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Training Club Officers: June 2016 May 15, 2016 Carolyn Kaldy, DTM 1313I.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Club Officers: June 2016 May 15, 2016 Carolyn Kaldy, DTM 1313I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Club Officers: June 2016 May 15, 2016 Carolyn Kaldy, DTM 1313I

2 Purpose: 2016 June Training: WHY ? When club officers are well-trained to perform their duties, club members are better served. This makes the member experience more positive, which leads to a quality club experience and increased member retention. Goal : If you want Toastmasters to attend your district’s training, you have to provide a convenient, quality product that provides value to participants - WIIFM

3 Training Organizer:  Current Division Directors are accountable for training prior to June 30th  Possible HPL project – Division Director to be on guidance committee  Encourage incoming Division and Area Directors to attend for make up training during July & August Remember the Audience – Put on a Great Show – WIIFM 2016 June Training: WHO ?

4 2016 June Training: WHAT ?  Creating Club Quality (Item 1313 A)  Leading the Club to Success (Item 1313 I)  Building a Healthy Team (Item 1331)  Club Officer Role Breakouts (Item 1313 2B-H)  Enhancing Evaluations (Item 1332)  Building on Achievement for Continued Success (Item 1333)

5 Officer Training to qualify for DCP points during June 1 to August 31 TI rules; no flexibility  Advertise time, place, location of your training or at least “save the date” on calendar For quality training, Club Officer training needs to be minimum 3 hours. Please coordinate: Try not to overlap with other training in the vicinity 2016 June Training: WHEN ?

6 Ask around for low cost venues. Suggestions: corporate board rooms, libraries, community halls, churches, etc. Ask if members have a membership to an association that may have space or offer a discount to non-profits e.g. condominiums, legions, community halls etc. Cost: district funds can not be used for food; If wish to have food; charge a small fee for purchased food or have potluck 2016 June Training: WHERE ?

7 CHECKLIST Select Training Chair Determine time and place up Preliminary “save the date” on D42 calendar Prepare budget and schedule of topics “WIIFM” Research what topics / presenters available Invite quality energetic presenters Formal advertising with schedule; details on D42 calendar; word of mouth Have sign-in forms of club officers being trained Have evaluation feedback forms; scan to share for next training Thank you cards for those who helped Ensure you submit the names of officers trained to Ken Tanner Lastly, reflect on the training, “WIIFM”, did they leave with a plan ? 2016 June Training: HOW ?

8 Training Club Leaders Manual  946FD6E549779F0827F2DAA14C0B.ashx 946FD6E549779F0827F2DAA14C0B.ashx  Evaluation Form at the end of the handbook  Pg 12 – sample training agendas 2016 June Training: Resources

9 QUESTIONS? Training Focus: WIIFM Closing Thoughts Feedback:

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