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CALVINISM Calvinism is a Protestant Christian doctrine named after John Calvin.ProtestantChristiandoctrineJohn Calvin Calvin had international influence.

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1 CALVINISM Calvinism is a Protestant Christian doctrine named after John Calvin.ProtestantChristiandoctrineJohn Calvin Calvin had international influence on the development of the doctrine of the Protestant Reformation, beginning at the age of 25, when he started work on his first edition of the Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1534 (published 1536). This work, which underwent a number of revisions in his lifetime, plus his polemical and pastoral works and a massive collection of commentaries on the Bible are the source of Calvin's ongoing personal influence on Protestantism.ProtestantReformationInstitutes of the Christian Religion15341536 Calvinism marks the second phase of the Protestant Reformation, when evangelical churches began to form following Luther's excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. In this sense, Calvinism was originally a Lutheran movement. Calvin himself signed the Lutheran Augsburg confession in 1540. On the other hand, Calvin's influence first began to be felt in the Swiss Reformation, which was not Lutheran but rather, followed Huldrych Zwingli. It became evident that doctrine in the Reformed churches was developing in a direction independent of Luther's, under the influence of numerous writers and reformers, among whom John Calvin was pre-eminent, and thus this form of doctrine came to be called Calvinism.Protestant ReformationLutherRoman Catholic Church LutheranAugsburg confession1540 Huldrych ZwingliReformed churchesLuther Given that it has multiple founders, the name "Calvinism" is somewhat misleading if taken to imply that every major feature of the doctrine of the "Calvinist churches", or of all Calvinist movements, can be found in the writings of Calvin. The name applies generally to the Protestant doctrines that were held in common among the non-Lutheran national churches of Protestant countries and various minority Protestant reform movements, known as the Reformed churches, which formed outside of the Catholic Church in the latter two thirds of the 16th century (and in England in the 17th century).Protestant non-LutheranReformed churches

2 Zwingli Huldrych (or Ulrich) Zwingli (January 1, 1484 - October 10, 1531) was the leader of the Swiss Reformation and founder of the Swiss Reformed Churches. Independent from Luther, who was doctor biblicus, Zwingli arrived at similar conclusions by studying the scriptures from the point of view of a humanist scholar. January 11484October 101531SwissReformationSwiss Reformed ChurchesLutherhumanistJanuary 11484October 101531SwissReformationSwiss Reformed ChurchesLutherhumanist Zwingli was born in Wildhaus, St. Gall, Switzerland to a prominent family of the middle classes. He was the third of eight sons. His father Ulrich was the chief magistrate in town and his uncle Bartolomeus the vicar. WildhausSt. GallSwitzerlandmagistratevicarWildhausSt. GallSwitzerlandmagistratevicar Zwingli's Reformation was supported by the magistrate and population of Zürich and led to significant changes in civil life and state matters in Zürich. The reformation was spread from Zürich to five other cantons of Switzerland, while the remaining five sternly held onto the Roman Catholic faith. ZürichcantonsRoman Catholic ZürichcantonsRoman Catholic Zwingli was killed at Kappel am Albis in a battle against the Catholic cantons. Kappel am AlbisKappel am Albis

3 Reformed Church The Reformed Church in America accepts three confessional statements as expressions of its basic beliefs: The Heidelberg Catechism. Formulated during the Reformation, and still important as a teaching tool in many churches, it has had by far the most formative influence on the life of the Reformed Church. Heidelberg CatechismHeidelberg Catechism The Belgic Confession. Written in the sixteenth century by Guido de Bres, a pastor and itinerant preacher in southern Netherlands, it was intended to persuade Philip II of Spain that Reformed people did not hold heretical views. De Bres hoped to convince the king to stop persecuting the Protestants; he himself became a martyr for his faith in 1567. Belgic ConfessionBelgic Confession The Canons of DortThe Canons of Dort were formulated in 1618 to resolve a dispute among Dutch theological professors on the issue of divine sovereignty in the work of salvation. The Canons of Dort The Reformed Church also affirms three creeds that arose in the early church, the Apostles' Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and the Nicene Creed. Apostles' CreedAthanasian CreedNicene CreedApostles' CreedAthanasian CreedNicene Creed

4 Reformed Church In 1978 the Reformed Church approved Our Song of Hope as a contemporary statement of faith in its ministry of witness, teaching, and worship. Our Song of HopeOur Song of Hope From time to time the Reformed Church in America encourages its congregations and assemblies to study confessional statements written by ecumenical partner churches throughout the world. At its 2001 General Synod the Reformed Church placed the Belhar Confession (Uniting Reformed Church of Southern Africa) in this category. Belhar ConfessionBelhar Confession In the Reformed tradition, creeds are subject to evaluation in the light of Scriptures. They are always subordinate to the final authority of Christ.

5 Reformed Church: Ecumenical Hold Partnerships The RCA believes in Christian unity and expresses this belief by belonging to several "families" of churches. The Reformed Church is a member of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and is a founding member of the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., as well as the recently formed Christian Churches Together. Additionally, the RCA has entered into a Formula of Agreement with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ, and the Presbyterian Church (USA). The fifth anniversary of the Agreement is being celebrated in 2003. Formula of Agreementfifth anniversaryFormula of Agreementfifth anniversary The RCA also expresses unity by working in partnership with other denominations to publish resources, host training events, and coordinate special programs. The RCA's mission program operates through partnerships with other Christian churches and mission organizations. mission programmission program

6 Reformed Church: Government Government We believe that all authority exercised in the church is received from Christ, the only Head of the church. The power that Jesus Christ bestows upon his church is mediated by the Holy Spirit to all the people. Since not everyone in the church can hold an office, some people will always be subject, within the proper exercise of authority, to the decisions of others. The authority exercised by those holding office in the church is delegated authority. While elders, deacons, and ministers of Word and sacrament are called from among the people, we believe the Spirit of the Lord appoints them to their special tasks, and they are responsible first of all to the Lord of the church.

7 Reformed Church: Government Reformed churches are governed by consistories made up of the installed minister(s) serving under call and the elected, ordained, and installed elders and deacons of the congregation. The installed minister(s) and the congregation are accountable to a classis, a higher assembly and judicatory made up of all the enrolled ministers of that body and the elder delegates representing all of the churches within a particular area. Classes exercise oversight of the ministries of the congregations and the ministers in their area. Classes have the authority to form and disband churches. Classes also supervise students who are preparing for service as ministers of Word and sacrament in the RCA. Classes license, ordain and install ministers of Word and sacrament into the ministries of congregations and into specialized ministries as needed by the church from time to time. The Reformed Church, with about 950 congregations in the United States and Canada, has 46 classes.

8 Reformed Church: Government The highest assembly and judicatory of the church, the General Synod, has assembled the classes together in regional synods. The Reformed Church has eight regional synods. Each regional synod is an assembly and judicatory consisting of ministers and elders delegated to it by each of the classes within its boundaries. Regional synods oversee the interests and concerns of the classes and can form and disband classes and transfer churches from one classis to another. Regional synods organize and operate various ministries to support the classes and congregations in their area. They also operate camps and conference centers. General Synodregional synodscamps and conference centersGeneral Synodregional synodscamps and conference centers

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