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Reformation What do you think this time period is about?

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Presentation on theme: "Reformation What do you think this time period is about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reformation What do you think this time period is about?

2 Grievances Create your own grievances, or complaints, about Rancocas Valley. What are you unhappy about? What do you want to reform? You must create at list of at least 8 grievances! Please title your document and sign your names.

3 What did People believe at the Start of the 16 th Century? If you died with a dirty Soul you would go to either Purgatory or straight to hell. If you died with a clean soul you would go to Heaven You had to go to Church and get the Priest to clean your Soul. You could earn time out of purgatory by going on a pilgrimage or purchase an indulgence

4 Causes of the Reformation Renaissance emphasized individual ideas and question authority People disliked Pope’s control over them People angry about church taxes

5 Problems with the Catholic Church Leaders were corrupt Pope’s spent $ on personal pleasures and wars! Priests and monks- uneducated, married, gambled, and drank!

6 A Catholic Church

7 Clothes worn by Catholic Priest in 16 th Century Notice the image of Christ

8 Catholic Church

9 Martin Luther German monk Took a stand against indulgences –Indulgence: a pardon; release sinner from performing penalty (aka prayer); buy your way to heaven ch?v=EFqWnEpZvjs ch?v=EFqWnEpZvjs (8:44)

10 The 95 Theses Formal statements attacking the indulgences Tacked Theses to a Castle church door and invited others to debate him Printing press- spread word Beginning of Reformation- a movement for religious reform

11 Luther’s Three Main Teachings (1) Salvation only by faith and good works (2) Church teachings should be based on Bible- not Pope and traditions (3) All people with faith were equal- people do not need the Priests to interpret the Bible

12 A Protestant Church

13 Clothes Worn by Protestant Vicars (Priests)

14 Protestant Altars

15 What other changes took place in Protestant Churches?

16 Response to Luther Pope Leo X’s Threat; excommunication; Luther threw decree in fire! Holy Roman Emperor Charles V – put Luther on trial – Luther and outlaw and heretic – burn books –no one feed him Lutherans- followers of Martin Luther

17 Peasants’ Revolt and Germany at War Peasants want an end to serfdom- raid and pillage; Luther doesn’t support them German princes- some with Luther, some with Pope The protesting princes became known as Protestants

18 Protestant- Christians who belong to non-Catholic Churches Denominations: Baptist Anglican Calvinist Lutheran Methodist Pentecostal

19 Effects of the Reformation Protestantism flourished in Europe Religion no longer united Europe As the Church’s power declined- individual monarchs and states increased their power.

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