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1. Fluency 2. PowerPoint (Sequencing) Fill in note sheet 3. Practice (As a class) 4.Journal: 5. Vocabulary: PowerPoint – Fill in note sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Fluency 2. PowerPoint (Sequencing) Fill in note sheet 3. Practice (As a class) 4.Journal: 5. Vocabulary: PowerPoint – Fill in note sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Fluency 2. PowerPoint (Sequencing) Fill in note sheet 3. Practice (As a class) 4.Journal: 5. Vocabulary: PowerPoint – Fill in note sheet

2 Describes items/events in order or tells the steps to follow to do or make something

3 Types of Sequences Chronological Order: Time order of events Example: includes specific dates/time (timelines)

4 Types of Sequences Sequential Order: Order of events in a process Example: steps to making cookies

5 Types of Sequences Sequence of Events: Some events don’t occur in chronological or sequential order Example: flashbacks (going backwards in time)or flash-forwards (going forwards in time)

6 Signal Words

7 Identify the Signal Words In the beginning, the girls were just talking while they waited for the bus. Suddenly a car pulled up and blew its horn loudly. Next, a woman jumped out with her hair flying. At the same time, the driver put the car in park and stepped into the street. When he did this, cars began stopping. Next, the bus arrived and joined the line of stopped cars. Following that, the police arrived. Soon they had the woman calmed down. Then they asked the driver to move his car out of the way. When the street was clear, the line of cars moved on. Subsequently, the girls got on the bus. The last thing they saw was a happy dog jump into the arms of the woman.

8 Journal Describe your routine of getting up in the morning (include five events). Use either sequential or chronological order and be sure to tell which type of order you used.

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