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GOOD MORNING Please take worksheet from my orange chair and wait for further instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "GOOD MORNING Please take worksheet from my orange chair and wait for further instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOOD MORNING Please take worksheet from my orange chair and wait for further instruction.

2 UPDATES  TODAY: Constitutionalism & Absolutism  TOMORROW: Scientific Rev. & Enlightenment  MONDAY: Traditions & Change in E. Asia (both)  TUESDAY: back on track with schedule

3 REVIEW Renaissance

4 REVIEW Reformation

5 REVIEW New Monarchs: How did they seek to increase their power?

6 REVIEW Constitutional States

7 REVIEW The English Civil War

8 REVIEW The Glorious Revolution

9 REVIEW The Dutch Republic

10 WARM-UP What does the term ‘absolute’ mean to you?

11 ABSOLUTISM  Absolutism: complete & unrestricted power over a government & society  Absolute Monarchs: kings & queens that hold all power within their state’s boundaries and whose ultimate goal is to control every aspect of society  Divine Right: idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on Earth

12 CAUSES Religious & territorial conflicts create unrest & fear Growth of armies causes rulers to increase taxes Heavy taxes led to additional unrest & peasant revolts ABSOLUTISM Unlimited power & control over every aspect of society EFFECTS Regulate religious worship & social gatherings to control ideas Rulers increase the size of their courts to appear more powerful Rulers create bureaucracies to control the economy

13 FRENCH ABSOLUTISM The Palace of Versailles

14 THE KEY TO ABSOLUTE SUCCESS How did Louis XIV become an absolute monarch and maintain power?

15 LOUIS XIV’S ADVICE TO HIS SON How did Louis XIV become an absolute monarch and maintain power? DIRECTIONS: Read the primary source and record the the specifics steps Louis XIV took to consolidate his power as king of France on the bottom of your worksheet.

16 ABSOLUTISM CASE STUDY LOUIS XIV In groups, you will analyze numerous primary and secondary sources to determine the ways in which Louis XIV increased and maintained his absolute power.

17 CASE STUDY PROCEDURE You will be given ten minutes to analyze each document with your group members. After ten minutes has elapsed, we will discuss your findings and determine how each document provides evidence of French absolutism. We will repeat this procedure until we have analyzed all documents. Once finished, you will explain exactly how Louis XIV was able to become an absolute monarch and maintain absolute power using concrete examples from our group analysis.

18 DOCUMENT ONE LOUIS XIV COMES TO POWER Read through this secondary source. Then, discuss how this document is evidence of absolutism in France.

19 Examine this primary source. Then, discuss how this document is evidence of absolutism in France. DOCUMENT TWO PORTRAIT OF LOUIS XIV

20 DOCUMENT THREE LOUIS XIV: DESCRIPTION OF KINGSHIP Read through this primary source. Then, discuss how this document is evidence of absolutism in France.

21 Examine this primary source. Then, discuss how this document is evidence of absolutism in France. DOCUMENT FOUR LOUIS XIV: THE SUN KING

22 DOCUMENT FIVE SAINT SIMON: A NOBLE’S APPRAISAL OF LOUIS XIV Read through this primary source. Then, discuss how this document is evidence of absolutism in France.

23 Examine this primary source. Then, discuss how this document is evidence of absolutism in France. DOCUMENT SIX LOUIS XIV & DIVINE RIGHT

24 Examine these images. Then, discuss how this document is evidence of absolutism. We already discussed this a little yesterday. DOCUMENT SEVEN THE PALACE OF VERSAILLES

25 THE KEY TO ABSOLUTE SUCCESS How did Louis XIV become an absolute monarch and maintain power? DIRECTIONS: Explain how Louis XIV was able to become an absolute monarch and maintain absolute power using at least three concrete examples from our group analysis.

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