Switzerland, The Czech Republic and Austria Father Christmas in Englan Pere Noël, Father Christmas or the Christ Child in France. Santa Claus and other Gift - bearers

6 New Year's Eve the Scots have their own name for it, Hogmanay. Hogmanay

7 Reindeer Rudolph

8 a vehicle without wheels that is used for travelling on snow large sledges are often pulled by dogs, and smaller ones are used for going down hills, for fun or as a sport a vehicle without wheels that is used for travelling on snow and that is usually pulled by horses Sledge Sleigh

9 Fireplace

10 Christmas Eve 24 December, the day before Christmas Day Christmas Day 25 December. It is the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Christ each year. Christmas

11 Nativity scene

12 new ˈ year (also ˌ New ˈ Year) first few days of January Happy New Year! We will get in touch in the new year. New Year's Eve (= 31 December) New Year's Day (= 1 January)

13 The Christmas Tree was brought to England by Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert from his native Germany. The famous Illustrated News etching in 1848, featuring the Royal Family of Victoria, Albert and their children gathered around a Christmas tree in Windsor Castle, popularized the tree throughout Victorian England. Brought to America by the Pennsylvania Germans, the Christmas tree became by the late 19th century. Christmas tree

14 Bauble – Christmas balls bauble / "bO:bl / noun [ countable ] a decoration in the shape of a ball that is hung on a Christmas tree Christmas tree real or artificial tree, which people bring into their homes and cover with coloured lights and decorations at Christmas Christmas

15 …believed to have magical powers since they remained green through the harsh winter, were often placed over the doors of homes to drive evil away. Greenery was also brought indoors to freshen the air and brighten the mood during the long, winter. plant that has shiny dark green leaves with sharp points and red berries in the winter. It is often used as a Christmas decoration. Holly

16 poinsettia Christmas candles To decorate the Christmas tree with Christmas candles is a tradition that dates back to the 16th century – the time when the Christmas tree was first brought into a living room. The candle symbolizes life and joy in a dark time, and is perfect for Christmas. Candles

17 Mistletoe was used by Druid priests 200 years before the birth of Christ in their winter celebrations. They revered the plant since it had no roots yet remained green during the cold months of winter ancient Celtics believed mistletoe to have magical healing powers and used it as an antidote for poison, infertility, and to ward of evil spirits. The plant was also seen as a symbol of peace, and it is said that among Romans, enemies who met under mistletoe would lay down their weapons and embrace. The Scandanavians associated the plant with Frigga, their goddess of love, and it may be from this that we derive the custom of kissing under the mistletoe. Those who kissed under the mistletoe had the promise of happiness and good luck in the following year. Mistletoe

18 Wreath a circle of flowers and leaves, especially one that you give to the family of sb who has died or you hang on the door

19 Card card / kA:d / a piece of card with a picture on it that you use for sending a special message to sb : a Christmas/birthday card a get-well card ( = one that you send to sb who is ill ) Carol a Christian religious song that people sing at Christmas Caroling Card

20 Snowman the figure of a person made out of snow

21 Snowflakes one of the small, soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall together as snow

22 Angels spirits who are believed to live in heaven with God in pictures angels are usually dressed in white, with wings.

23 Christmas dinner traditional meal eaten on Christmas Day We had a traditional Christmas dinner that year, with roast turkey, Christmas pudding and all the trimmings Christmas dinner

24 a sweet dish made from dried fruit and eaten hot with sauce at Christmas dinner Christmas pudding

25 carp a large fish that lives in lakes and rivers Carp Cookies

26 Gingerbread

27 A special bread made for Christmas. The first of the home-baked vanocka had to be given to the master of the house, so that the grain would prosper in the following year. At the end of Christmas Eve dinner, a large vanocka was sliced up. In some areas, a slice was given to the livestock, so they'd be healthy and safe from evil spirits. Sweetbread

28 Ivy a climbing plant that has dark leaves with three or five points

29 a story that is about fairies, magic, etc. Fairy tales

30 People love the tradition of using lights to light up the Christmas tree, streets, houses.. The first known electrically illuminated Christmas tree were invented by T.A. Edison Lights

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