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Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics. Web-Notes Purpose:  To show Main Ideas (Big Picture)  To show Details (Parts of a Whole) Rules: 1. Place Main Idea.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics. Web-Notes Purpose:  To show Main Ideas (Big Picture)  To show Details (Parts of a Whole) Rules: 1. Place Main Idea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics



4 Web-Notes Purpose:  To show Main Ideas (Big Picture)  To show Details (Parts of a Whole) Rules: 1. Place Main Idea in center of the web. 2. Attach Topics around the main idea A. Summarize/Paraphrase facts & details B. Use verbs & adjectives when summarizing C. Write using word clusters 3. Add layers for more detail A. Summarize/Paraphrase facts & details B. Use verbs & adjectives when summarizing C. Write using word clusters Example Main Idea Topics Details Layer 2 Grading Scale: Level 4 – all rules met + expansion on or connection to learning Level 3 – all rules met Level 2 – includes 3 of 4 rules met Level 1 – includes 2 or fewer rules met Level 0 – not attempted

5 Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics

6 Writing Purpose:  To organize main ideas and express them clearly in paragraphs by using topic sentences and supporting them with facts and details Rules: 1. Restate the question/prompt as a topic sentence 2. Support the topic sentence with at least four more sentences. Types of Support:  Facts, Examples, Vocabulary 3. Use sequencing to help your writing flow Types of Sequencing:  Chronological & Order of Importance Example:  What are the three basic factors of production? There are three basic factors of production. The first is labor, this is the time, energy, knowledge, and skills used in a job Second is land, these are the resources we use to produce goods like wood, water, and cotton Last is capital, tools, machines, and buildings used to produce goods are examples of capital

7 Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics

8 Tree Map Purpose:  To show Main Ideas (Big Picture)  To show Sub-Topics and Details (Parts of a Whole) Rules: 1. Place Main Idea at the canopy/top of the tree map. 2. Attach Sub-Topics under the canopy/top of the tree map. 3. Attach Details under the sub-topics A. Summarize/Paraphrase facts & details B. Use verbs & adjectives when summarizing C. Write using word clusters D. Add layers to increase details Example: MAIN IDEA Sub-Topic Details

9 Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics

10 KWL Purpose:  To review previously learned info (K)  To set goals for what new learning to do (W)  To record new info learned (L) Rules: 1. Fill K section with a Cluster, Tree, Web, List, Table. * Use Main Ideas, Subtopics, Vocab, and Details from last section learned or chapter. 2. Create Learning Goals for W section * Use objectives, listed in workbook or textbook. * Rephrase objectives using learning verbs from DOK 3.Record newly learned info for goals in the L section. * Use Clusters, Tree Maps, Web Notes, Lists, and Tables to make recording easier. * New info should complete the goals listed Example:

11 KWL: DOK for Rule #2

12 Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics

13 Written Response Questions Purpose:  To answer written response questions effectively, efficiently, clearly, and correctly that do not require paragraph writing Rules: be written in complete sentences include part of the question have correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation give accurate information. Grading Scale: Level 4 – all rules met + expansion on or connection to learning Level 3 – all rules met Level 2 – includes 3 of 4 rules met Level 1 – includes 2 or fewer rules met Level 0 – not attempted

14 Mr. Jones 7 th Grade Civics

15 Anchor Grading Scale Grading Scale: Level 4 – all rules met + expansion on or connection to learning Level 3 – all rules met Level 2 – includes 3 of 4 rules met Level 1 – includes 2 or fewer rules met Level 0 – not attempted

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