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Kindergarten Pacing Guide Kindergartners should be familiar with the following items by December. Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Achieve Success.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Pacing Guide Kindergartners should be familiar with the following items by December. Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Achieve Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Pacing Guide Kindergartners should be familiar with the following items by December. Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Achieve Success !!

2  Count in sequence by ones from 1 to 30 and  backwards from 10 to 0.  Vocabulary-numeral, sequence, and count

3 12345678910 11121314151617181920 21222324252627282930 10987654321 Count backwards from 10 to 1

4  Identify two-dimensional (plane) shapes, including rectangle, square, circle, triangle, hexagon, trapezoid, and rhombus, and three dimensional  (solid) figures, including sphere, cone, and cylinder. Rectangle square circle triangle hexagon sphere cone trapezoid cylinder

5  Describe spatial relationships of objects  using positional terms.  Examples: inside, outside, above, below,  between, on, over, under, near, far, beside, and touching The kite is above the house.The ants are under the house The elephant is between the bear and the monkey. The clothes are below the butterfly. The tree is beside the house The ants are inside the ground.

6 The sun is outside the house. The clouds are over the house. The chimney is on the roof. The butterfly is near the house. The kite is far from the post. The bear is touching his lunchbox.

7 Outside the box Inside the box

8  Calendar(today, yesterday, tomorrow, days of the  week, months of the year. Kindergartners should know days of the week, and months of the year. Students should have a knowledge of today, tomorrow, and yesterday. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December Sunday, Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

9  Create a repeating pattern using multiple representations.  Examples: movement patterns—clap, stomp, stomp; clap, stomp, stomp color patterns— blue, red, red; blue, red, red shape patterns

10  Explain criteria used to sort objects. Examples: shape, size, color Vocabulary– big, little, small, large, color, shapes

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