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Disorders & Technologies. Digestive Disorders Ulcers lesions in the epithelial tissue of an organ such as the stomach caused by bacterium Heliobacter.

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Presentation on theme: "Disorders & Technologies. Digestive Disorders Ulcers lesions in the epithelial tissue of an organ such as the stomach caused by bacterium Heliobacter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disorders & Technologies

2 Digestive Disorders

3 Ulcers lesions in the epithelial tissue of an organ such as the stomach caused by bacterium Heliobacter pylori

4 Diarrhea loose or watery feces a protective mechanism to quickly eliminate an infecting agent or foreign substance from the GI tract

5 Endoscopy procedure using an endoscope to look inside the body can enter through a natural body opening (mouth, anus) or a small incision into the body cavity can be used to perform surgeries.

6 Respiratory Diseases & Technology

7 COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive disease that combines bronchitis & emphysema no cure, but it can be managed with medications, etc.

8 FLAP Inhibitors inflammation in the respiratory tract involves FLAP (5- lipoxygenase activating protein) FLAP inhibitors are category of drugs that bind to FLAP, preventing inflammation

9 Bronchial Thermoplasty uses a bronchoscope & radio waves to heat and reduce the thickness of the muscles surrounding the bronchioles (so that they constrict less during asthma attacks)

10 Circulatory Disorders & Technologies

11 Arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries due to a variety of causes atherosclerosis is the most common (hardening due to plaque) in the coronary arteries referred to as CAD

12 Angioplasty

13 Cardiac Catheterization also known as cardiac angiography insertion of a catheter into the coronary arteries to inject dye to take an angiogram (and X-ray image of the blood vessels)

14 Scans

15 CT scan computerized tomography (CT) scan produces cross- sectional images using X-rays can create images of soft tissues

16 PET Scan positron emission tomography (PET) scan uses a radioactive tracer to create images of the body

17 MRI scan magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan uses radio waves & a large magnet to produce images

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