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The Cardiovascular System Chapter 19.1. Cardiovascular System ___ from the ___ and ___ systems to the cells ___ are carried through blood – Delivers ___.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cardiovascular System Chapter 19.1. Cardiovascular System ___ from the ___ and ___ systems to the cells ___ are carried through blood – Delivers ___."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cardiovascular System Chapter 19.1

2 Cardiovascular System ___ from the ___ and ___ systems to the cells ___ are carried through blood – Delivers ___ to the cells – Removes ___

3 The Heart The heart is responsible for ___ throughout the cardiovascular system Has ___ pumps (one on the ___ and one on the __) The right side pumps blood to the ___ The left side pushes the ___

4 The heart

5 The Heart Inside the heart, blood moves from the ___ The lungs then diffuse oxygen into the blood and the blood enters the ___. When it is ready to push into the body, it enters the ___

6 The Heart Each side of the heart is called a ___ – ____ Oxygen-poor blood is also called ___ and is usually shown in ___ – Veins pump ___ blood to the heart Oxygen-rich blood is called ___ and is usually shown in ___ – Arteries pump ___ blood away from the heart to the body

7 Veins and Arteries Arteries have ___and are elastic, allowing a tremendous amount of force to be put on them – ___ The walls of veins are ___ than that of arteries, but typically veins have a bigger ___ ___ connect arteries with veins. These are usually the end of the line before the blood needs to come back to the heart – ___

8 Blood Blood is a tissue made of ___ – About 60% of blood is plasma, a fluid that contains proteins, glucose, hormones, gases, and other substances dissolved in water ___ help your body fight infection by attacking viruses and bad microorganisms that enter the body

9 Blood There are more ___than white blood cells – Red blood cells carry oxygen through the body ___ are large cell fragments that help to form blood clots – Think of that clear/orange stuff you see when you get a scab

10 Blood Types Each red blood cell has a ___. The group of protein that is present on the blood cell determines the blood type There are two blood-type proteins: ___ – A lack of both proteins means ____ – If a person has both ____ There is also a component in blood known as an ___. If a person has this, they have ___. If they don’t have this, they have___

11 Blood Types Blood TypeCan Donate ToCan Receive Blood From A BB, O AB OO ++ -+, -

12 Blood Pressure ____is the pressure blood exerts (___) onto the walls of the arteries at all times Blood pressure is shown in ___ – The top number refers to the pressure of the arteries ____ – The bottom number refers to the pressure of the arteries _____ Ideal blood pressure is ____

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