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Day 1 – Introduction to Personality, Mental Disorders, Neurotransmitters Kick-Off… Answer the questions about your personality.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 1 – Introduction to Personality, Mental Disorders, Neurotransmitters Kick-Off… Answer the questions about your personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 1 – Introduction to Personality, Mental Disorders, Neurotransmitters Kick-Off… Answer the questions about your personality.

2 Mental Illness Unit Plan (3 Weeks) Day 1: Intro to Mental Illness & Personality Day 2: Anxiety Disorders Day 3: Mood Disorders Day 4: Personality Disorders Day 5: I-Pad Research Project Day Day 6: Review Day Day 7: TEST and Notebook Check Day

3 Objectives What is Personality and how is it effected? Difference between Self-Esteem and Self- Concept What are Neurotransmitters What are Mental Disorder and what causes them?

4 Day 1: Game Plan 1. Introduction to Mental Illness 2. Personality (introvert VS extrovert) 3. Self-esteem VS self-concept 4. neurotransmitters and neurons 5. What causes a mental illness 6. Ending STIGMAS 7. I-PAD personality self assessment

5 What is your Personality? The mix of how we feel, think and behave that make us different from everyone else. Two areas that effect our Personality Heredity – Traits you are born with Environment – Traits you develop due to your surroundings

6 Quick COLOR personality quiz… DOds DOds

7 INTROVERT vs EXTROVERT Question… How do you re-charge your battery…. Alone or in a group?

8 Two Common Personality Types Introvert: – People who find enjoyment in being alone. Work better alone than in a group. Extravert: – People who find enjoyment in being in groups. Work better with others than alone. * Can you tell a introvert from and extravert by just looking at them?

9 Understanding an introvert’s perspective…. 5_I 5_I

10 Self-Esteem vs. Self-Concept Self-Esteem: – How we view and feel about ourselves. Can be positive and negative. Ex: “I am awesome” Self-Concept: – What we know about ourselves. This is factual based. Ex: “ I am a women”

11 Your Friend the Neuron!!!

12 Neurotransmitters Everything we do relies on neurons communicating with one another within the brain and nerves. When the signal reaches the end of an axon, most neurons release a chemical message (a neurotransmitter) which crosses the synapse and binds to receptors on the receiving neuron's dendrites and starts the process over again

13 Three Common Neurotransmitter Serotonin – helps control many functions, such as mood, appetite, and sleep Dopamine – mainly involved in controlling movement and aiding the flow of information to the front of the brain, which is linked to thought and emotion. It is also linked to reward systems in the brain Norepinephrine – important for attentiveness, emotions, sleeping, dreaming, and learning. Norepinephrine is also released as a hormone into the blood, where it causes blood vessels to contract and heart rate to increase.


15 How do Neurotransmitters effect Mental Health? When something interferes with the ability of the neurotransmitter to work effectively this can lead to several mental illnesses. Serotonin – Lows levels can cause Depression Dopamine – Schizophrenia and ADHS Norepinephrine – Manic Depression and Panic Disorders

16 Mental Illness An illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful and productive life. Can be caused by biological, developmental and/or psychosocial factors

17 Causes of Mental Illness Family history of illness and disease/genetics Lifestyle and health behaviors (e.g., smoking, exercise, substance use) Levels of personal and workplace stress Exposure to toxins Exposure to trauma Personal life circumstances and history Access to supports (e.g., timely healthcare, social supports) Coping skills

18 Myths Concerning Mental Illness Psychiatric disorders are not true medical illnesses like heart disease and diabetes People with a severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia, are usually dangerous and violent. If you have a mental illness, you can will it away. Being treated for a psychiatric disorder means an individual has in some way "failed" or is weak.

19 One in five Americans suffers from a diagnosable mental illness in a given year. But statistics show that only one-third of these individuals seek treatment. Learning about mental disorders will help erase the stigma associated with these disorders and encourage people to seek help early.

20 Help End the Stigmas Z78 Z78

21 IPADS win/jtypes1.htm win/jtypes1.htm Personality Test…. The link is on Mrs. Payne’s fusion page

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