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Published byDustin Parker Modified over 8 years ago
2010 Church Consultation Richview Baptist Church Consultation/Coaching Team Robin Pifer & Gary Carter
Why Don’t Our Congregations Succeed in Their Mission? 1.What is our mission? What is our Business? Who is our customer? 2.Whocan lead us to accomplish it? 2.Who can lead us to accomplish it? 3.How can we set up leaders to succeed? We are not clear on three major questions:
The Mission of Christ “Make Disciples” Matt 28:18-20 Winning the Lost (Going) - NIV Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise. NIV Philemon 1:6 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Building Believers (Baptizing) Equipping/Training Workers (Teaching) Multiplying Leaders to Multiply Churches (Sending Out) “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Functions of the Church Acts 2:42-47 Evangelism/Outreach Worship/Prayer Teaching/Equipping/Proclamation Fellowship/Care Service
From Mission to structure Mission: Why does our church exist? Only three possible answers: 1. It exists for US. Inward focus 2. It exists for OTHERS. Outward focus 3. It exists for BOTH. Who will be served first? Vision: A picture of mission-accomplished in the future. Values: Deeply held priorities that either line up with mission and vision or else undermine mission and vision. Structure: The arrangement of resources, which reveals our true values and offers the best chance to change them.
Control Paradigm vs. Trust Paradigm The pastor controls the ministries of the church to see that the people do things a certain way. The people control the leadership of the church to see that the pastor does things a certain way. Pastor and people treat each other like children because doing things a certain way is more important than bearing much fruit. Motto: “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” The pastor releases the ministries of the church to see that the people bear much fruit. The people release the leadership of the church to see that the pastor bears much fruit. Pastor and people treat each other like adults because bearing much fruit is more important than doing things a certain way. Motto: “This is to my Father’s glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
Average Worship Attendance from 1989 - 2009
Ministry Ranking According to the Survey
Smaller Church 15- 200 80-85% of Churches in North America Large Church 201- 500 10% Very Large 500+ 5%
Growth Barrier Challenges AttendanceNameCritical Challenges 50-99Very Small ChurchViability 100-199Small ChurchComplacency 200-399Mid-Size Church Regression 400-799Large ChurchBoard, Staff, & Culture 800-1799Very Large Ch.Succession 1800 +Mega-ChurchKingdom Contribution
Small to Large - Not Just Numbers 0-200 Small Church 200-400LargeChurch 400-800+Bigger Large Church
Breaking the 200 Barrier I. The Church must decide if it really wants to grow. How will our attitudes, ministries, budget change for growth. Become a church where everyone does not know each other. Move to outward focus rather than inward focus – contagious desire to grow. “We exist for the people not here yet!” Servants and Unselfish Start Acting like a Church of 400. Talk and Plan about the future rather than the present. Key: Does the Pastoral Staff and Board want to grow? II. The Role of the Pastor must change. Become a church where the pastor does not do all the pastoring. Shepherd to rancher. Manager to Leader
III. Members must be mobilized for ministry. Offer leadership and lay ministry training. (outreach, evangelism Phil 1:6) Align resources to a new vision. Restructure for success. Simple Programming. Think in ministry systems for the church. – See handout… Breaking 200
Breaking the 200 …. IV. Multiple Services – Add Space/Seats – 80% problem – Expand the Facility… V. Multiple Staff that is Specialized. VI.Big Days – Easter, Christmas Eve, Fall Fair… (four outreach events per year) Build 10% of your budget in local outreach…. VII. Multiple Cells and Third Places. (8-12, 62)
Requirements of a Large Church 1.Staff lead the “home-base” ministries of the church. 2.Framework for fellowship and care is programmed. 3.Assimilation of newcomers is intentional. 4.Church vision is continually kept before the people. 5.Communication is maintained to the level of redundancy. 6.Senior pastor leads the staff, board, and congregation. 7.The board affirms and protects the pastor rather than granting or withholding permission. 8.Expectations for how ministry is done are raised. 9.The congregation is honeycombed with “third places.” 10.Mission and vision are placed above self-interest.
Lifecycle of a Church Childhood Infancy MaturityAdulthood Adolescence Empty Nest Old Age Retirement DeathBirth V = Vision.......... Where should we go? R = Relationship... Whom should we bring? M = Ministries...... How will we get there? S = Structure..... What should we control? Vrms VRms VRMs vRMS VRMS vrmS vRmS vrMS - - - s
V R m s r v M S Upward Lifecycle Downward Lifecycle When Vision is driving, Relationship rides alongside; structure and ministries are always catching up. When Structure is driving, Ministries rides alongside; vision and relationship are always left behind.
Upward Lifecycle Critical Needs Earlier StagesDevelop Critical Mass. Middle StagesDevelop Sustained Momentum. Later StagesDevelop the Next Mountain. Downward Lifecycle Critical Needs Earlier StagesRestore Vision thru RENEWAL. Middle StagesRestore Vision thru RESTRUCTURING. Later StagesRestore Vision thru REBIRTH.
Leadership Team’s Perception of Richview’s Lifecycle Stage
Age Groups 0 to 24 – 14.0% 25-44 – 26% 45-64 – 38% Over 65- 33%
……. Here are the three lists….
Top Five Assets For Healthy Growth A Pastor who is deeply appreciated and respected for the practical preaching of the Word of God. Richview has a rich diversity of people who deeply care for others in their own circle of church friends. Richview has a growing desire for outreach to the neighbourhood along with training for planned action.
Top Assets for Healthy Growth The Richview congregation has a great yearning for a clear focus and vision to reach the neighbourhood with the gospel and to enfold people into a loving church community. There is a genuine urgency for true spiritual revival and unity for the Richview community. There are untapped people and financial resources that demonstrate a tremendous stewardship potential for the Richview mission. Richview has church facilities that are a great resource tool for the future growth potential of the church.
Top Five Obstacles Hindering Healthy Growth A primarily Inward Focus of Attention with no clear compelling Vision and Strategy for local church mission. There needs to be a coordinating leadership development process to develop the implementation of the vision. Very little personal, team and corporate evangelism. Equipping is below average to bring people through a process from New Believer, Baptism and Membership, Ministry Worker to Mobilization for Mission. There needs to be a release from the spiritual bondage and disabling focus on the past that is hindering the church from experiencing God’s blessings.
Clarification and acceptance of the Biblical expectations and responsibilities need to be taught regarding the ministry of staff, lead pastor and elder’s board, deacons, ministry directors and congregation. Although there is a friendly spirit at Richview there is no intentional welcoming process and clear communication channels to welcome and inform new and current people at the church.
Top Five Prescriptions For Healthy Growth 1. That Richview Baptist Church Cry out to God in repentance and prayer regarding a lack of obedience to the Great Commission by focusing with a renewed vision implementation plan to reach lost people in the community to become a church of 400 in the next five years. Hold a Sacred Assembly to Repent and Cry Out to God for a renewed vision of Mission for the Church. To Pursue a Process of Prayer and coaching for a Mission, Vision and Implementation plan for the church to be a church of 400 within the next five years. For the next twelve months once per month prayer teams prayer walk the neighborhoods in the 2 km radius around the church where community people gather to pray for them while asking God to open our eyes to where He is working in the community.
2. That Richview Baptist Church develop along with outside coaching a step by step process of equipping and training for pre-believers to mobilizing believers for Mission and Ministry. Schedule 4 Leadership Summits this year for training and communication amongst Staff, Elders, Deacons, and Ministry leaders to pursue the vision and mission of Richview Baptist Church. Schedule two training and equipping times this year for outreach and evangelism training for the church. Develop a sermon based small group study on Healthy Relationships for a 2010 fall series. Develop a written implementation plan by September 2010 for the step by step process of discipleship for the congregation of Richview Baptist Church.
3. That teaching, training and a one page organizational map be developed for Richview Baptist Church outlining the biblical the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for Leadership and the membership of the congregation by November 2010. Develop channels and an effective communication approach for Richview Baptist Church by December 2010.
4. That Richview Baptist Church enhance their welcoming process of newcomers and current attendees to develop relationships in order to retain and follow up people attending the church. That a brief welcome and link teaching time happen at the consultation weekend to train the congregation in being more relational. That a clear process along with trained personnel be part of the welcome and follow up team to assist the outreach efforts of the church and be in place by September 2010. That the leadership team address the parking issues, the foyer needs and the sound issues to present a more relational ministry focus.
5. That the Richview Baptist Church leadership team (Elders and Staff) participate in a leadership training process over this next year to develop missional leadership skills for the implementation of the vision plan for the church. That Pastor Darryl Dash be coach over the next year, intensely during his Sabbatical and evaluated by a qualified coach and trained in leadership skills to influence and take the church further in its future preferred mission for Christ. That the Staff and Elders have a weekend leadership training retreat by September 2010.
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