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Concurrent Programming in JAVA Steve Pruett - Introduction Jaime Mendez – Thread Creation Adrian Garcia – Thread Management Eric Orozco – Thread Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Concurrent Programming in JAVA Steve Pruett - Introduction Jaime Mendez – Thread Creation Adrian Garcia – Thread Management Eric Orozco – Thread Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concurrent Programming in JAVA Steve Pruett - Introduction Jaime Mendez – Thread Creation Adrian Garcia – Thread Management Eric Orozco – Thread Safety and Liveness

2 Key Terminology Flow of Control - particular sequence of actions that the CPU performs Process - individual program, representing a larger and more complex flow of control handled by the operating system Thread – specific, smaller flow of control within a given process Multitasking - procedure that allows threads or processes to share time on a single processor by taking turns

3 Introduction Concurrent programming is the creation of more than one flow of control, functioning simultaneously, each with the ability to communicate with other operating flows. This can be implemented in two ways: –With a single program that contains multiple threads which share the same variables and object instances –With multiple programs which run at the same time and can pass messages to each other

4 Graphical Example of Flow of Control: When operating in sequence, one flow must be completed before another can begin, but more can be accomplished in the same time with concurrently operating flows. SequentialConcurrent Complex Concurrent

5 Pros & Cons of Concurrent Programming Pros:a. Increased speed b. Reduced idle time c. Better usage of multiprocessor machines Cons:a. Harder to program b. High memory usage due to switching, instantiation, and synchronization c. Race condition

6 History The idea of simultaneously running processes was originally implemented in the 1960’s with independent input-output device controllers, called channels. These channels acted as small computers, which were individually programmable. Advancements such as semaphores, message passing, multiple CPU’s, and the like have brought concurrent programming up to its current functionality and popularity.

7 Examples of Concurrent Programming Creating a more responsive application that can readily accept user input even if it is already involved in very intensive computational procedures. It can be applied in a server to give multiple clients simultaneous access to that server. Reactive system - program that continually checks collections of information for any changes, and reacts to those changes appropriately (autopilot systems, patient monitoring systems, etc.)

8 Creating Threads Two basic approaches –Extending the java.lang.Thread class –Implementing the java.lang.Runnable interface

9 Creating Threads My Thread Run() RunnableThread

10 Creating Threads Extending the Thread Class –All threads are instances of the Thread class –Run() method must be overriden in the subclass (Invoked indirectly)

11 Creating Threads Template for a new Thread class public class MyThread extends Thread{ public void run(){ //the thread body } //other methods and fields }

12 Creating Threads Extending Thread Example –Simple Infinite Counter


14 Thread 1 Thread 2

15 Creating Threads Implementing a Runnable Interface Java only supports a single inheritance among classes ( Ex: applets cannot also extend Thread class at the same time)

16 Creating Threads Runnable Interface public interface Runnable { public abstract void run(); } Template for a new Thread implementing the Runnable interface public class MyThread extends AnotherClass Implements Runnable { public void run(){ //the thread body } //other methods and fields }

17 Creating Threads Implementing the Runnable Interface Example –Simple Infinite Counter II


19 Thread 1 Thread 2

20 Thread Management Thread Life Cycle –Thread State Changes Thread Manipulation Methods –Thread Class –Object Class Thread Priority & Scheduling

21 Thread Life Cycle Life Cycle Consists of Three States: –New –Alive –Dead New State –Thread is in this state after its creation (new myThread();). –Remains in New state until start() method is invoked.

22 Thread Life Cycle Alive State –Thread enters this state when start() method is invoked –State is divided into two sub-states Runnable – Threads in this state are ready to run but may not necessarily be running Blocked – Threads in this state have been blocked and are not ready to run. Must wait until a method call moves thread back to Runnable state.

23 Thread Life Cycle Dead State –Thread enters this state when run() method has terminated and returned –Once in this state, thread is terminated –Change is final and irreversible Threads cannot jump back to a previous state. Threads are New, then Alive, then Dead.

24 Thread Life Cycle

25 Thread Manipulation Methods Thread’s state changes can be manipulated through the use of methods from two classes: –Thread Class –Object Class Methods from Thread Class –start() – Thread should be in New state. Method causes thread to enter Alive state and begin execution.

26 Thread Manipulation Methods –sleep() – Thread should be in Runnable state. Method causes thread to enter Blocked state for a defined amount of time after which it returns to Runnable state. –join() – Thread should be in Runnable state. Thread is blocked and waits until another thread stops execution before it returns to Runnable state. –yield() – Remains in Runnable state but gives other threads an opportunity to run.

27 Thread Manipulation Methods –interrupt() – If thread is in Runnable state, interrupted flag will be set. If thread is in Blocked state, it is awakened, enters Runnable state. –isAlive() – Returns true if thread is in Alive state, false otherwise. –isInterrupted() – Returns true if the interrupted flag is set.

28 Thread Manipulation Methods Object Class –wait() –notify() –notifyAll() These methods are used to change a thread’s state from Runnable to Blocked.

29 Priority & Scheduling Threads have priority attributes. Highest priority executes first. Priority can be changed by programmer. –setPriority(int newPriority) Possible for more than 1 thread to have the same priority –JVM determines which executes first.

30 Priority & Scheduling A thread with higher priority will obstruct a thread of lower priority. Program correctness should not depend on Priorities.

31 Thread Safety Safety Properties Problem –Race Hazard (AKA Race Condition) Solution –Synchronization – Creating Locks

32 Example of a Race Hazard The following piece of code can print either a 0 or a 1 depending on how the threads are scheduled. public class DataRace { static int a = 0; public static void main() { new MyThread().start(); a = 1; } public static class MyThread extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println(a); }

33 Examples of Synchronization Class MyClass{ synchronized public void aMethod(){ } Class MyClass{ public void aMethod(){ synchronized(this){ }

34 Examples of Synchronization Synchronized(expression){ }

35 Thread Cooperation using Guarded Suspension What is guarded suspension? –before a method is executed, the guard (precondition) is tested –execution continues only when the guard is true –execution is temporarily suspended until the guard becomes true if previously false

36 What Do We Use to Implement Guarded Suspension? The wait() Method The notify() Method The notifyAll() Method

37 The wait() Method wait() – The current thread is temporarily blocked and placed in a wait queue associated with the receiving object. The receiving object’s lock is temporarily released. The thread will resume execution when it is awakened by notify() or notifyAll().

38 The notify() Method notify() – One of the threads in the wait queue will be awakened and removed from the queue. The awakened thread must re-obtain the lock before it can resume at the point immediately after the invocation of wait().

39 The notifyAll() Method notifyAll() – This method is the same as notify(), except that every thread in the wait queue associated with the receiving object will be awakened and removed from the queue.

40 When to use What The wait() method should be invoked when a thread is temporarily unable to continue and to allow other threads to proceed The notify() or notifyAll() method should be invoked to make a thread notify other threads that they may proceed

41 Liveness What is Liveness? Ensure Liveness by Preventing Liveness Failures –Contention –Dormancy –Deadlock –Premature Termination

42 Liveness Failures Contention - occurs when a runnable thread never gets a chance to run. Dormancy - occurs when a thread that is blocked never becomes runnable. Deadlock - occurs when two or more threads block each other and none can make progress. Premature Termination - occurs when a thread is terminated before it should be and can result in impeding the progress of other threads.

43 Conclusion Concurrent programming is the practice of using multiple flows of control to achieve greater functionality and performance from software. It may require great caution when practicing, however it may yield great results.

44 Works Cited Goetz, Brian. “Don't let the ‘this’ reference escape during construction.” Java Theory and practice: Safe construction techniques. IBM. 11 April. 2005.. Hartley, Stephen J. Concurrent Programming. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998 Java Technology. 10 April. 2005. Sun Microsystems.. Jia, Xiaoping. Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java. 2 nd ed. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2003. Lea, Doug. Concurrent Programming In Java. 2 nd ed. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 2000 Book

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