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Gifts. I.Gifts are gifts, not rewards. A.They are not the result of holiness: B.The church at Corinth, notorious for its unholiness, abounded in gifts.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifts. I.Gifts are gifts, not rewards. A.They are not the result of holiness: B.The church at Corinth, notorious for its unholiness, abounded in gifts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifts

2 I.Gifts are gifts, not rewards. A.They are not the result of holiness: B.The church at Corinth, notorious for its unholiness, abounded in gifts. (1 Co 1:7). C.Gifts are sovereignly dispensed by the Holy Spirit “as He wills” (1 Co12:11b).

3 II. Every Christian has gifts (Eph 4:7; 1 Pe 4:10; 1 Co 12:11). A. But they differ. B. They differ in kind, purpose, results, and measure (1 Co12:4-6, 11; Eph 4:7). III. Individual gifts are given to each one for the benefit of the whole: A. 1 Co 12:7, 14-31. B. All are equally important and needed by the whole body (1 Co 12:11b).

4 IV. Each Christian should cultivate his gifts for the whole. A. By discovering them, developing them, and deploying them. B. Rom. 12:3-8 gives the framework for doing so: 1. V. 3 – evaluate soberly to discover God’s gifts. Examine, test consult with others, etc. 2. Vv. 4, 5 – recognize the function of each gift among the many. 3. Vv. 6-8 – use the gift in practical applications by God’s help.

5 V. The above facts have practical implications for counseling: A. Help counselees to stop trying to do what they do not have the gifts to do. B. Help counselees to discover, develop, and then to live up to the potential that the measure of their gifts requires. C. Help counselees to find the proper place for the exercise of their gifts. D. Help counselees to use gifts for the benefit of their brethren in harmony with them. E. Help counselees to be thankful for their gifts and not to complain about the Spirit’s judgment in not dispensing different ones to them. F. Help counselees not to complain about others when their efforts are limited by the measure of their gifts. G. Help counselees not to be proud of their accomplishments, recognizing that the gifts that enables them to succeed are from God, not from themselves.

6 Romans 12 exhortation giving leadership mercy prophecy service teaching 1 Corinthians 12 administration apostle discernment faith healing helps knowledge miracles administration apostle discernment faith healing helps knowledge miracles prophecy teaching tongues tongues interpretation wisdom tongues interpretation wisdom Ephesians 4 Apostle evangelism pastor prophecy teaching evangelism pastor Misc. Passages celibacy hospitality martyrdom missionary voluntary poverty

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