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Six Case Studies on Neighborhood Stabilization.  In the face of large numbers of homes facing foreclosure – and limited resources – how did these communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Six Case Studies on Neighborhood Stabilization.  In the face of large numbers of homes facing foreclosure – and limited resources – how did these communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six Case Studies on Neighborhood Stabilization

2  In the face of large numbers of homes facing foreclosure – and limited resources – how did these communities target?  Attack broad real estate markets: Phoenix; Tampa; Dayton  Target resources in neighborhoods of heavy need: Oakland, CA  Begs the question – which can only be answered years from now – of which has the biggest impact

3  Given scarcity of resources, cities need partners  Funding: Dayton; Tampa – leveraged from financial institutions (Dayton also leveraged relationships re: REO)  Skills: Development, sales, finance skills – Tampa with B of A CDC; Oakland and Dayton with nonprofits; Phoenix with ROI and developers

4  Housing markets don’t stop at the city line  Few cities vigorous pursued regional approaches to foreclosures  Dayton worked with other communities on info exchange and NSP II application  Tampa and Phoenix had meetings with other local governments


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